
the first meeting and the last

walking up in a throne room I see a man sitting on the stairs going up to the throne his body is blurry and I can't make out who he is he looks up at at me

rob "good your final here, my name is David blockharte and I'm ROB. I've grown tired of this job and wish to move on...and want you to replace me as ROB" looking around the room thinking about what he said as I look I see a Panting of my mom nodding my head I said "sure I'll do it" I can't see his face but I can feel the smile and he said thank you before he starts to disappear I move up to the throne and sit down

within the first week everything was relatively quiet I got accustomed to the new Influx of power i torture my world a bit there is a 900 foot hot spring a few houses that looks like wemon used to live in and a forest i didn't bother looking at for now as I sat down again I started Accumulating knowledge for the next few months

_________________in the heaven's_______________

in the throne room one could see several thrones all have someone setting on them they all where arguing with them selfs about ROB and not being able to get ahold of him till one of them got everyone's attention he looks young short blond hair waring a blue dress shirt black pants and said " we just have to keep trying to get ahold of the old fucker bebe you are usually able to get get in touch with him why don't you try" a woman with brown hair and a joyful smile and green eyes picked up a button and started spamming it within 3 seconds she hit it 100,000 times till a portal opened up and the new ROB came out

looking around i seen a bunch of people looking at me confused so I said " can I help you?" just as I said that I had to dodge back as a man clad in armor saying "I'm God of War" I just dodge Leaning back from a sword meant to take my head saying "cool" the god of war disappeared from my sights and I felt his sword in my gut before I could move the sword went up and cut me in half dropping to the floor the god of war just Laughed as though he did a great job my body decomposed into blood and reforms into my body as he was laughing I grabbed his head and yanked it off his body throwing it down I said "is that all you wanted? I was kinda busy" a Arrogant looking young man with blue hair and black pupiless eyes said "oh yah with what" looking at him I smiled kindly and said "fucking your mom" I feel someone taping my shoulder looking back i see the headless god of war "can I have my head" nodding I reattached his head

________________ROB WORLD__________________

that was how a meet the heaven's thry where vary boring i spent 4 hours with them introducing them selfs and that was only one haven i had to spend a year going around. meet with all of them

as I was sitting in a open feld painting I suddenly felt and oppressive power that fell down onto my world standing up and laying my brush down I turn around to see a man I never thought I would again smiling at me I returned the smile and said " it's good to see you again father how can I help you"

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