
The Reaver Chronicles: Raziel

Chapter 1

I pulled my shirt up over my partially bare breasts, trying to cover myself as much as possible with what little material I had to work with. Mr. Kane turned his head and looked directly at me, I could see a fire burning in his beautiful but deadly golden eyes, I tried my best not to flinch under his murderous glare. My wolf, Wynter, howled in my mind. Anytime Mr. Kane has gotten close to us since I turned when I was 15, she's gone wild, I however was nothing but terrified. As beautiful as he was to look at, I could only feel one emotion around him, fear. I shut her out of my mind and I glanced over at the lifeless body of my boyfriend Eric, turning my head only as much as I dared. I felt the tears welling up in the back of my eyes and pushed them back, I felt my face going numb as I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding, trying to comprehend what had just happened. I could still hear the music from the party downstairs booming, they must not have heard anything. I flinched as Mr. Kane suddenly closed the gap between us with an unnatural speed and took my chin in his hand forcing me to look directly Into his burning golden eyes, "No one may take your innocence but me" he purred, licking the blood off his elongated fangs. A single tear fell down my cheek as I fought like hell to push back the flood that had been brewing. No fucking way was I going to show weakness, not here, now now, never in front of him. I broke eye contact, trying to look anywhere else and I could feel Wynter trying to push her way back through, "I'm so-", I started to say, but Mr. Kane put his finger to my lips. "Do not apologize Rayne'' he said with almost a sadness to his voice, then his face hardened, "do not disobey me again" he spat with venom in his words. Every hair on the back of my Neck stood up when I locked back onto his golden eyes which looked a lot darker than they just did... And that terrified me even worse. I fought to keep my body from shaking, "yes Mr. Kane" I said, "Good Girl, Rayne". My name rolled off his tongue like liquid gold, Wynter was going absolutely wild and I forced the low growl back that she was trying to let out as he turned to leave the room. "Anthony, come clean this mess up" he snapped. Seconds later my friends bedroom looked as if it hadn't just been a murder scene, and they were gone. I was unable to hold back the flood any longer, I lost it, tears streaming down my face, Wynter howling in the back of my mind. I put my tear stained shirt back on, and climbed out the window. I didn't want anyone else at the party to see me in this state, so I let Wynter loose and we ran, we ran until the sun came up.

My name is Rayne, when I was 12 years old a Reaver made a deal with an Alpha using me as collateral. When I turn 21 he will be back for me...

Chapter 2

It was sunrise before we finally slowed down enough to comprehend where we were. The clearing was unfamiliar and we could smell the early morning breakfast wafting in the air. The sun was just rising over the clearing casting a beautiful orange glow. I knew damn well we weren't supposed to be here, the rules are you don't leave the packs territory without the alphas permission, but no one ever got permission From Alpha Drake. He was Intimidating to say the least. Six foot tall, dark complexion, body builder build, black hair that was always kept short and a little messy, dark blue eyes like the depths of the ocean. He had a long scar that ran down the right side of his face onto his neck and many similar scars on both of his arms and back. A smile never fell on his lips, he had a voice that demanded respect and attention. No one ever disobeyed Alpha Drake, or lived to tell about it. Wynter was whining when she realized how far away we were, she wanted to get back, I could care less if we ever did, Alpha Drake looming or not. The only thing on my mind was the next 2 years and what my life would be like until then, or even after. Hell I was only 19, if Mr. Kane was willing to literally kill my boyfriend for touching me, what else was he capable of? The thought made me shudder. Wynter let out a growl, what would he do to my friends? What if I ran away? What if I turned and never turned back and we just ran and ran? I was so lost in my thoughts when I heard Alpha Drakes powerful voice through my mind link. "Rayne, get your ass back to the pack immediately." he spewed, venom in his words, and then he ended the mind link. Wynter whimpered like a hurt pup as we turned around and started running back home. What the fuck did we just get ourselves into?

Chapter 3

On the way back my mind was racing. We passed an old abandoned water well in the forest, and I couldn't help but remember my first experience with Mr. Kane. I was 9 and I was living with my mother in a small but cozy cottage on the edge of the pack land where I currently live now. We weren't in a pack back then it was just us me and her. I never knew my Father and my mother never bothered to bring him up. I figured if she never did I wouldn't either. I was forbidden to go to the well, it was too far from our cottage and to go alone would surely mean death, at least that is what I was told. I couldn't help my curiosity though, and would always try and sneak away to the well. My mother was around 5 foot 5, had long blonde hair to the middle of her back, she was an athletic build and had the most beautiful platinum silver eyes I had ever seen. I swear though those silver eyes were like Hawk eyes because she caught me every single time and made me come back. One time I somehow managed to escape her watch. I cried out in surprise when I reached the well, alone, and she hadn't caught me!! I stood there in awe as the well was absolutely beautiful, stunning large multicolored stones made up the main shaft of the well, with a dark stained wooden arch harnessing a single rope and matching stained bucket which could be lowered down Into the well. It looked as if the elements had never touched it. I could smell the clear crisp stream not far away which fed the well, and the water was a light turquoise blue in the stream so it would make sense that the water in the well would be too. I was leaning over the well to try and get a better look and see if my theory was right when I slipped and fell down Into the well. I felt my head go under the cool water and I held my breath. I opened my eyes underwater to realize it In fact was turquoise as I had thought. I knew how to swim, I knew how to defend myself too, my mother never let me be unprepared for anything. I can't recall a time when we weren't training or learning something new. As I bobbed back up head out of the crystal clear turquoise water my mind was racing. I was floating trying to contemplate a way to get myself out, I looked at the walls surrounding me and they were all perfectly flat, as if molded that way intentionally. As if all the years of corrosion and elements hadn't laid a finger on it. "My mom is going to straight kill me if I survive this'' I said out loud, and a voice that sounded like liquid gold purred back, "Then we might as well get you up and out of there, don't you think little one?" I froze, fear overtook me and I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I couldn't think, I thought I was alone but apparently not. I snapped out of it just long enough to look up, and standing at the top of the well was the most gorgeous man I had ever in my life layed eyes on. At the time I didn't appreciate his beauty as I was too young to care about trivial things like that, but looking back he was about 6 foot tall, golden brown hair that was different lengths down to his shoulders and seemed to sparkle in the sunshine, his body was chiseled and defined, his facial features were perfectly symmetrical and he had the most beautiful golden amber colored eyes that seemed to glint and shine even as far away as I was. He was wearing a black suit, black suit pants and a golden suit vest over top of a black long sleeved button up shirt under his jacket, which he had just set aside as he started to lower the bucket to me. As soon as I saw his eyes the panic came flooding back, he wasn't just a strange man, he was a Reaver! I could tell by his golden eyes, and his liquid gold voice. All Reavers have eyes the colors of precious metals and voices just as silky and smooth. It's like everything about them was made to put you in complete awe. Reavers weren't only powerful, they were the most powerful creature in this world because they had the powers of all supernatural beings, plus a few of their very own. I was trapped at the bottom of the well with the most terrifying, dangerous creature I knew of waiting at the top... and I had no idea what to do.

Chapter 4

I was spinning, my mind wouldn't quiet down long enough for me to make a rational decision. I knew I was trapped, if the Reaver didn't kill me my mother would... I didn't know which thought was scarier, It was a lose lose. I reluctantly grabbed the rope and climbed into the bucket, it was really the only thing I could do being 9 years old and stuck in an impossible situation. All these thoughts flashed through my mind as I was being pulled up, my fear started to grow as I was getting closer to the top. I had never been this close to a Reaver before and from everything my mom had taught me about them, I never wanted to be. After what seemed like forever I got to the top and the Reaver reached his hand out to grab me. It was like all of my lessons my mother had taught me went straight out the window. I completely froze up, I didn't even flinch at his touch as he grabbed my arm and helped me down gently. So much for being able to take care of myself, I thought with a snicker. "There you go little one" he said softly, ignoring my very obvious fear towards him. "Now how did you manage to get all the way out here anyways?" he said even softer, I assume trying not to scare me worse, which confused me even more as I was expecting my throat to be ripped out. I couldn't even bring my mouth to speak, I just stood there fearstruck, trying to hold back the tears that I could feel trying to burst through. I should have ran, I wanted to run, I wanted to scream, cry, yell, fight, anything but stand there frozen in time. I was torn from my panic when he turned around after putting his suit jacket back on and locked those deadly eyes straight into mine. I shuddered at his gaze, If I thought I was scared before, that was nothing compared to what I was feeling now. His eyes were like molten gold, the color seemed to be moving within itself as if they were actually molten gold being poured. His expression was confused at first, he raised one eyebrow as if he was trying to figure something out, and then surprise filled his face as he looked past me into the woods behind us. I had no idea why he was surprised so I turned to look at what he was looking at when I heard a deafening growl. I covered my ears just as a huge silver wolf with eyes just like mine, a platinum silver, jumped from the trees and charged straight at the Reaver. It was my mom! How did she find me?? I wanted to scream, yell, run, do anything to stop my mom from attacking from fear of what he would do to her, but I was frozen in fear just forced to stand there and watch, helplessly. To my surprise the reaver didn't move an inch, instead his face hardened, his golden eyes darkened to almost black, and he put out his right hand open palm and threw what looked to me like a fluorescent green fireball at my mother. It engulfed her and the force knocked me back, a green string of light and fire stayed attached to his hand as if it were a rope. Wherever his hand moved she moved with it. Just as I thought he was going to throw her back towards the forest with a flick of his wrist, I finally gained my composure and screamed as loud as my 9 year old self could, "Stop!!" his hand stopped mid throw, "Please no!!! Please put her down!" I pleaded, forcing back the lump in my throat, as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

Chapter 5

As if he was forced, he slowly set my mother down and released his fireball hold. I ran to her side as she had already changed back into her human form. She grabbed me, her platinum eyes darker than I have ever seen as her wolf fought to get back out. "Are you ok Rayne?? Did he hurt you?!" She tore her hardened gaze from the Reaver to inspect me and when I looked back he was gone. He saved my life, and I had no idea who he was at the time... "Rayne! Rayne!!!" Winter called out, snapping me out of my memory. We were in my backyard. I looked up at my house, the house I had grown up in since I was 12. And another memory threatened to pop back into my head. I pushed it away, "Shit, Sorry I was lost in an old memory" I said breathlessly as I changed back into my human form and threw on the black sports bra and matching pair of sweatpants I always had stored outside for times like this. I sat cross legged on the grass hoping to get just a minute to myself, the cool breeze flowing through my long silver hair. I knew we wouldn't be here long when I felt Alpha Drake in my mind link. "Rayne, my office, now." he spat, I could practically feel the venom in my veins. Wynter chimed in, "We are so dead" and for the first time I agreed. After disobeying Alpha Drake, I wasn't sure we would make it out alive, most don't.

When we got to the pack house which was situated in the middle of town, two of our pack guards motioned for me to go inside. They looked alike in size and stature, large builds, one with dark hair the other with light, both with multiple scars and tattoos, I could tell they were warriors. Most of our pack looked like this, which made them so scary. The Obsidian pack was known for their no mercy attitudes, we were taught this from day one. I shuddered as the thought of crossing one of them made its way through my mind. "Hard pass" Wynter snickered. I made my way down the hallway, admiring the photos of the previous Alphas and the warrior memorabilia on my way to Alpha Drakes office, Wynter started trembling as we neared closer. I stood outside the door and waited to be called in. No one ever just went into Alpha Drakes office, that was a death sentence in itself. "You may enter" he snarled. Wynter started to whimper, I wasn't about to show weakness, I wouldn't give Alpha Drake the pleasure, I put on my strongest face and walked inside ready for whatever was coming next.

Alpha Drake was facing me in his chair, fingers intertwined, his dark blue ocean eyes darker than I have ever seen them, colors swirling like the waves in the deep. "Where were you today?" He said. I almost thought I heard worry in his voice, but was proven wrong when I didn't answer him fast enough and he stood from his chair and slammed his hand down on the desk causing me to flinch and Wynter to let out a yip. "I will not ask you again, Rayne." This time the venom in his voice was deadly. "I was trying to blow off some steam Alpha" I stuttered, hoping it would suffice. It didn't, I could see his face harden as he knew my answer was bullshit but there was no way I was telling him what happened with Mr. Kane and Eric. I couldn't even gather the words if I wanted to. Wynter was screaming to just tell the truth and I pushed her out of my mind just as Alpha Drake closed the gap between us. He snarled as he grabbed my arm and drug me through the pack house to outside. "You want to blow off steam? Let's blow off steam." He roared.

Chapter 6

Wynter was howling at the thought of what was sure to be our very imminent death which gave me cold chills. No one ever fought Alpha Drake and lived to tell about it. He was only 26 but he was the most ruthless and powerful Alpha I had ever known. He had started the Obsidian pack years ago when another, larger stronger pack, the Red Ace pack, had taken his old pack over and killed his family Including his little sister. He broke from his new alpha, refusing to bow to him and brought a handful of warriors from his old pack with. Together they spent the next 8 years building, growing and making a name for themselves, the Obsidian pack. Then Alpha Drake took them and got retaliation for the deaths of his family. He single handedly slaughtered the Red Ace pack, Alpha Drake left no soul alive, he killed the entire pack one by one, men, women and children, and made Alpha Jared watch the whole thing while the obsidian pack held them hostage, then Alpha Drake killed him too. He then took over his pack land, which is where we live now. No one fucks with Alpha Drake, so to say that I was terrified would be an understatement. "Give him hell," Wynter snarled, snapping me from my thoughts as we lunged at Alpha Drake.

I was fast and I knew how to fight, Alpha Drake swung back to deliver what was sure to be a very painful punch to the stomach, I slid underneath his fist and swept his legs out from under him, as he fell I jumped up and slammed my elbow into his sternum. I knew this was the only good hit I would get, he didn't even make a sound as he jumped to his feet and pushed me off him, sending me flying backwards and rolling into a nearby tree. Wynters growl was deep and intense as we got to our feet. A rustle in the trees to the side of me made me turn my head just as Alpha Drake slammed into me with the force of a freight train. He was on top of me and pinned both of my hands above my head with one hand. I tried to escape but it was no use, I couldn't even move under his muscular build. I was 5 foot 7, and muscular built myself due to the daily training, but I was nowhere near strong enough to push him off me. Wynter was snarling in my mind, Alpha Drake locked his dark blue ocean colored eyes onto my platinum silver ones and if looks could kill I would have already been dead. "You are a beautiful little thing aren't you" Alpha Drake purred while tracing my jawline with his free hand. He grabbed my jaw, leaned down and laid his lips onto mine softly, "it's a shame I have to kill you" he whispered against my lips. "Jesus Christ'' Wynter shook, I felt cold chills run down my spine at her words. Just as he moved to rip my throat out a green flash of light hit Alpha Drake sending him flying off me, and engulfed in green flames. I watched in horror as Mr. Kane stepped out of the trees and lifted Alpha Drake into the sky.

You can find my book on Amazon Kindle on 5/1/2021. Thanks!