
The Regressed Swordsman

Kane is a male who regressed to when his older sister Marry left off to marry A high ranking nobles son,after the nobles son was charmed by his sisters beauty He proposed to her but after agreeing to marry the noble,Marry promises to come back for her siblings (Which are Kane,Ash and Syris.Ash and Syris are Kane's and Mary's younger siblings and are twins).But Marry didn't keep her promise as years went by with her not returning So Kane set out to become stronger as to find her sister and demand a reason for abandoning Them all hise yeas ago. But Kane died before He could find out so he plans on secretly become stronger in the shadows.

Mr_Enthusiast · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

After Regression.


As those where the sound of Footsteps of the Assassin's who killed.As the wind breezed through my dying body All I could think about was How I wasn't strong enough to defeat the Assassin's and Find out why Marry never returned and How Ash and Syris will have to grow up without ever knowing I died and think I abandoned them.I really Hate this outcome but there's nothing I could do as I was reaching my end *Kane's eyes slowly closed and he could see nothing but darkness as she closed his eyes and dyed*

*HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHA.As the loud laughung could be heard from a mile away Kane opened his eyes, Shocked as to see his younger siblings playing together he shouted*WHAT!?!?*As he had a shocked face*How am I alive and why Can I see Ash and Syris I thought I died.....(wait did I die?)Kane!Come over hear *As Syris his younger sister waved at him from the far away tree*Okay I'm coming.

Hey bro isn't this great We can finally eat well.*As Ash said to Kane*Oh it's great....(How am I alive and why do I look like How I was 20 years ago!?).Hey Kane wanna go help us Pick up the fruits?Sure Syris I'll help you guys(This doesn't make any sense unless I came back in time where Marry was still with us before that noble if so then.....)Hey big bro look a carriage and it stopped right next to Marry!*With wide eyes Kane ran to the edge of the hill to see the fancy looking carriage and only one thing Came to Kane's mind and that is anger*Wow~,Ash get back and take the fruit along with Syris and go home now.But Kane why should we and hid...NOW!!!GO HOME!!*As both Ash and Syris were afraid they picked the fruits and went back home*

This can't be,if it is I have to go down there right away! WOOSH!!! *As Kane jumped and slideded down the hill,He heard the young noble talking with Marry*Miss I am Lake Farendall of The Great Farendall Family and the son of the Noble William Farendall I am taken away by your beauty will you accept me as you fiancée?*As Marry thought if she accepted she would be able to help her younger siblings to live a better lives than the ones they had now,but Marry didn't want to marry the noble because he looked like he had ulterior motives*No I don't accept your proposal but Thank you for proposing.*As Lake was surprised he asked again* Oh that must have heard wrong hahaha Marry become my fiancée do you accept!Yes I Marry Ais Agree to be your fiancée.Good let's go,Mark take her inside the carriage.*As Kane saw that Marry was about to entre the carriage Kane shouted*Marry!!! Wait!*Lake was shocked to see a young boy running in Marry's direction*Marry where Are you going??Kane I agreed to become Lake Farendall's wife in the future so I'm his fiancée now But I promise to come back in a few weeks to pick you guys up and Take you,Ash and Syris to the Capital with me when I return.

*As Kane knew that was a lie she told him he couldn't do anything about it as Kane sensed a Strong aura around the Knight escorting the noble he didn't do anything about it* Okay,I'll tell Ash and Syris about you leaving bye Marry. Okay Kane see you in a few years.*As Marry left with the noble not knowing why Marry left he promised himself one thing and said ONE THING*


To be continued...