Michikatsu Genji, that is my name. I am only but a normal highschool student in their sophomore year.. I went through my days with the same thing almost every single day. I wake up at around 5 A.M to go for a morning run, then at 6 A.M, I will cook some breakfast for my little sister, Michikatsu Shihori. Then most of the rest of the day I would spent at school or my part time job at a restaurant where I work as a junior cook. In holiday, I usually only train my body or just have fun with my friend. The days went by happily everyday.. but on that day.. the world ending event dubbed The 'Revelation' began.. . . . Disclaimer: The artwork for my cover is not mine, if the original artist is not willing to let me use their artwork, please contact me as I will delete it.
"Shihori, wake up! The breakfast is ready"
"Uuuu, 10 more minute!"
"No, wake up now or I'll left you behind!"
"Okay! Okay!"
"*sigh* Good morning, Shihori.."
"Hehe! Good morning, Nii-san!"
My name is Michikatsu Genji, I am a normal highschool student living in a country called Japan. I am currently in my sophomore year of highschool. I had not done a lot of things in my highschool years until now. I had too much things to do after all. What things I need to do? Well.. work.
I am currently living with my little sister, Michikatsu Shihori. She is currently in her first year of middle school. We had similar features with a strikingly shiny platinum white wair. With the main difference of her having a darker grey eye colour while I had a light grey eye colour.
So.. where are our parents? Well.. dead. They had died since quite a while ago. More precisely it has been around 6 years. They died of an accident caused by an earthquake which causes them to be crushed by the ruins of a building..
Both me and Shihori had been living off our parents left will and the insurance of our parents.. But even that money will run out eventually.. so I just kept on working to give Shihori a better life.
Well.. where are our relatives you may ask? Well.. our parents are both single child.. and our grandparents have both passed away a long time ago even before we are born.
"What will we have today..?" I heard the sleepy voice of Shihori from behind me.
"We still have the leftover curry from yesterday.. so we'll just have that.." I answered her while preparing her food.
"Go wash your face first then we'll eat" I told her. She only nodded weakly and went to the bathroom.
Shihori is my only family left. She is also the future of us. She is a smart child, genius may I say. She had learned the lessons of a college level subject since she was in 6th grade. She was smart, but her attachment towards me is a sort of problem..
Well you see.. she actually had been offered a lot of scholarships.. either in the country or outside of the country. But she had rejected all of them.. why? Well based on what she said..
"I don't want to be separated with Nii-san!"
That is a sort of problem for me.. well, I am not as smart as her.. I am no genius in terms of academics. I had a pretty average ability in terms of school. The only thing I am great of is my ability in martial arts but that is it..
I don't want myself to be a blockade for her to achieve greatness in her life.. that is why I had worked hard to save up money so I could give her the life I will never had..
I placed her food on the table and prepared my own food while waiting for her to come back from the bathroom.
After a while, she came back with a more fresh face but a messy hair which I could only sigh seeing it..
"Let's eat!" She said excitedly while taking a seat.
"Okay.. Okay.." I placed my own food on the table and also take a seat myself.
There is not a lot of things I could do in my life other than giving my last family a better life. And I would do everything I could for that.. no excuses needed. Why..? Because she is my family.. nothing more.
'"Thanks For The Food!"' And so our normal days began.. but today.. everything would be very different from every other day..
"Ohh! Hey, Genji!" I heard the sound of an over enthusiastic person from my side.
"Good morning, Masayoshi.." He is Endo Masayoshi. One of my friends since my childhood. We had always been together since the elementary school.
"Still as cold as ever you are, Genji!" He laughed out loud which kind of annoys me.
"Give me back my notes, Masayoshi" I said to him with a threatening tone without even looking at his face.
"W-Well.. I kind of.. left if at home..?" He said while fidgeting a lot while looking somewhere else..
"*sigh* You lost it don't you..?" I said with a fully annoyed tone.
"I lost it.." He muttered lowly.. but I could still hear him pretty damn well..
"*sigh*.. You better pay me back for that" I said to him letting him go..
"Aye! Aye! Cap't" He said while doing a salute.
"Well, children! Go back to your seats! The class is starting!" And so the first class of the day is starting.
"*sigh* I am bored.." Today is the last day before the weekend.. but today is also the most boring day of the week.. there are nothing fun today..
It is currently the third class of the day.. after this we will have a 20 minute lunch break which is a blessing from the gods if I may say..
"Genji! Stop slacking off back there!" I suddenly heard my name getting called by the teacher.. Hirayama Katsumi-sensei.. the senior math teacher in our school..
He had a pretty bad rep in my head and I kinda don't like him.. well why? Simply said, he has a favoritism syndrome.. well for the girls only of course.. you know what I mean..
"Genji! Solve this limit function.."
"Huh..? What.. is.. happening..?" Suddenly Hirayama-sensei's voice became more and more vague..
"Argh..!" Suddenly my head also became very heavy and pain started to spread throughout my whole body..
"Genji!" I could hear Masayoshi's voice calling out to me.. but I had an even worse premonition.. I had a feeling something worse is happening.. not only to me.. but..
"Watch.. out!" I shouted to everyone.. but before anyone could even react.. suddenly the door of our classroom was shot through the class.. into Hirayama-sensei.. killing him instantly. Then.. after that all hell broke loose.
"What is happening?!"
"No! This can't be happening!"
"Tch, Genji! Are you alright?" Chaos continues to ensue around us.
"I am fine.. what is happening?" I asked feeling my headache becoming better.
"I don't know. Tch, this is troublesome!" It is pretty impressive seeing Masayoshi didn't even bothered by the presence of a giant pool of blood at the front of the whole class..
"Grah!!" Suddenly groanings were heard from the entrance of the class.. and what entered was..
"What is that?!"
"Mo- monsters!!"
"..Goblins..?" Masayoshi muttered lowly.
"What the actual fuck is happening?!" I said in frustration.
"Kyaa!" We then heard another scream of terror as we saw the goblins stabbed one of our classmates with a sword..
"There's no time to ask! Run!" Masayoshi said urgently because.. the goblins are attacking us..!
Then once again an even worse hell was unleashed towards our world.. an unknown event that had turned the world into a chaotic place.. The 'Revelation' had begun..
"Tch, can you move, Genji?" I heard the voice of a concerned Masayoshi beside me as he was ready to carry me to run away.
"Y-Yes!" I slowly stood up ready to form a plan to run away from this bad situation..
"What is this..?" Then I heard Masayoshi muttered. I take a look at him and found him staring at nothing..
"What are you doing, Masayoshi! We need to run!" I said to him with an urgent tone.
"Are you not seeing this, Genji?!" He said with a very surprised voice. Then I take a look around me..
"What.. the.. hell..?" Everything seemed to stop moving.. it's as if that the time had stopped.. just as about I am to question.. a voice was heard..
{Hello, mortals. All of you may had asked who am I, I am a perfect being, a God} The voice said something outrageous. Yet it was believable.. after everything that had happened it is not even strange that we suddenly were given a superpower or magic or some other shit..
{I had observed your world for thousands upon thousands of years. Yet I had found all of you to be..} I was expecting him to pass out a judgement calling us 'evil' or some kind.. but..
{BORING!} What this self-proclaimed God said was something that even I would not expect..!
{I had given all of you the chance to do many things! Yet all of you ever done was became this 'peace-loving hypocritic' beings!} He said with an annoyed and angry tone.
'What the fuck is he saying?! I mean I agree at the hypocritic part.. but what the hell?!' I thought to myself silently.. it seems that the others also had the same thought as me.. but we just couldn't express that outwards!
{And so, I had to do things my own way!} The voice said while laughing like a maniac..
{I had unleashed calamity upon this world} He said calmly without any hesitation. My sweat was dropping hearing this statement..
'How can a God just do this? Is this some sort of behaviour a God could just do..?' I thought silently.. I mean literally, assuming the voice was really a God.. that means he is potentially omnipotent and omniscient..
{But fret not, mortals! I had given you each a unique power to resist the calamity! Those who had died were unfortunate, but it is a sacrifice I am willing to make!} The voice said with a maniacal laughter that even made me shiver..
{So then, mortals..!} Suddenly his voice got darker and more menacing..
{Be sure to entertain me!!} The voice said with I think is a creepy and sadistic.. smile.
{The End Had Revealed Itself Onto The World! This Is The 'Revelation'!!}
Right after the voice stopped, a small panel appeared right in front of the face of everybody.. but none at mine..
"Genji! Is this real..?" Masayoshi asked while trembling in fear..
'Huh even he could feel fear-' Before I could continue my thought, I could feel the time suddenly went back to normal and everything around us started to unfold once again..!
"Tsk, there is no time to ask questions..!" I said to Masayoshi. He realised this and braced himself for a possible death and slaughter..
"Fireball!" We then heard a shout which was followed by..
"Tsk, so this is what God meant by powers, huh..?" I said while my sweat dropped from my face because of the heat..
But even despite that attempt at killing them with a literal ball of fire..
"GRAHHH!!" They are still alive..
'Tsk, they are still alive! This will be harder than I thought..!' I thought while carefully observing the movement of the Goblins.
"EVERYONE DO NOT BE AFRAID! WE HAVE THE POWER FROM GOD! LET'S DO THIS!!!" I then heard one shout from one of the student inside of the class.. he was confident that we could take down the Goblins with our given abilities..
"What abilities do you have, Masayoshi..?" I asked Masayoshi which was still in a trance.. but I was answered by silence from him..
"MASAYOSHI! We don't have time to think, here! What is your ability?" I asked with a larger and fiercer tone.
"H-Huh..? I have what it said as 'Freezing Touch'-"
"Okay.. I have the gist of it! That means you can control what things you freeze when you touch them, right?" I asked him for his own confirmation.
"Y-Yeah! I could control what I freeze or how much I could freeze!" He explained.
"Okay! I have a plan-" Before I could explain my plan to Masayoshi, I already could hear the shoutings of pain from my classmates..
"Why is nothing working?!"
"They are stron- Argh!"
"Seems like they are way stronger than we thought.." I muttered.
"But nothing I couldn't break through..!" I noticed that they are getting slower and slower. There are around 4 goblins inside the classroom here.
Based on my surroundings, from the 36 students that were originally in the class.. only 14 are currently left. Either died or ran away..
'But I assumed that outside wasn't much better anyway..' I thought solemnly..
"Masayoshi, we are going to go through.." I said to Masayoshi.
"What?! Are you crazy?! Even our classmates who had magics that could cause an explosion didn't work to them! How can we do this?!" Masayoshi looked at me like I was crazy.. but I keep my calm.
"Your ability will be our key. Your physical abilities aren't that far off mine. We will break through them with your Freezing Touch.. and I will shatter them with my pure physical strength.. are you ready?" I immediately got ready..
"Tch, even at times like this you are still as cool as ever, huh?" Masayoshi said with a smile on his face beside me.
"Hahaha! Is that so?" I only laughed it off, as I don't have a damn clue what he is talking about..
"Well, I'll trust you..!" He said with determination.
"Don't die, GENJI!" He said while charging forward with his max speed making even I surprised..
"Heh, you are also one cool of a motherfucker!" I followed suit behind him while a smile crept up my face like a maniac.
'I will survive this place! No matter what! And I will save Shihori!' I thought about how Shihori was doing..
"Be safe, Shihori.. please.." I muttered with hope before I faced the calamity in front of me hoping for the best.. not that I could pray to God anymore.