
the Return of dragons king

In a world where the strong rule the weak, Chu Jin, the second prince of the Chu Empire, is born with supernatural powers and a legendary blessing. But a tragedy occurred, and his power was sealed and his Meridians were destroyed by the Heavenly Demon King Dai Qing after he killed his mother and caused damage to his father. What will he do after hearing the story from his father?

HGamerP · Oriental
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24 Chs

22 Preparations for seven years

As they walk towards the academy

Jin summoned one of his followers

"What do you need, Your Majesty?"

"Gather your team and take with you a group of golden soldiers and take all the spoils of war."

"Your Majesty"

They made their way

"We have to find a better place to train

Because the academy has become annoying."

" There is an event in which everyone participates

It is held every ten years and the next matches will be after seven years

It is a sect event

battle royale

The winner can choose any sect he wants and also gets a valuable prize "

" So this is our goal from now on

And before that, I have to treat your paths so that you can participate."

they get back to the academy

And things went back to the way they were

But news started spreading about him destroying an empire alone

"I have to try to open the Fourth Seal so that I can stand up to the Immortal Realms' owners on my own and find a way to upgrade the puppet

Then I get the power of space so I can create my own world."

He went and told Chun Aire to take care of himself until he came out of his closed training

He entered into a long meditation that lasted for five months

He managed to open the fourth seal

His strength has risen to the Fifth Level Immortal Realm

"This way, I won't worry about age, and I can use time-stopping easily

And now I can cure it.

Went to say hi to Airi

"Jin, I'm out of meditation."

"Yes, I have news so I can treat you."

" truly!!

I'm so happy" I shed tears of joy

Jin wiped her tears and took her hand

"follow me"

They went to a training room

He sat down and put his hand on her back and released his strength

The treatment lasted for a week

"Now I just have to put some needles of light on the places where the qi gather points to open them.

It will hurt a little."

" I am ready "

"Now Absorb the qi and pump it towards the assembly points."

Qi began to decrease in the room and bright spots appeared on her body

She got her Meridians back

"Wow, I can use my powers, thank you."

She hugged him

" Now you just have to improve yourself

The best method is dual meditation

We sit together and put our hands in front of each other so that both of us can evolve and also you can copy the powers of the elements that I have

The rate of evolution will be increased 5 times."

They sat in front of each other and put their hands in front of the other and entered into meditation. It didn't take long

Airi has entered the Advanced Paths stage

Keep meditating for a week

"I quickly entered the Fifth Earth Realm stage. This technique is useful, but why didn't the qi within you change?"

"That's because the chi here no longer works for me

The chi here is not dense and pure

Looks like I have to make the path quickly then we can go to my world."

"Then let's learn it together and then I can help you fix the path."

" Good "

They continued to study Space Force for weeks

Until they get good results

They managed to make an empty sphere of everything in the shape of a small ball

We have achieved the first step of the Space Force

Now let's try to use the power of development on it."

" okey "

After using the power of development, they were able to increase the size of the domain

"Let's stop here"

"yeah, I'm tired."

They said goodbye to each other and went to their room

Now I can start my project

Golden Palace"

He went outside the academy and made an empty domain

city ​​size

He cut off an area of ​​land and placed it within the range and using the force of gravity was able to make it float

Putting a few elemental powers into the livable range

"And now I just have to make the golden army

He builds the palace "

Then he summoned one of his followers

"What does sir want?"

"Bring all your team and the golden army with you and build a palace within this zone using the hardest metals available so far.

ask for it from my father through the path

Take this is the scheme

When finished, put all the resources and treasures in the storage room

Take this crystal, it will allow you to enter the domain."

The palace consists of a library. A place for making weapons and equipment. Store . A garden for some rare herbs. Large main garden and training ground

And two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom

"Okay, as you order."

"After you're done, you can take a vacation."

"Something has been happening to me since I opened the fourth seal

I have dreams about a golden key in a white world

It doesn't matter now, I'll find an explanation for it later." He talks to himself

He tied the domain to his soul and hid it using seals so that no one would find him

"Now I have to learn the next step of the power of space

So that I can repair the crossing

And now I have to go back to rest."

The next day he met Airi and went for a walk

"It's good to take a break after a long work" Jin

"Yeah, but we're only in the first step," Airi

"The second step is easy, which is transportation, and it is the same technique that is used for storage rings

We just have to focus on this technology and then we can move anything anywhere

And now focus on that flower and imagine the same pattern of transferring items from the ring and say it "Jin

"I'll give it a try"

She placed her hand in the direction of the flower and released a low amount of space power

Then the flower disappeared and moved to her hand

"I did it, it wasn't as difficult as creating an empty domain," Airi

"Now, using the power of development, we can move more and bigger things

Thus, we can say that all the requirements for repairing the crossing are met

We'll fix it in three days." Jin

"Until then, let's prepare ourselves"

" Good

How about I invite you to lunch?"

"Then we practice together."

Three days went by so fast

Airi has risen to the 6th level Earth realm

" it's time "

They went outside the academy

They found an area dense with chi

This place will help us, Airy

Put some qi absorbent seals on the area

They sat down and entered a state of dual meditation

"Now imagine a broken space bridge and install new parts using the power of space by combining the first and second steps" Jane

The crossing continued for two months

"There's not much left" Jin

Then a blue light appeared in the sky

And what looks like a beam is heading towards them

"Looks like we made it" Airy

"Yes, now it won't take a day for us to reach my world."

"I can't wait to see your world"

And I haven't seen him in a year or more

I hope the Empire is okay."

day passed

At this time in the planet of light

"Emperor, the crossing has opened and someone is using it now and is about to arrive." General Dong

"This is impossible, who might it be?

It can't be 'king

"Yes, I think it is His Majesty the Second Prince."