This novel is on hiatus. When humans first started to explore beyond their planet, they encountered a species that they soon named Parasites. These creatures were common throughout the galaxy which brought humans to question their origins. At first, they left the parasites alone, unsure of what they were capable of. However, it didn't take long until the first human slayed one. News started spreading like wildfire that killing these creatures gave the killer a strange type of energy, that was soon to be discovered as life essence. This energy filled the humans with strength and vigor, they got addicted to it. The hunt began, and that's when they discovered another species while exploring the galaxy. They were named Aberrants. The first contact with them was not friendly whatsoever. In fact, their first contact ended in bloodshed, thus starting the war. Nazurak was born into this raging war. His parents sold him off to a company that purchases humans with helpful Soul Traits and puts them to work. Nazurak was placed on a farm where he worked for 4 years until he was selected to join a platoon to explore a planet inside enemy territory. Unfortunate to him, this platoon had no experience with war, let alone combat. How will they survive on this unknown planet? What are the origins of their enemies? What will Nazurak do about the war? Hello, author here. This is my first book with little to no experience in writing. But I hope you enjoy what I have. Trying to do 1 chapter a week, 1500 words. When I publish a chapter it will always be on a Friday, or the following day, Saturday. Edit: slowing down a bit, most likely won't hit 1 ch a week.