
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

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Chapter 13: close the case.

Every time Li Changsheng looks at Shen Ziyu's beautiful and happy face, he will be amazed at it. It seems like a flash of fireworks, which makes him unable to lose his temper even if he is angry. He said in his heart that there are beautiful women in the north, who are peerless and independent. Such a woman stood at a high place and smiled, making the whole city run out to see her. She smiled again, and people from all over the country left their hometown to see her beautiful smile. Is this poem really only about women?

"Mr. Changsheng, don't worry. I promise that today's events will not affect you and will not have any impact on your life. If you stay here for one night, you will be relieved to read the newspaper tomorrow. In order not to worry you, I will give you an explanation. You only need to do one thing: keep my martial arts secret. Is it not difficult?"

"It's not difficult." Li Changsheng immediately made a promise.

Shen Ziyu considered the words and said: "In my family's business, there will be some competitors. For many years, in order to defeat us, our competitors have done everything possible. As the Chinese saying goes, if the family is poor, let the children learn a skill to earn a living. If the family is rich, let the children learn martial arts to defend themselves and protect the family property. So when I was very young, my family hired several skilled teachers to teach me and several brothers and sisters martial arts. My physical quality is very poor since childhood, I am always despised by my family elders and bullied by my peers. So no matter how hard it is, I will never give up. With perseverance my martial arts was refined. "

Shen Ziyu continued to reassure: "The gangsters who attacked us today probably took me as the target of kidnapping. You don't have the value of letting them send so many people to deal with it. I think it should be sent by our family's business competitors, so it has nothing to do with you. Don't worry about it. In the future, we won't have this kind of thing happen again in Guangzhou.

Shen Ziyu's words reassured Li Changsheng. Besides, those bad guys were not killed by him. Now he can only stay in Shen Ziyu's room. That night, he was ashamed to occupy Shen Ziyu's bed again, so he just spent the night on the sofa.

Half-asleep and half-awake, Li Changsheng heard Shen Ziyu call, quietly explained what happened today on the phone, and hung up.

After putting down the phone, Shen Ziyu looked around and found Li Changsheng still lying on the sofa, seemingly unaware. Shen Ziyu stared for a while, feeling slightly warm in her heart. Somehow, Li Changsheng slept there to make his heart peaceful. This is the first feeling he had in his life. Maybe this guy stood up for himself twice in the daytime and protected himself regardless of personal safety.

Shen Ziyu simply got out of bed, pushed the door open and walked to the balcony. The bright moon on his head was bleak, and the moonlight spread all over his body, but Shen Ziyu was a little melancholy. For the first time in his life, he fell in love with a stranger. In the future, he won't know how to face Li Changsheng when he takes away the Tao Te Ching of Wenshi Temple for the sake of family interests.

In this confused wandering, Shen Ziyu suddenly felt a strong determination. He learned martial arts and literature from childhood, and never gave up, no matter how hard or tired he was. When he grew up, he did nothing without success, which also made him accumulate a kind of confidence: "As long as I am willing to work hard to solve, my intelligence and ability can do everything well!" He is confident that he can handle this difficult matter well and can satisfy both sides.

Li Changsheng was lying quietly on the sofa, when he habitually entered the state of practicing Taoist Kung Fu. There is a cloud of golden gas in the belly button eye, like the sun, which generates strong gravity and absorbs the golden energy around him. The golden ball of light is getting bigger and bigger. Li Changsheng uses his attention to guide the golden gas mass into the black energy mass. The black energy mass wraps the golden air mass layer by layer, and tightens and compresses the golden air mass inwards. The golden air mass naturally expands outwards and reaches a balance between inside and outside. This phenomenon confirms Lao Zi words in the Tao Te Ching: "Everything in the world is formed by black energy wrapped with gold energy." Gold and black energy mix together to form a purple ball, emitting a faint purple light. The purple ball revolves in the boundless belly button eye, and then spreads into purple gas, which blends into the five viscera and all parts of the body. At this time, Li Changsheng felt very comfortable like drinking strong wine, and then fell asleep.

After waking up, the sky was bright. Li Changsheng also felt that his spirit was happy and his mind was clear. It was as clean and clear as the scenery under the sun in the morning.

Li Changsheng closed his eyes and focused on the inside of his navel. He found a purple ball slowly rotating inside. All his bones turned golden. And the viscera are fresh, interesting and full of vitality. Li Changsheng opened his eyes and saw that his skin was covered with a layer of black sticky substances, emitting a fishy smell. It seems to be time to take a bath. Li Changsheng knew that the foundation of the first layer of Taoism Kung Fu was completed, and his body was purified by the energy ball.

Li Changsheng closed his eyes again, letting the feeling and spirit spread slowly. He felt that Shen Ziyu's bed was empty, and his bedding was neatly folded on the bed. At this time, the window of the room is wide open and the sun shines in. On a mahogany table in the room, the gilded incense burner slowly spit out a wisp of gray smoke.

Li Changsheng's feeling and spirit continued to spread around. He found a nanny cooking in the downstairs room. Another servant is cleaning. There is a parrot in the cage in the yard. All this is like seeing with his own eyes, and it is very clear.

Shen Ziyu went into the room and put the food box on the table. Throw a roll of newspaper casually and say, "Lazy people get up! Don't pretend to sleep."

Li Changsheng smiled embarrassed, got up from the sofa and opened the newspaper.

"Let's have something to eat first!" Shen Ziyu opened the food box layer by layer, and there were some exquisite porcelain plates inside. The porcelain plate is filled with delicious salads, crab buns and rice porridge.

Shen Ziyu took a small white porcelain bowl, filled a bowl of porridge, and handed it to Li Changsheng. He held the bowl in his hand. Li Changsheng could not tell which was more white and delicate. Li Changsheng waved his hand and said, "Thank you, Ziyu. You eat first, I want to read the newspaper first."

On the front page of Guangzhou Daily, there was news that several people were killed in the undeveloped primitive forest area of Xiangxue Country Park. It was reported that yesterday afternoon, some mountaineers who went to the park reported the case after finding the body. The patrol room sent the police to the scene quickly and blocked the scene. After on-site investigation by criminal investigation experts, according to the features of the deceased's face and body, it was found that they were gangsters and fugitives with criminal records, and it could be concluded that the gangsters were fighting inside...

Li Changsheng felt relieved and said, "Amitabha! They are really gangsters. It's lucky that you and I can get rid of this matter! But I'm still surprised, how can you know in advance that we will stay out of it?

Shen Ziyu sneered, "Isn't this the best result? Ten people were killed, and such a thing is a big case everywhere. But the dead are all gangsters, and there is no good man. The official said that they died in a gangster fight, and just closed the case. I don't have the ability to predict, but the government officials have always been like this. They are afraid of trouble, and like report good news."