
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

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237 Chs

Inglourious Basterds

On the way back to the hotel, Lin Zhimei took out the necklace in his pocket.

He pointed the jade plate at the sunlight.

The sun penetrated the jade card, the whole body was thorough, it was not like there was something hidden inside.

Lin Zhiming frowns.

Why would Wang Jun leave such a thing for his wife?

Is there any direct relationship between Wang Jun's illness and his later death?

Lin Zhixing, as the person in charge of the medical examination at that time, he must know Wang Jun's illness, does that mean that he can use this matter to do some articles?

Lin Zhimin frown, the things of the year, seems to be a little bit of the surface.

It's 1 o 'clock in the afternoon when we get back to the hotel.

Yao Jing with Song Siqing has also eaten a meal, Song Siqing make up a sleep, the whole person looks much better mental state.

Lin Zhi back also dont rest, pulling two people out of the hotel.

The sun shone down on the earth with searing bursts of heat.

There are two yellow cars parked outside the hotel.

This is a unique shared electric car in the city of Magic, specially for those who want to go out for a ride, the electric car's power is amazing, it is said that you can ride from morning to night.

Of course, the price is not cheap, dozens of dollars an hour.

"Get in!" Lin Zhi picked up the phone to unlock one of them, waving to Yao Jing.

Yao Jing smiled, unlocked another car, and then loaded Song Siqing.

"You're a light bulb." Lin Zhi Zhi quipped.

"Yao Jing is mine!" Song Siqing sat behind Yao Jing, put his arm around Yao Jing's waist.

"This waist, really there is no fat, and it does not give people the feeling of being skinny, TSK TSK, extreme, it is only I can hug!" Song Siqing proudly said.

"You took advantage of my fucking wife!" Lin knew his destiny and laughed and cursed.

"You can take advantage of me too, come on!" Song Siqing patted his butt behind the head exposed a little seat.

"I want to, afraid of a flat tire, set out, around the island tour!" Lin Zhi said, unscrew the switch.

The car whooshed and sped out.

"Hold on to me!" Yao Jing to Song Siqing charged way.

"Good catch, let's go." Song Siqing said.

Yao Jing nodded, slowly unscrewed the switch, the car slowly opened out.

Phantom city is a very beautiful city, the road is clean, the roadside is neat coconut forest, and his road is built on the beach, you can ride, while looking at the beautiful scenery of the beach and the sea.

One afternoon, Lin Zhiming and they circled around the city, they ate delicious mango glutinous rice ice, drank coconut water, ate mango jelly, played water projects, and went to the Ocean Park.

By the time they got back to the hotel, it was completely dark.

Yao Jing with Song Siqing two people also black.

Although they wore sunscreen, they couldn't stand spending the afternoon outside in the sun, and their skin glowed red, looking as if they had just stepped out of a sauna.

In contrast, Lin Zhixin, he did not wipe any sunscreen, looking at it is still white as usual.

"Isn't your husband's skin sick? Such an afternoon outside in the wind and sun, but it has not turned red at all!" Song Siqing said, while pulling up the hand of Lin Zhixin looked up.

"Really sick!" Yao Jing agreed with the nod, her skin is fast, but with Lin Zhi life is not better than.

"My skin, the general people do not envy, this is born, my mother's skin is good... Quiet, if we have children in the future, the baby's skin must be good, the baby's skin is with the father." Lin Zhimei said with a smile.

Yao Jing rolled his eyes to Lin.

"By the way, when are you going to have kids?" Song Siqing asked, she knew Lin Zhimin and Yao Jing had never been with the room before, but now the relationship between the two people has changed, she thought that the two should have crossed the line long ago, so there is such a problem.

"Wait until the seas run dry and the rocks break down." Yao Jing said.

"Wait for sows to grow and for house prices to fall." Lin Zhixin also followed.

"You two, really!" Song Siqing powerless to ridicule.

"Come on, I'll treat you to seafood." Lin waved his hand and walked to the restaurant of the hotel.

Yao Jing with Song Siqing two people arm in arm with the back of the Lin Zhi.

The three of them found a seat by the beach and sat down.

Lin Zhimei took the menu busy order, Yao Jing took advantage of this time to pick up the mobile phone, deal with the company's things, and Song Siqing is the mobile phone from flight mode to normal mode.

She returned the money to Xu Qing before, but also kicked Zhao Dalong out of the group, this matter caused a stir in the fan group, many people came to ask her, even the president of the trade union called to ask, she was too bothered, simply put the phone to the flight mode.

As soon as the phone was opened, a vast number of messages jumped out, and many missed calls also jumped out.

Song Siqing some surprised, according to the reason, kick away a local rich fans, also will not cause such a big sensation.

Song Siqing opened a lot of news to look up, this look, Song Siqing's face has changed.

"Asshole! Song Siqing couldn't help but take the phone on the table.

'What's the matter? Ms. Yao asked.

"That Zhao Dalong, he actually told people everywhere that I came to see him yesterday to send guns thousands of miles, and also said that I cheated him of money, and he was screened today!" Some people have sent this matter to the live platform of the post bar! Now the post has been on fire, saying that I sent sex to cheat money, but also on the hot search, this asshole, how he so shameless ah!" Song Siqing said excitedly.

"Let me see! Yao Jing said.

Song Siqing will mobile phone to Yao Jing.

Yao Jing looked at it, and her face suddenly became ugly.

'This is too much! Yao Jing blackened her face and said, "How can a man be so shameless!"

Lin Zhimin holding a mobile phone, opened the microblogging hot search, in the hot search list of the thirteenth position, Lin Zhimin saw the beauty anchor to send guns to cheat money hot search topic.

To be able to go to the thirteenth hot search position, that proves that there are already a lot of people concerned about this matter.

Lin Zhiming point hot search topics, most of them are some entertainment number forwarded content, the original source of the content is Song Siqing where the live platform forum.

The person who posted it was Zhao Dalong's number, and it was posted at 2 p.m.

Zhao Dalong in the post described in detail how Song Siqing is to insinuate him, let him spend money to give her gifts, and then thousands of miles to send guns, especially came to magic city with him for a night of sex, and then Song Siqing in the middle of the night with Zhao Dalong said lack of money, Zhao Dalong returned to Song Siqing transfer a sum of money.

At the end of the post, Zhao Dalong said that he did not expect Song Siqing to screen him after getting his money, but also kicked him out of the fan group, he was angry, but this only to expose Song Siqing on the Internet.

In the post there are a few photos of Song Siqing, the photos of Song Siqing dress up are more SAO, give people see not much like a serious person's feeling.

Although the whole post did not give any strong evidence, but this did not prevent the melon eaters to watch the play and forward the post.

In the comments section, almost all of them are scolding Song Siqing.

"You are difficult now, your visibility is placed there, many people are willing to step on your foot at this time, Internet users are obviously already high court, no matter what you explain at this time, no one will listen." Lin said as instructed.

"I, I really am! Song Siqing has been gas speechless, she has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, defeated how many sexy bitch, did not expect to eventually fold in Zhao Dalong here.

"But it's a good opportunity for you." Lin said with a smile.

"Good opportunity?" Song Siqing frowns and asks, "What good opportunity?"

"What is the most important thing for an Internet celebrity? Fame, no matter it is good or bad, as long as fame is a tool to make money. Can you see how many Internet celebrities can be on the hot search list? You can't buy that for any amount of money... You go to your studio to see if it is gaining followers?" Lin said as instructed.

Song Siqing hurriedly opened his own broadcast room.

The chat channel in the live broadcast room was full of tourist groups who had come to watch her.

Song Siqing took a look at her fans, and sure enough, her fans rose by more than two hundred thousand in a few hours!

"But it's not a good reputation." Yao Jing said.

"Yeah, I haven't married yet, and I've been tarnished, so how can I get married after that?" Song Siqing said excitedly.

"Have you forgotten that I asked you to ask Xu Qing for a receipt when you returned the money?" Lin asked.

"I remember... Aaargh! I get it! I can prove my innocence if I send the record of paying back the money." Song Siqing surprise said.

"This thing, if it is just self-proof, that much less interesting, that is, big thunder and little rain, my advice to you is, taking advantage of the heat of this thing, quickly find a few pheasant reporters to give you an interview, and then send a video to go up, say the whole thing over, try to make things big, when you can not only rise 200,000 fans of things, may be two million, Even twenty million!" Lin said as instructed.

'You're right! Song Siqing eyes light up, if you can use this thing to hype up, then she may become a big net celebrity.

But the next moment, Song Siqing's eyes darkened.

"No, you can't do that! Song Siqing shook her head.

'Why? Lin Zhimin asked with a smile.

"If I do this, this thing will be uncontrollable fermentation, and then Xu Qing, and his children, how they deal with themselves." I can't do that!" Song Siqing said.

"Xu Qing scolded you so much, what happened to her is none of your business." Lin said as instructed.

"She scolded me, just because she was deceived by Zhao Dalong, this matter, I hope to stop, I do not want to expand further, I will put the repayment of things up to talk about, and then put the receipt out, everyone is willing to believe, do not want to believe, I will not explain too much, clear, I have returned all the money to him, I have a clear conscience!" Song Siqing said seriously.