
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

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Chapter 7: Shen Ziyu

The National Lingnan University is the most prestigious university in Guangzhou. Founded in 1888, it is one of the public universities funded by the eight major churches in Hong Kong. It is also a founding member of the Asian Boya University Alliance. Chen Shaobai, Shi Jianru and Chen Yinke are all famous alumni of Lingnan University. There are countless students from all over the country in this university, which is indeed full of talents.

Shortly after working in Guangzhou, Li Changsheng obtained a library card in the library of National Lingnan University, with which he could borrow five books at a time. He has seen six versions of Tao Te Ching from the library. Wang Bi's version is currently available to the public. The silk version is from Mawangdui, and the Heshang public version is the most absurd. But all the versions that can be seen are completely different from those read that night.

At noon on Friday, Li Changsheng went through the export formalities from Huangpu Customs and returned to the company with various documents and export entrustment letters. He sat behind his desk, made a cup of tea, and thought about the similarities and differences of different versions of Tao Te Ching that he had seen in the library of Lingnan University. Qu Hong, the boss's cousin and the company's accountant, came over and knocked on his desk to inform him that his colleagues would have dinner after work and welcome a new employee.

After work, Li Changsheng entered the resplendent Oriental Jade Cantonese Restaurant across the street. At the door of Chrysanthemum Hall in the private room, he saw his boss, Chen Guiyan, a skinny man with glasses in his thirties. As soon as Chen Guiyan saw Li Changsheng, he shouted nervously: "Come in quickly, and you will be late for lunch. Please, don't look like a country person who has never seen the world. You probably haven't seen such a big door!" The company has more than 30 employees, all of whom are directly under the leadership of the boss.

Li Changsheng took back his inquisitive attitude and smiled with embarrassment. He followed the boss into the Chrysanthemum Hall. He really did not enter such a luxurious place before.

"Hello! Are you Master Li?" Li Changsheng was stunned. Looking back, he saw a slender and symmetrical young man in a white suit and a yellow cap. This young man is spotless, handsome and elegant. He was smiling and nodding to himself. Li Changsheng nodded inexplicably, worried that he was not being asked, and shook his head.He could not remember when he knew such a incomparably handsome young man with youthful vigor. Besides, the company also had two other salesmen named Li.

Chen Guiyan, the boss, hurriedly introduced: "This is a new employee of the company. His family is in Peiping. named Shen Ziyu, a top student of Tsinghua University.You can call him Xiao Shen. In the future, Xiao Shen will follow you to do foreign trade merchandiser's work. "Shen Ziyu smiled and bowed: "Please take care ,Master Li!"

The new employees of the company usually start from the bottom foreign trade merchandiser to accumulate experience and get familiar with the work process.

Looking at Shen Ziyu's bright big eyes and his easy-going manner, Li Changsheng secretly praised that this kind of children from the capital are precocious. Shen Ziyu seems to be in his early twenties. Many children in the capital at this age are still running horses, going to brothels, drinking and playing around, or traveling around the country. Shen Ziyu is elegant and magnanimous in his speech and behavior. Although he only gets along with him for a while, But he feel like a spring breeze. In addition, his bright and beautiful appearance reminds him of the sentence "a gentleman with good cultivation is as noble and warm as precious jade".

Shen Ziyu talked and laughed with ease and humor. Every sentence was just right. Although he was surrounded by a group of long gowns and mandarin coats, distinguished senior employees of the firm, and his boss, Chen Guiyan, but they could not help be attracted by him. Everyone smiled and took him as the center like stars arched the moon.

Shen Ziyu's goal is certainly Li Changsheng, but he will never let other senior employees around Li Changsheng feel the slightest coldness. He is also secretly looking at Li Changsheng. He thought Li Changsheng was very ordinary, but his eyes were clear and sincere, with a sense of magnanimity. On the night he left the capital, his grandfather's words echoed in his mind: The informant left by your third uncle in the Wenshi Temple of Zhongnan Mountain heard that this young man named Li Changsheng was indeed related to the legendary Taoist priest of the Wenshi Temple.

"From now on, we will be colleagues of Nanyang Silk Road Dry Goods Firm. After work tonight, I would like to invite you guys to take a western ship to Shiziyang to see the night scenes on both sides of the Pearl River. Do I have the honor?" Shen Ziyu's mouth was raised, with a charming smile on his face, and he glanced around, but finally her eyes fell on Li Changsheng's face.

The employees of commercial banks are generally older and prudent. But the boss, Chen Guiyan, was less than thirty. He, Li Changsheng and Shen Ziyu were the youngest, and they liked to participate in lively activities. Since someone was willing to pay for a trip, everyone immediately cheered.

Chen Guiyan, the boss, was also happy to see the staff united and harmonious. He jokingly said, "There are fifty coppers for one ticket. It seems that Xiao Shen's family is rich. Everyone goes there and asks him to pay for it."

The dining table in the chrysanthemum hall is huge, with more than 30 people sitting around one table. Everyone was talking about the international news,the municipal administration of Guangzhou in the early years of the Republic of China, the number of horse races and the soaring prices. Li Changsheng just lowers his head and eats. His meager salary, excluding rent and living expenses, left him little money until the end of each month. He has never eaten squid, sea cucumber, lobster and oyster.

Li Changsheng tried hard to fight a big crab. Such delicious food made him say in his heart: It's good to have money! It seems that I should work hard to make money. Fortunately, there are so many people. All the men are just trying to express their opinions and attract the attention of the boss and women at the dinner table. No one pays attention to Li Changsheng.

Shen Ziyu talked with confidence, and each topic had a unique and sharp insight. He held up a glass of wine to toast everyone, but was surprised to see Li Changsheng trying hard to eat crabs with his head down. Shen Ziyu couldn't help laughing. He had seen such a crazy person who didn't care about others' eyes, but it was the first time he had seen such a crazy person. Seeing Li Changsheng's focus on the food in front of him, Shen Ziyu began to secretly suspect that the oyster was really so delicious? He also tasted one, but felt it was still the original taste. If it is not covered by ginger and garlic, the smell of seafood is unacceptable to inland people like him