
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

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Chapter 15: Guye Fairy

They took a look and saw that the old Taoist was wearing a shabby gray robe, and was tall and strong, with a turtle back and a crane shape. The old Taoist swaggered away, and the two of them didn't care, so they entered the Taoist temple. There is a Taoist who divines for tourists in the porch of the Taoist temple. Li Changsheng asked him where the master of the Taoist Temple was? The divination Taoist told them the specific place, and the two of them went to the back yard of the Taoist temple to look for the Taoist temple master. After entering the backyard, a zigzag stone path leads to a bamboo forest, and a row of stone houses appear in front of the bamboo forest.

Li Changsheng hesitated for a moment. He didn't know that which stone house was the master's room. He was about to knock on the first door on the left. Before his fingers touched the door plank, the door opened by himself. A little girl in a taoist robe appeared at the door with her hair on her head. The little girl jumped her feet, clapped her hands, and said with a smile, "Are you really here? What a coincidence! My master is waiting for you." The little girl was fifteen or six years old, beautiful and lively, and her big black eyes were turning fast, very cute.

Li Changsheng said in surprise, "Why are you here? Ruo shui, please lead the way."

They followed the little girl into the room. The little girl turned around and closed the door. All the noise was turned away for a moment. A small living room is as quiet as in a distant mountain. The window on the back wall of the living room is wide open. Outside the window, there is a lush forest of bamboo on the left and a rockery on the right. A cool breeze came from the window to greet Li Changsheng, who immediately felt detached from the mundane world.

A woman Taoist in her twenties wore cloth shoes with holes unique to the Taoist priest on her feet and a Taoist robe with a Tai Chi diagram on her body. The woman Taoist put her black hair into a bun with a wooden comb inserted in it. Her simple dress has a detached temperament. Her face is bright and white. Her eyes and eyebrows are like beautiful pictures and unspeakable to praise. It really has the taste of fairy coming down to earth.

The female Taoist with a gentle smile said, "My name is Yin Lingzhi. It's nice to meet you."

Li Changsheng doesn't know whether it is his own illusion. He always feels that although Yin Lingzhi said hello to them, her eyes are always on his face. Then Li Changsheng laughed at himself for feeling good. Because there is such a handsome man as Shen Ziyu in front of her, which woman will pay attention to other men?

After introducing herself, Yin Lingzhi saw that Li Changsheng was unresponsive, so she smiled and said, "Young man, if you are destined to meet in the future, you can come to Wenshi Temple at Qinglong Ridge, Zhongnan Mountain."

Li Changsheng immediately realized, surprised and pleased: "Taoist Priest is the granny of the overpass! No wonder the voice is so familiar."

Li Changsheng hurried forward, bowed deeply and said, "That night a year ago, you lent me the book to read it once, so that I could understand the profound Taoist Kung Fu. This kindness to me is like giving me a second life. If I have achieved anything in this life, it is your gift. I don't know how to thank you and repay you."

Yin Lingzhi just smiled and said, "You don't have to be so polite. That's because you have the wisdom to understand the Tao Te Ching. The Taoist Ancestor Laozi said, my words are easy to understand and easy to do. But no one in the world can understand them, and no one can follow them. You are the kind of person who wears shabby clothes and has rare jade in his arms. I just happened to find the rare jade you have."

Shen Ziyu looked at the room and asked curiously, "Are you the master of the Wong Tai Sin Temple?"

Yin Lingzhi smiled and said, "Don't misunderstand me, you two. I'm staying here temporarily. The master of this Taoist temple is another person, who is in the first room on the right." She said to Li Changsheng again: "You have made great progress in your practice. I have never seen anyone who has made such rapid progress in learning Taoist Kung Fu. Your golden energy is so strong that I can feel it when you enter the Taoist Temple. I asked Ruoshui to go out and have a look, and it was you. I came here for you this time."

Yin Lingzhi's eyes are as clear as autumn streams, with a gentle smile in them. Her eyes lingered on Li Changsheng's face, giving him a feeling of spring breeze, like the sister next door. However, there is a wonderful temperament in this gentleness. It is not arrogant and aloof, not deep and difficult to guess, but a unique and independent practitioner who sees through everything in the world.

Shen Ziyu looked freely from left to right in the room. The most eye-catching character in the hall was a big word "Tao" on the wall. The position of ordinary Taoist temple should be dedicated to Taoist immortals such as Sanqing and Siyu. Now there is only one word , but she don't know what it means.

Shen Ziyu looked at the mysterious beautiful Taoist in front of he and thought of receiving a call from his grandfather from Beijing three days ago: "Our informant in the Wenshi Temple sent a message saying that the master of the Wenshi Temple and Gushe Fairy went south together and settled down at the Wong Tai Sin Temple."

Shen Ziyu's family secretly bought Chen Guiyan's company long before Shen Ziyu went south to Guangzhou to contact Li Changsheng in order to facilitate his work in Guangzhou. Chen Guiyan got a large amount of money that far exceeded his expectations. He changed from a boss to a senior worker and continued to manage the company.

Under the support of Shen Ziyu's family. Nanyang Dry Goods Firm's orders at home and abroad have soared. Chen Guiyan also has dry stock dividends in addition to his salary. He grins in his dream and is grateful to the Shen Ziyu family.

Shen Ziyu knew that when the important figures of Wenshi Temple came to Guangzhou, they would certainly come to see Li Changsheng. In order to meet Taoist Priest Wuwei and the gu ye fairy Yin Lingzhi, Shen Ziyu asked Chen Guiyan to arrange Li Changsheng to go to the Wong Tai Sin Temple to talk with the master about the reception of foreign guests.

Shen Ziyu looked at Yin Lingzhi carefully, and suddenly felt that she and Li Changsheng were very similar. Both of them were warm and kind like the warm autumn sun, and different from all the people he knew, they had that unique temperament.

There was a sudden panic in his heart.Shen Ziyu's attitude became casual and modest, and he began a tentative conversation with Yin Lingzhi. Yin Lingzhi smiled and chatted with him. The two people soon broke away from the topic of looking for the master of the Wong Tai Sin Temple today and began to talk about everything. They range from Taoist classics to antiques, calligraphy and painting, from local customs to astronomy and geography. For the first time in his life, Shen Ziyu felt that someone could compete with him in erudition.

Yin Lingzhi noticed Shen Ziyu's temptation, but she didn't care. She asked Ruoshui to pour tea for several people. Immediately, the fragrance of tea overflowed and filled the hut. Yin Lingzhi took a sip of tea and lowered her head to reveal her swan-like white neck, inadvertently showing her gentle and elegant manner.

Li Changsheng watched them talk, but he couldn't put his mouth in, so he sat and drank tea with a smile. He tasted the green tea and felt the special fragrance of tea in his mouth. So while enjoying the tea, he enjoyed the conversation between two people with rare beautiful faces in the world.

Shen Ziyu and Yin Lingzhi smiled and complimented each other. People who didn't know thought they were close and friendly. However, Li Changsheng felt an unnatural atmosphere, as if each of their smiles were full of swords and inexplicable hostility.

Shen Ziyu has been using various topics to test and induce the female Taoists in front of her, which she is very good at. All kinds of conversation skills in "Gui Gu Zi", the six strokes tricks in "Tai Gong's Art of War" and Gongsun Long's sophistry have been fully developed in his hands. He either praised her to increase her affection, or refuted her view to shake her heart. He sometimes talked with her about the profound and serious Taoist scriptures, Taoist classics, and branches of the development history of Taoism. Sometimes he chat with her casually about flowers, birds, fish and insects, poems, songs, and anecdotes of celebrities.

But Shen Ziyu was disappointed to find that his efforts had no effect. The eyes of the other side are still clear, the breath is still calm, and there is no mood fluctuation. Yin Lingzhi is obviously not a person who can be controlled by words, and he cannot know the depth of her thoughts.

Yin Lingzhi has a strong character and is very opinionated. It seems that it is not easy for the family to try to win over the Wenshi temple,and let the people of Wenshi temple work for the family. Shen Ziyu had to calm down and give up temporarily. He regained his consciousness and saw Li Changsheng pour himself and drink a pot of tea.

Shen Ziyu smiled and sighed in his heart. Li Changsheng was easygoing on the outside, but he had his own opinions in his heart. Li Changsheng is also not a person who can be controlled by words. Seeing Li Changsheng smiling and watching the play, Shen Ziyu suddenly woke up. With his family mission, he wanted to make friends with Wenshi Temple and Guye Fairy. He don't know why when he first saw Yin Lingzhi, he felt a little defensive and repulsive.