
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

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Chapter 4: Selection

Li Changsheng stood still for a long time. It was dark all around, and he seemed unable to hear the chirps of countless summer insects in the silence. He turned around slowly and sadly as if he had lost something precious, and then climbed to the top of the mountain again. He sat cross legged under a tall coconut tree beside the observation platform. In this position, two palms, two feet and the top of the head are facing the sky. He memorized the basic foundation building skill three times in his mind. After he felt there was no mistake, he followed it in turn.

Keep your mind empty and think nothing. Keep extremely quiet physically and mentally. At this time, I become one with the heaven and the earth, merge with all things in the world, and feel that everything around me is breathing with me, and the slow growth of all things. At this time, my attention returned to the position of the belly button again.

All things in the world have their own roots. Only when the mind returns to the root can the body and mind remain quiet. Only by paying attention to the belly button for a long time with breathing, can the body breed new vitality.

Li Changsheng enters the state of "forgetting things and me". Apart from the fusion of heaven and earth with his body, he has no sense of time and space, and enters a state where nature creates life at will.

This state is what Lao Tzu said in the Tao Te Ching: "When your heart is calm, you will feel the existence of Tao. You will feel a ball of energy inside your belly button. This ball is indistinct and trance."

In this state, the black energy and gold energy from heaven and earth inside the belly button are condensed into a small ball about the size of a soybean, which is emitting soft purple light.

Although Li Changsheng closed his eyes at this time, a spider on the nearby grass leaves was ready to prey on a ladybug. Within a radius of five meters, all waves were transmitted to him by the black and gold energy filled with the universe, which made him seem to have seen it with his own eyes.

Li Changsheng forgot about hunger and fatigue after sitting and forgetting. The whole body is relaxed and comfortable. He did not know how long it would be before he practiced his primary skills completely. He felt it was time to go home.

Slowly opening his eyes, Li Changsheng was shocked. At this time, the rising sun was shining brightly. When he closed his eyes, he remembered that night had fallen and stars were dotted on his head.

According to the steps of the primary skill, each link can breathe nine times, and it will be over in ten minutes. Why is it dawn now? He felt that his eyes were bright. In the summer morning, the cargo ships and fishing boats in the Shiziyang sea ahead were vividly visible. The window of the cockpit on the cargo ship and the big nosed sailor with a pipe in his mouth were puffing out smoke rings proudly, which made him startled.

Surprised, Li Changsheng walked slowly down the mountain and out of Xiangxue Park. He strolled along the Pearl River, with picturesque river scenery and sailboats in the morning. Li Changsheng didn't want to appreciate it. He came to the Huangpu Bridge along the flagstone road by the river and wandered under the bridge repeatedly. His mind was very upset. How should he choose?

Do I go to Zhongnan Mountain to practice at a young age? Or continue to use the knowledge learned in college to fight for my future? Do I need to buy a house and a car in Guangzhou and find a woman to marry and have several children? Or do I make my country strong through my own efforts? Or try my best to let my parents live better?

He was confused and sighed. He lay helpless on the guardrail beside the river, watching the blue river rising and falling at his feet, hitting the round concrete piers of the bridge, and the gentle wind blew his clothes to make a sound, echoing the millennium wave song of the river.

In the hazy morning mist on the opposite side, near the Great Tiger Mountain, there are countless lights flickering out, which are fishing boats returning from fishing at sea.

The sun leaps out of the southeast sea level. There are thousands of golden snakes in the water of the Shiziyang Ocean. The waves are undulating and the light and shadow are mottled. Li Changsheng suddenly raised his head. On the boundless sky, a few wisps of pale white clouds were pulled into thin lines by the morning wind. The sky and earth were empty and vast. His confused thoughts became extremely small in a moment, and were pressed into the bottom of his heart, which was not worth mentioning.

Li Changsheng thought to himself, "My life is only a hundred years. The waves of the sea will last for thousands of years. The sun, the moon and the stars will last forever. At present, my trouble is just to choose the present or the permanent."

He suddenly realized that immortality is the most difficult thing in life. The crown of the king was contested by countless people by all means. After all, many people have become kings since ancient times. The goal of becoming a billionaire makes many people take risks, but some people become the richest man in the world. With a limited life, we have to explore the extremely difficult way to live a long life, and hundreds of millions of people have been striving for it for thousands of years. Who has seen the winner?

The way to find immortality is to abandon the annoyance of life, prolong the small life as much as possible, and keep company with the sea and the stars? Although my life is short, if I don't look for the way to eternal life, even though I am glorious at this moment, I am just a walking corpse. When the deadline comes, everything will return to the loess.

Nanhua Immortal Zhuangzi said: My life is limited, but the knowledge in the world is unlimited. How dangerous it is to take a limited life to pursue the inexhaustible knowledge in the world! Obviously, Zhuangzi wanted his students to give up the pursuit of all kinds of knowledge.Then focus on their body and explore how to make body never grow old, which is the happiest thing in life.

Thinking of such clear guidance from predecessors, Li Changsheng suddenly felt enlightened.

Yes, my life also has an end. I use my limited life to explore ways to make life unlimited, Isn't it the only meaningful thing for people to live?

What's the use of fame and wealth in the world? The conditions for everyone to live every day are very simple and easy. Just one meal and one bed. If you live a healthy and happy life and are carefree, even walking in Zhongnan Mountain with bamboo sticks and straw sandals is the happiest life. Think about it, if you have unlimited life and power, even if you live in the mountains and forests, far away from the city, and travel outside the world all the year round, how happy it would be.

Behind a palm tree on the bank, a pair of eyes were watching this scene, and the shock in her hearts was indescribable. Grandma had been silently observing Li Changsheng's behavior last night, and she wanted to test his character and perseverance for the last time.

Li Changsheng's first practice of basic kung fu from that book was to enter the status of sitting and forgetting, which surprised her. Even the Wuwei Taoist Priest of the Wenshi Taoist Temple and herself have studied a large number of Taoist classics for more than ten years, and have been cultivating their minds in the valley of Zhongnan Mountain for a long time. A few years later, they entered the status of "forgetting things and forgetting ourselves" after a meditation.

Li Changsheng lingered by the river after his practice. He was not ecstatic, but rather depressed. When he was lying on the riverside fence in distress, Grandma was disappointed and felt that she had found the wrong person.

But just now, she saw with her own eyes that inside Li Changsheng's belly button there was the purple light, which was the size of soybeans, was condensed by the black and gold energy collected from last night's practice. The purple light suddenly rose and turned from purple to red, glowing with fiery light, just like the sun shining all the viscera.

Grandma sighed: "Am I so lucky on this trip to Guangzhou? It seems that I have found a great apprentice for my master!" She also wanted to give Li Changsheng some advice, reminding him that he should be careful of the surrounding environment when practicing Taoist Kung Fu in the future. But now, looking at the dazzling light in Li Changsheng's navel, she quietly disappeared in the dense forest.