

It's was a bright sunny morning, small clouds, people already in the market, and a sleepy Lilith.

Nina stayed the night with Lilith, helping her out with payment and getting to know where she stayed. It was also Nina's first time staying in a tavern, it felt weird to her. She was used to having only one bed that was the size of a table but she enjoyed the small space. When she woke up, Lilith was sleeping on the ground, curled up in a ball. Nina crawled out of the bed and started tugging on Lilith's shoulder before she noticed, she was on the ground, a knife inches away from her neck. Lilith's eye was pure crimson, her left was still amber. Something was off with Lilith.

"Morning Lilith," Nina said calmly, something must have happened in Lilith's head because her red eye slowly came back to its original color. Lilith pulled the knife away and placed it behind her waist, she pulled up Nina and checked her body.

"You alright your Highness?" Lilith asked.

"I'm fine, just a little shook," replied Nina. Lilith must've been relieved to hear her says those words, she stretched and walked right out of the room. Nina followed Lilith, she still wanted to know something but she didn't know what. Lilith paid for the bartender and then walked out of the tavern. No breakfast I see, Nina noted to herself.

Lilith was heading back to the blacksmith that she met yesterday to see if her blades were ready. When she entered, she saw Kaz and someone else arguing. She ignored the two and looked around the place, there were hundreds of blade and knives everywhere. It made Lilith impress. Lilith felt something around her waist, a hand. She wiped her head back but saw no one, the argument seemed to end when Kaz walked up towards Lilith.

"Sorry about that miss," apologized Kaz. "I'll show you where your blades are. I must say, that Wolfshead blade is something."

"Thank you, good sir," said Lilith. "And how much would this be?"

"It's on the house. Since you're new and probably not going to come back, it's free," Kaz seemed joyful. Lilith bowed and followed Kaz to her new blades. She was impressed to see that the order that she asked was complete. Two silver blades, one with a Wolfshead handle and other with a basic. Six kunai knives, leather wrapped around the handle and small engravement of a wolf. The old wolf symbol, it's been awhile, spoke Alpha. Lilith grabbed the to blades and the kunai knives, she thanked the blacksmith once again.

"There's something I need to tell ya," said Kaz. "That Wolfshead blade had some magic in it when I removed it. It spread to the other blade and your knives, it might have to do with the engravement I gave to them but I really don't know."

"Thanks for letting me know," appreciated Lilith, she shook the blacksmith's hand and gave him three silver coins as a tip. She left the workshop and headed towards the Great Oak tree she was in, she saw Nina and the old scout chatting together. Then she saw a tall, broad man between them, he was wearing a dark green cloak around his neck, steel plating on his arms and legs. A dark steel breastplate and an embedded symbol. Lilith walked up and realized the man was Drew, she was impressed to see Drew in a suit of armor that suited him.

"Hey sis, how do you like this new armor?" Drew asked Lilith, he smiled.

"I must say, I'm surprised to see you in a different set of armor than Lion's armor," Lilith's voice was slightly insulting but she held her tongue, it was her brother so she didn't have too many hard feelings.

"Geez, so cold," said Drew. "I'm trying to change sis, I know I did a lot of bad things but I'm gonna set things right for her."

Lilith knew what Drew who she was and her emotions felt cold. Drew may have been her only family besides Elizabeth but now she felt like she could trust her own brother. "Not everyone can be trusted," spoke Alpha. Lilith took a deep breath and entered the Great Oak tree, she wanted to pay her respect to the old Lord and she knew she would regret if she didn't.

When she entered Lord's office, he was working on armor. He was on the ground with some strings and a needle. She leaned against the wall and watched the old Lord work, she wondered who was the lucky person to wear such an armor from their Lord, hand made too.

"Is there anything you need Lilith?" spoke Lord Yasin, it startled Lilith a little but she acted as if she wasn't.

"I'm just here to pay my respect, my Lord," said Lilith. "I'll leaving today so I just wanted to say goodbye."

The words stung Lilith's tongue, she hated saying goodbyes. She always felt as if she'll never see them again but there were times where it was right. Lord Yasin off the floor and dust himself off.

"Well before you leave, I made something special for you," said the old Lord. "Take a look at your new armor."

Lilith's eyes seemed to widen, she was surprised that the old Lord would make her something, especially armor. She looked at the armor and realized it looked more flexible, she smiled as her current armor felt too stiff and heavy.

Lord Yasin placed his hand on her shoulder and said, "Lilith, I want you to know that if you ever need a place to stay or hide, Brackenholme will welcome you to open arms."

"I'll see about that, my Lord," said Lilith. The old Lord chuckled and lead her towards her new armor, he helped her removed her current armor. He looked away when Lilith was completely naked, she quickly put on the clothing that was fit underneath the new set of armor. She couldn't wait to try the armor. When the old Lord placed on the breastplate, it felt as if there was nothing on her, then her legs and arms. When she was completely in her new armor, she flexed it around, it felt incredible. She could barely feel any of the armor joints moving, she started to stretch the armor so she could get a feel of the joints.

"You must really like it kiddo," said Lord Yasin. Lilith turned a bit red and tried to hide it. She heard footsteps racing towards the door, she prepared herself but the old Lord seemed to stay in his place, calm as any can be.

The door slammed opened and there stood Nina, completely out of breath, holding a dark green scarf in her hand.

"Good...you...haven't….old king please have mercy on me," Nina was panting heavily, Lord Yasin walked over and made Nina sit down. Lilith lowered her sword and placed it in her scabbard, she realized that she hadn't put on her scabbard yet. She felt a bit embarrassed then quickly placed her blade on the side of the wall.

Nina rose back up from the floor and handed Lilith the dark green scarf.

"H-Here, I thought you might like this and it will help you during the cold season," Nina seemed a bit red, maybe a fever?

"Thank you, your Highness, I will take this gift until I die," Lilith said. Nina turned redder and walked back to her father. Lilith wrapped the gifted scarf around her neck, it's felt nice and cozy, she already loves it. The scarf matched her dark green-gray armor.

"Well I guess that settles things, Lilith of the Lyssia Woods, we wish you the best of adventures," said Lord Yasin. Lilith knelt down, she felt the hand of Nina and the Lord.

"Where are you going to go?" Lilith heard Nina asked.

"The civilization of Hugo," replied Lilith rising from the oak floor. "I heard that it has great knowledge of the Ivory Nexus."

"Good place I must say, a peaceful and quiet place," said Lord Yasin. "Oh right, before you go."

He grabbed two of Lilith's kunai, he unclamped two bolts near the middle of her forearms. There were leather sheaths that he used to place the two kunai on each forearm. He then clamped the bolts back in place, it felt weird for her, feeling two knives near her wrist.

"Now try and flick your arms downwards," the old Lord said with anticipation. Lilith flicked one of her stripped forearms and she felt the kunai fall into her hand in an overhand position, the look on the old Lord's face was excitement and astonished to see his work come together. Lilith twirled the knife in an underhanded position, it felt like she was an assassin.

"What if I want them to get them back in the sheath?" Lilith asked.

"Just slid them down," replied Lord Yasin with glee. Lilith lifted her arm and allowed the kunai to gently slid in the leather sheath. She felt the straps tighten around the blade.

"So cool, can I have one Daddy?" Nina asked. Lord Yasin only patted her head, from the look on Nina's face, it looked as if she might get the same armor as hers.

Lilith thanked the old Lord and Nina before she left the room, she felt guilty that she had to leave but she knew that she would have to leave sooner or later.

When she walked through the Great Oak tree's door, her brother was leaning against the bark of the wood. She walked by and headed towards the gate of Brackenholme, she could hear light yet loud footsteps following her. She was stopped by the guard at a lever.

"Leaving already miss," spoke the guard. Lilith nodded. "Then please, that the two horses outside, as a gift from Brackenholme."

"Thank you and your people," Lilith was grateful that she encountered this civilization but she had to leave. "I'll try to come back, sir."

The guard pulled the lever down and the gate slowly rose up, she walked through and mounted on the horse that was hooked to a fence. She saw Drew struggling to mount his horse and she couldn't help but chuckle a little. She unhooked the horse and she started to slowly ride deep into the Lyssia Woods. She had a place to be and a plan to pursue.

Take back her home.