
Red Garden

"Look I assure you no one could be more upset about this than me but we also can't forget that she is the only reason our palace was saved, this is not only for her but the safety of us. We can't have a minotaur knowing about us."

I reasoned.

"Sire, we have a problem."

Tenya interrupted .

"What's wrong"

I asked on alert , he never interrupted me unless it was a serious matter.

"We just got word that there is a rogue on the loose and he is getting closer to the palace as we speak."

"Why do I sense that there is more to this?"

I asked, studying his tensed posture .


He started.

"I think Princess Baila is in the Kingdoms Red Gardens.."

My eyes snapped up to his words, my inner demon suddenly becoming restless. My inner demon had never been scared of anything in its entire life. However, I knew something bad was going to happen.

Before anyone could respond I shifted into my demon form and raced towards the Red Garden.

I had to get to her..NOW!

Baila's POV:

The Red Garden was beautiful with so many different red flowers, much more than the garden back home. I inhaled the scent of the gorgeous red roses in front of me and sighed. Something about being around plants always managed to help me feel at peace and this time was no exception.

My mind wandered back to Chisaki Kai...he had disappeared from the Kingdom yet again..could he be with that woman again? The thought of him with her made me angry, in a way I've never felt before which was absurd. I barely knew the prince..

I only just got here and every time I didn't know where he went bothered me and at times, I caught myself hoping to catch a glimpse of him..but when I do it's with that woman

What was wrong with me….is this jealousy-

A loud roar came from the woods just outside the gardens and I fell back against one of the pillars in shock.

What was that? Wait…did I just hear growling too?

Momo came running out along with two other guys I hadn't seen before in the kingdom, they rushed past me and out into the woods while Momo stayed behind.

"What's wrong?"I asked alarmed .

"Oh it's nothing for you to be concerned about.."

She assured me.

"My brothers just always like to uh take a run in the woods every evening."

"But is it safe?I just heard a roar…like from a raging Orc."

"Oh.I'm sure you misheard it Baila, there aren't any Orc's on this side of the forest."

"Are you sure?" I knew what I heard.

"Yes, now let's get you inside so we could get you into your dress and get you all dolled up for tonight." The reminder of tonight was enough to draw my attention away from what I just heard, at least for now.

My eyes studied the dress in front of me, my cheeks suddenly inflamed…they wanted me to wear this? The material was a deep red velvet with a low cut at the chest area and a long slit at the bottom.The dress was extremely sexy and I've never worn anything like it before.

I quickly slipped into it , my makeup and hair was already done by one of the maids. I studied my reflection in the mirror in shock, who was I? Never before have I ever looked this beautiful and seductive.

With a long sigh I stepped out of the room and headed down the hall with my head held high.

I peeped around the wall to examine the crowd and immediately fell back, the entire room was full and I knew absolutely no one there but the royal family. I hated being around crowds, I always somehow managed to make a fool out of myself...

After taking a few seconds, I finally convinced myself to step out from my hiding spot and into everyone's view. I felt many eyes on me and it took every ounce of my self control not to run back into the room.

A loud growl suddenly erupted from the crowds and my eyes widened as I realized who it came from.


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