
97 - A Dream About the End

The TV showing the credits of a movie was the only light source in the house's living room, highlighting two people sitting side by side leaning on each other on the sofa.

Seeing that as a chance to speak, "I still don't understand why you like this one." One of them commented with a mouth full of popcorn.

Hearing that, the other sighs in exasperation, "You know the reason I love this movie, Alex." And slowly explained herself again, "Leonardo. DiCaprio." As a broad smile grows on her face.

Sensing the tease, Alex simply responds with a head shake and a wry smile of his own.

No longer have a desire to pursue the topic further, "I'm too tired to be jealous right now, Tia." Alex positioned his head so that it lay on the thigh of his wife, "Remind me of that tomorrow, alright?" Before finally closing his eyes.

Realizing his lover is tired, "Su ...." Tia's smile softened. Then, she froze. Her eyes stare in disbelief at the head of her husband that now lay comfortably on her thigh.

Finally, after a moment of silence, "…eh?" She blinked, realizing her husband was no longer awake, "Alex...?" This meant only one thing: she was stuck in her current position until morning came, a few fates worse than death.

Refusing to accept such a cruel curse again, "No, no, no!" Tia squirmed in her seat with a desperate scream, "Alex, no!" Hoping for a miracle that will make Alex opens his eyes.

Unfortunately, magic doesn't exist in the real world.

Instead of waking up, Tia's husband sank deeper into his sleep, like a baby being gently rocked to slumber.

Seeing that, Tia lowered her head in surrender to fate.

She had known Alex and sleep with him for a long time, and she knew very well that her husband couldn't be forced to wake up.

And with that knowledge, Tia accepted her predicament and sighed a heavy sigh.

With one last look to her husband, she swore to the universe she would nag this heartless man the next day before trying to find the best position to sleep while sitting.

Tia took a few tries to find the proper position before she could finally fall asleep from being too tired from searching.

Slowly, the darkness robbed her consciousness; snatched her from the real world, drowning her in a dream that her husband currently saw from a different perspective.

There, she saw the sky crack and fall to the earth. The mountains crumbled to the ground that trembles with anger, moving the seas to land and human settlements that couldn't escape all nature's attacks.

However, the worst part wasn't all that, nor was the fact that Tia could feel every catastrophe's effects.

No, no, no. The worst part was the part that Tia didn't want to accept, which was that she and her husband separated on the day the universe ended.

The left ring fingers of the two were no longer tied together, their hearts no longer contained each other, and their eyes stared blankly at the red sky, wishing for a quick death.

Of course, if people knew that was Tia's biggest concern during Armageddon, they would mock and judge her as a selfish woman.

And they're right. Tia was quite selfish when things started to concern Alex. After all, she intended to spend her entire life with that sweet bundle of a man.

Therefore, watching the future ahead, Tia could only ask, "How come…?" As she looked down to her hands; and found the answer there.