
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

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Chapter 38: Poisoning

Li Changsheng looked back and saw Shen Ziyu come in. Her red cheeks are less calm than usual, and more beautiful and attractive.

Shen Jiahao hurries out of the study with his head down, his heart bitter. He knew that his cousin despised his incompetence and debauchery. Three years ago, he was greedy for money and beauty and fell into the trap of family rivals. After being exposed by the media, his father failed to run for vice president. His father finally became the Minister of Interior of the Government of the Republic of China. Shen Ziyu usually doesn't look at him in the eye and doesn't want to talk to him. How can she be willing to listen to his opinions? He wanted to frighten Li Changsheng and let Shen Ziyu have less help, but he didn't expect this result. In the courtyard outside the study, the autumn wind is cold and the leaves are falling. Why is the late autumn in Wuhan also a bleak feeling?

Shen Ziyu's face seemed more red under the lamp, but she only hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her hand and took Li Changsheng's hand. Her eyes could not help but avoid Li Changsheng's eyes. At the moment, she was slightly drunk, and her defense in her heart was reduced to the minimum: "Changsheng, let's go out for a walk."

The two people came to the pond of the manor, and a wisp of autumn wind flowed through the quiet bamboo forest on the left side of the pond. The whole bamboo forest was swaying in the moonlight, and seemed to be chanting an everlasting poem.

Shen Ziyu looked at Li Changsheng, her eyes slightly blurred. After Li Changsheng left with Shen Jiahao, she had to have a few drinks, but she was not a heavy drinker. After drinking Wang Zeyuan's toast, she became more drunk.

Shen Ziyu said in a low voice, "Our Shen family is a little famous in China. My grandfather Shen Shichang is a businessman. After his business grew up, he saw that the characteristics of business in China are that the size of business is proportional to the political background. Without the protection of political background, business is very dangerous to prosper. So he trained his children to enter the political world, to protect the family's prosperity.

Li Changsheng was surprised and said, "Shen Shichang? Shen Shichang, who is known as the god of management in the Republic of China, is your grandfather?"

Shen Ziyu smiled proudly and said, "You usually look very dull and stupid, and you even know my grandfather's name."

Li Changsheng shouted: "Everyone in every company and shop in China knows Shen Shichang. An Englishman also wrote a book for him, called the God of Oriental Business. I also read that book. Shen Shichang's greatest achievement is that his three sons are outstanding talents. The eldest son is Shen Luxiang, who works as a professor at National Tsinghua University. The second son, Shen Ludao, returned from Harvard and now takes over family industry management. Especially the third son, Shen Lu Zheng is the most intelligent and eager to learn. He entered the army after graduating from the Beiyang Naval Academy. With the financial support of his family and his own hard work, he was elected Minister of the Interior of President Sun in the early years of the Republic of China. "

Shen Ziyu said gloomily, "If Shen Jiahao had not been caught in the trap of eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, the third uncle would have been the deputy of President Sun and the vice president of the Republic of China."

Li Changsheng comforted: "Laozi said, when pouring tea for guests, don't fill the cup with hot tea. The cup filled with hot tea is easy to overflow and burn the guests' hands. Sharp blades are hard to keep sharp for a long time. Laozi means that it is good to do things to the right extent, and not to pursue perfection.So, It's not a bad thing not to be vice president."

Shen Ziyu felt dizzy and her body was shaking. She stretched out her hand to hold a green bamboo beside her and smiled: "I have been trying to stay awake for a long time. It feels good to get drunk once in a while! When I was very young, I was fed up with the white eyes and harsh words of those uncles because I was a girl in the family. At that time, I knew that I must be smart enough and strong enough. In that way, no one can bully me. When you are high, the whole world will crawl at your feet."

Li Changsheng sighed: "When you do not compete for power with others, no one in the world will compete with you. Because you are not interested in power, others will not treat you as a competitor. When a person becomes a king or president, he will become nervous. He will worry about other people taking his power every day. So people in high positions will be worried about gains and losses, and will be flattered and humiliated. When you make mistakes carelessly one day, you will be met with Attacks were carried out openly and secretly until you and your family were killed. At that time, you wanted to give up power and wealth, give up everything and live a peaceful life, but you couldn't do it. "

Shen Ziyu said with a smile, "You are talking about Laozi's thoughts and philosophy. I know all the truth you said, but I can't accept it. I was born in such a family and can only run without stopping. Day and night, there is no stop. As long as I keep running forward, I will not be overtaken, pulled down from that high place, and fell to pieces."

At this time, the doors and windows in Shen Jiahao's study were closed and the room was dark. Wang Zeyuan and Shen Jiahao sat face to face. Only one candle was lit on the table between them. The light and shadow on their faces changed like ghosts.

Shen Jiahao stared at Wang Zeyuan, raised his eyebrows and asked in silence. Wang Zeyuan smiled mysteriously and said in a low voice, "It's all right! I watched her drink my wine. Now even God can't save her."

Shen Jiahao was a little worried and asked, "Is this medicine reliable?"

Wang Zeyuan said, "This is a kind of chronic poison that I learned when I was studying for a medical doctor in the United States. It is colorless and tasteless. People will not die immediately after drinking it. It will not die until ten days later. Pity, she is so young and beautiful! But people always say that the more beautiful a woman is, the more tragic her fate is. The wiser a genius is, the shorter she can live. She is so smart and beautiful.It is normal for her to die earlier."

Shen Jiahao also smiled with satisfaction: "Shen Ziyu died of a strange disease, and no one will doubt that I did it. It is only because my father and grandpa are too eccentric. I am the eldest son of the third generation of the Shen family, but two old people clearly designated Shen Ziyu as the family successor. They intend to let Shen Ziyu manage the family's vast wealth and industry."