
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

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Chapter 31:Kill the lake bandits

The black fat man came over and searched them. Du Qing's gun, Li Changsheng's short sword,Yin Yue and his parents' silver coins were found and put on the table.

Du Qing cried out, "Red flower, green leaf, white lotus, all the Green Gang in the world are our own! I am Du Qing of the Green Gang. I have long heard that the Xu Gang in Dongting Lake is famous in Hunan! Please ask Chief Xu, I have no hatred or conflict with you. Why did you suddenly attack me?"

Chief Xu sneered and said, "You're right! We gangsters should have a clear line of gratitude and resentment. I want you to understand that you killed a man in Hengyang a few days ago. He is Director Feng of the patrol room. He is my sworn brother and a close friend of life and death. Because you killed my sworn brother, our hatred is as deep as the sea!"

Du Qing said without changing his face, "It's natural that a murderer must repay with his life just like a borrower with money. I killed your sworn brother, and my other friends didn't participate. Please let my friends go for the sake of the Qing Gang."

The black fat man came over and smiled and slapped Du Qing's face with his hands, saying, "People say that the people of the Green Gang are excellent. Why are you so stupid! Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring wind makes grass grow again. If we let others go, aren't we afraid of future trouble?"

The lake bandits laughed loudly. At this time, three snipers who had been outside the door came in with long guns. Leader Xu said, "You use the rope made of cowhide to bind them all, and we hurry to eat and go to Dongting Lake. We kidnapped these people in Xiangtan this time, thanks to Zhao Maocai, so all the money and goods on these people belong to Zhao Maocai."

The farmer smiled and said, "Don't mention it, Brother Xu. My Shennong Villa is not short of money. This girl is a rare commodity, and can be regarded as a beauty that makes the moon not shining. Brother Xu,please give her to me. I don't want it for nothing. My Shennong Villa has many pearls and jade. You can take as much as you want to exchange for this girl."

After a moment of meditation, Xu said, "Brother Mao Cai, you don't know, this girl is the woman that my sworn brother, Director Feng, wanted to sleep, but Director Feng died. So this girl is an ominous person, and you want her to be a disaster to you. I will take her back to bury Brother Feng."

The farmer laughed and said, "Confucius said, don't believe that the devil will retaliate and kill people. Confucius also said,Is there heaven and hell outside our world? When we live, no one has seen it. So when we live, don't discuss these absurd things. Brother Xu, ghosts, gods, disasters, and blessings are just theories that fool the people. When we were young, we killed so many people in the Hunan army, I am not afraid of bad luck and curse! "

Chief Xu picked up Du Qing's pistol on the table, looked at it and said, "This is really a good gun. This pistol is worth at least one gold bar. Now in China, if you have a gun, you can be powerful in the local area. Are you sure you don't want gun and silver coins?"

When Chief Xu saw the short swords on the table, his heart suddenly felt uneasy, and he didn't know what was wrong. The bandits saw that he suddenly looked solemn and stared at the short sword in silence. They didn't know what was happening.

Suddenly, Chief Xu's heart brightened. He knew the reason for his anxiety. Because the news from the underworld in Hengyang said that the dead had a wound on their neck and were killed by a sharp knife or sword. Why is the short swordr not found on Du Qing, but on Li Changsheng? Chief Xu always believed that only Du Qing was very strong and alert. So at first, the bandits focused on Du Qing.

Chief Xu shouted, "Monk! Be careful!"

Everyone in the restaurant looked at the fat monk together and felt puzzled. All of a sudden, they felt a gray shadow flash in front of them. It seemed that Li Changsheng moved a little. The fat monk opened his mouth and threw his fat body forward. He fell on the ground and didn't move at all. Although he fell down in a flash, everyone saw the blood gushing from his mouth.

Li Changsheng shook his left arm, immediately got rid of the control of the fat monk, and then hit him in the throat with his left elbow.

Chief Xu and other bandits were shocked. They all stepped back involuntarily. Li Changsheng stood up and pulled Yan Yue to the front. His left hand was under her rib where she was injured, and he used the golden sun energy in his body to relieve her pain. Then he said to Du Qing, "Brother Du, wait a moment. I don't know how to help you install your dislocated arm. It is better for the doer to undo what he has done."

The hotel was silent for a moment, and no one dared to breathe. Li Changsheng's movements are really too fast, such as lightning, thunder, and without any sign in advance, which is really terrible.

Li Changsheng picked up the short sword on the table and said: "You robbed ships and goods, killed people and set fire, raped and looted on the Dongting Lake. It was really a heinous crime and deserved to die. But it has nothing to do with me. I will not destroy you on behalf of justice. Laozi said that beauty and ugliness, good and evil all exist at the same time. When you eliminate ugliness, beauty will disappear.But it is you who attack us on your own initiative and say that our hatred is as deep as the sea water, so I will act as a god of death to send you to hell. "

Chief Xu felt that it was very dangerous today. His eyebrows gradually rose and his face turned blue. He shouted:"Let's go together!"

Suddenly, everyone saw Li Changsheng's gray clothes flicker, and then saw that Chief Xu's right hand was broken and fell to the ground, with a pistol in his hand. The black fat man is the second leader of the Xu Gang. His right hand reached into his waist to take out his pistol. Then he felt cold in his neck and fell to the ground.

The speed of Li Changsheng's attack was incredible. In the twinkling of an eye, the sword cut across the neck of three armed snipers.

Chief Xu was shocked and knew that he had met a powerful enemy he had never seen in his life. Li Changsheng didn't kill him in order to get Du Qing's dislocated shoulder back. Chief Xu now deeply regrets, but there is no medicine for regret in the world. He saw the gray shadows in the hotel, moving forward and backward like lightning. After Li Changsheng stood still, the bandits fell down one by one.

Li Changsheng dried the blood on the sword and said to Chief Xu, "Lao zi said that those who do not obey the law will regard kindness and mutual friendship between friends as the law."

Director Feng and traffickers colluded with each other to harm the people. You just keep your friend's loyalty, no matter what he does is evil or not. The thing of loyalty only belongs to bandits and gangsters like you. I have never seen a person with a little moral level speak of loyalty! The law is the standard of right and wrong, and the loyalty between your gang friends is the opium you use each other! "

""High-quality people regard law and human nature as the code of conduct. You low-quality people regard friendship as a code of conduct."

Chief Xu gritted his teeth and endured the pain from his wrist, and said proudly, "There is such kungfu in the world! My kungfu is not as good as yours, and I deserve to be killed by you. My friends and subordinates are all dead here, and I am not interested in living alone. Before you kill me, can you tell me where you learned your kungfu?"

The pain in Du Qing's shoulder joint made him gasp for air. He couldn't help saying, "Changsheng, stop talking nonsense to him. I know how to recover the dislocated arm. Do as I said!" Li Changsheng quickly came to hold his arm, pushed and pulled as he said, and snapped twice, and his arm recovered.