
Chapter 10: First Mission Part 2

July 5th 18 B.N.B. ,

Uzushiogakure, Land of Whirlpool

Kage's Tower

"Baron Yoshima, are you here to see the Third Uzushiokage?" Kure Sei greeted him from behind her desk.

Yoshima had come here many times, his Great-grandfather had an open-door policy, allowing anyone wishing to speak to him to do so, of course after scheduling with his secretary ahead of time.

He had asked him about it one day, he had said that since he switched to an open-door policy, people don't bother him as much as before.

'That scheming old man , haha'

"Just called me Yoshi, Kure Sei! I told you many times."

She nodded and responded in her monotonous voice. "Yes, Baron Yoshima."

Yoshima could have sworn he saw a slight twist at the corner of her lips.

'If that is how you want to play it...'

He walked right up to her and stared at her eyes, raising his hand he gently caressed her cheek.

"Your lack of emotions in your face don't compliment your pretty face, you should smile more, at least when you see me."

Giving her his best smile at the end, he smiled inside seen her tanned face now had a pinkish hue.

'You are too young to play games with me girl.'

Stepping back as if nothing had happened, he returned to his serious face.

"Yes, I am here to see my Great-grandfather, is he busy? I am sure he has time to see his Great-grandson, right?"

"I-ah, I'll check and I'll be right back." Kure Sei scrambled to the Kage's office, making Yoshima chuckle.

Yoshima took a seat behind the desk, in Kure Sei's chair, putting his legs on top of the desk. He wanted to throw another jab at her, seeing her responses made him want to do it more.

'Does this make me a pervert? But I am only a child, would she be the pervert?' Yoshima pondered as he stroked his chin.

He waited a few minutes, before Kure Sei came back and let him know. "The Third Uzushiokage is ready for you , B- Yoshima"

'Well at least I got her to call me Yoshima and not Baron, she is fun to tease, too bad my parents are always with me when I come over.'

"Thank you Kure Sei, what do you say about me staying here and talking to you instead?" He stared straight at her brown eyes as he said that.

Her skin was starting to turn pink, but she seemed to be trying to not take the bait as she said. "The Third is waiting Yoshima."


"Okay, I'll see you some other time." Yoshima walked towards her, and as her eyes seemed to be darting around, he walked past her into the Third's office.

Knock. Knock.

"Great-Grandfather, it's me." Yoshima said as he opened the door and walked in.

His Great-grandfather had a small pile of papers on his desk, he was signing and stamping some scrolls at the moment. His office was spacious, not only did it have a great view of the village, it had anything you could possible ask for. A television at the left side of the office, with a red-colored sofa, probably used for sleeping sometimes, a few pictures and drawings of different people.

On the right side were a few screens, with the annotations of 'Konohagakure', 'Land of Fire', 'The Land of Earth', 'Iwagakure' , 'Land of Lightning', 'Kumogakure' , 'Land of Water', 'Kirigakure', 'Land of Wind', 'Sunagakure', underneath one of the screens.

"Yoshima, what did you do to Kure Sei?" His Great-grandfather asked as he continued to scribble.

"What do you mean Great-Grandfather? I just asked to see you? Was something wrong?" He asked innocently.

He stopped writing for a few seconds to glance at Yoshima, while Yoshima held his gaze with the most innocent eye's he had.

His Great-grandfather grunted, and continued on with his scribbling. "To what do I owe this visit Yoshima? Do you have another idea?" His Great-grandfather asked, his voice gaining emotion as he finished the sentence, appearing hopeful.

"Well, not this time Great-Grandfather, I actually have come to say hello, your Great-grandchild can't come and visit ?"

His Great-grandfather snorted in derision, raising his left hand, Yoshima could feel the hidden Whirlpool Guards leaving the room.

"Just get to what you came for Yoshima, I don't know who you took after." He whispered the last part of the sentence.

"Great-Grandfather, I came to request permission to go on a mission." Yoshima said, finally serious.

The Third Uzushiogakure placed the pen down, and immediately said. "Absolutely not, you are too valuable to go on a mission. Once you go to the academy and finish, then maybe you can do an E ranked mission." He spoke with finality.

"Great-Grandfather, even if I went to the academy here, I will not learn much, I already know many C ranked jutsus and a few B ranked ones. Now, although that may not be impressive on itself, as there are many who are beyond the scopes of my imagination, if I want to grow and gain experience, I have to go on missions, and the best way to defend myself is to improve myself."

"As a warrior yourself, you must know that in order to get stronger, one does not only need someone to protect , but also face adversities that make you stare death in the face." Yoshima countered.

Seeing his Great-grandfather still indecisive stance, he added as well "I am already close to B rank levels of chakra, that's Chunin level as you know"

He pondered some more before nodding and coming to a decision. "I agree with what you say, I will allow you to go on missions, but both of your retainers must accompany you."

"Done." Yoshima replied simply.

His Great-grandfather took out a scroll from underneath his desks, and scribbled some words on it before giving it his Third Uzushiokage's stamp.

"You will at most take D-ranked missions for now." He added as he tried to give the scroll to Yoshima.

"It mus be at least C rank missions, if not there is no point to go on a mission. D-ranked missions and below are just simple overpaid manual work." Yoshima declined the scroll.

'Shinobi might be mercenaries, but what's the point of performing such tasks? To teach them humility? Help middle and upper-class citizens with tasks? I never really understood that.'

"Fine, but I will require a thorough report after each mission, not a simple glance over, is that understood?"

"Yes!" Yoshima answered, grabbed the scroll from his hands after the revision, and breaking into a smile as he ran away with a "See you Great-grandfather!"

He blew a kiss at the secretary as he hurried towards the missions floor.

After what seemed like an hour of waiting once more, he happened to have gotten the same elderly woman on the same counter.

Just like last time, she was stamping scrolls and sheets of papers without looking up at him.

"Yes? How can I help you?"

"Good morning Ma'am, I would like to go on a mission." He spoke the same words as he did an hour and a half ago.

She stopped what she was doing to glance up at him, she did not seem to recognize him as she said the exact same words as last time.

"Have you graduated from the academy?"

"No." Yoshima replied simply.

"If you have not graduated from the academy, you can not go on a mission unless you have the Third Uzushi-"

"I have the Third's Uzushiokage's authorization with me." He intercepted her speech before she called out 'Next!'.

Yoshima smugly handed her the scroll and watched as she read it.

"Baron Yoshima Uzumaki?" She asked.


"Why did you not say you were a titled noble? You could have directly cut in line, there was no point in waiting. As a noble you are also qualified any mission, but according to this scroll signed by the Third, you are only allowed up to C-ranked missions." She stated as she opened a drawer from her desk, and pulled out a small blue folder.

'That damn scheming old man! He pulled a fast one on me! Fuck!' Yoshima clenched his fists.

"If you look at this folder, it shows the available C-rank missions we have. Please select one quickly." She said as she handed him the blue folder.

He opened it, the first mission was a background investigation on a person named Rai Sen, a civilian who worked for a steel company owned by the Sumi Group.


Another one was about eliminating a small group of pirates operating near Land of Waves.


He glanced at a few of them, most were about background checks, bodyguard duties, eliminating or capturing pirates, protecting villages or trade ships from bandits or pirates.

Suddenly one caught his attention, it was a joint mission with Konoha, the mission was as follows

'Located between the borders of Land of Fire and Land of Lightning, there is a village sixty miles from Valley of the End, Tsurui. Tsurui has been constantly attacked and pillaged by bandits, your mission, if you choose to accept, is to capture or eliminate the bandits, find the person or group involved behind the bandits working in tandem with Konohagakure shinobi. Rewards 80,000 Ryu. Minimum requirements; D-ranked Genin, leaning towards taijutsu or kenjutsu. Whirlpool Guard trainee recommended for mission. Date to meet Konohagakure's squad, July 7th, at Kage'

The hidden villages of frost, sound, and hot water had not separated from the Land of Lightning at this point, making it border the Land of Fire.

"This one." Yoshima hurriedly said. Giving her back the blue folder and pointing at the mission he wanted.

She glanced over at the mission and it's requirements. "It says you have two days to reach Konohagakure, although not impossible, it will certainly be hard on someone your age." She told him.

"I understand, I still want this mission."

"I must remind you, if you fail to reach in time, you will be penalized twenty percent of the reward having failed the mission."

Yoshima nodded.

She took out a small book, and opened it to the first page before giving it to him.

"This is the Shinobi Rules book, before accepting your first mission, you must go over it before signing it at the back, and placing your initials next to each, to show you understand each one."

Yoshima glanced at the small book in horror, there were so many rules!

Yoshima just glanced at a few before placing his initials next to each one, he had memorized it prior to this, he was just making sure nothing had changed with the version he had.

A shinobi must always show allegiance to their Kage.

A shinobi must see the hidden meanings withing hidden meanings.

A shinobi must always put the mission first.

A shinobi must never show his tears.

A shinobi must never show any weakness.

A shinobi must always asses a situation before heading into it.

A shinobi must not value himself but rather adhere to his village's ideals.

A shinobi must abstain from overindulging in the three vices: sex, alcohol and money.

A shinobi must know sometimes information is more important than lives.

A shinobi must keep their body sharp at all times, even during times of peace.

A shinobi must follow a commander's instructions.

If a commander is not present, a shinobi must follow the highest ranked noble present.

A shinobi will follow proper decorum when meeting foreign shinobi unless at war, in that case, turn to Shinobi Rule #245.

If a shinobi is at war and meets an enemy shinobi, a shinobi must never attack first unless attacked, if outnumber, and only then, will a shinobi be allowed to retreat.

A shinobi must always place the village before oneself.

There were so many rules, but only a few that were new to him. After a long time of writing his initials and signing, he finally finished.

He headed the book back to her before she made sure everything was correct, then handing him the mission scroll.

"You have until the seventh of this month to report to Konohagakure's Mission Assignment Desk. Since you are a titled noble, we must adhere to proper decorum, I will announce ahead of time your arrival. Next!"

'Great! Now I have my first mission, this is what it must feel like to get an acceptance letter from Hogwarts!'

Yoshima walked happily back to the last floor, using the stairs. Arriving at the Kage's floor, Yoshima waved at the secretary before saying. "He is expecting me, beautiful."

He did not even knocked before heading in. Yoshima saw his Great-grandfather glance up in anger at his disruption, he was reading a book.

He did not pay much attention as he felt two chakra signatures approach him at very fast speeds, his mind could barely follow them, he moved his left leg back half a step, while lowering his head and drawing his sword in one smooth motion.

The shinobi on the right had meant to place his katana on his neck, but since he ducked it was just aiming at the door, the shinobi on the left had tried to restrain his left leg using a weird jutsu he had not seen before using air. Yoshima had his sword aiming at the neck of the shinobi at the right, while his left hand was just finished with the hand seals required for a water clone.

"That's enough." His Great-grandfather commanded.

Yoshima lowered his sword and stopped feeding chakra to the jutsu he was trying to perform.

He noticed the masked shinobi on the right eyeing him for a while, as if to memorize his face.

"Great-grandfather." He said to let him know who he was before saying. "You should get better shinobi as bodyguards, what if I meant to do you harm?"

Yoshima chuckled as he said that, he just wanted to provoke the shinobi who gave him the funny eye, as he could feel the stronger shinobi guarding him had not even moved, probably already knowing who he was.

"Edo, Ash, you are both still in training, it's good you are both in your toes and responded quickly, but you should work as a team better. Now go back."

They both nodded, Ash stayed behind to glare at Yoshima before flicking away.

"Great-grandfather, I got a mission!" Yoshima went back to pretending he was just a kid.

"Spare me your acts Yoshima, what is it you want this time?"

"My mission is in Land of Fire, a joint mission with Konoha, but I need to get there fast, can I request a Wraith to drop me near Konoha? or even a Falcon? I only have two days."

"I thought you wanted experience? You are still young you should go there using your own two feet. Now, since I am a very magnanimous person, there is a ship heading that way, the Clam, that is heading to a port in Land of Fire, you can use that to get to land. But, you must get the rest of the way on your own."

'Damn old geezer! You'll get yours, you'll see.' Hiding his inner thoughts with a smile he said.

"Thank you Great-grandfather, you are the best even in your old age."

There was a small twitch in his forehead, but then he smiled evilly before saying. "Oh, I forgot to mention, you only have one hour before the ship leaves. I guess you must hurry if you do not want your parents to be angry you did not say good bye." His Great-grandfather said 'kindly'.

Yoshima's smile cracked a little before he said his goodbyes and rushed back home.

'I know what to do, hahaha, you'll get yours old man , hahaha.' He grinned.

Tomorrow will be the start of some action, and the first mission.

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