
The Rain Princess

They say once God give something, no matter what ,God gonna take it back again , nothing is granted , not life nor death. Because in life and death we shall always apart. when her kingdom all falls apart ,and war rings her door , and evil roams thirsty for her soul , the princess has to take a stand, but she's not alone like she thought....

Nouran_Rafaat · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Forest of answers."part four"

so I started to follow the little branch dancing right and left , like a brown rattle snake in mating season I would say .


the branch became two then three then bunches of branches all going and leading me some where, and I am following it out of curiosity, if I stop to look behind me , they grap and push me forward, as the way became baved for me all trees making a way even pushing rocks , Shrubberies coming closer to each other leaving enough space for me to pass through,  I looked behind to see all my trace is being erased , even the rocks are being build in a wall behind me by the branches , it did give me chills of creep but somehow i felt the greatness of it .


this forest used to have the most terrible reputation over the years , even mom feared it , they said no animal can walk within it , it's lifeless , you hear no bird chirping ,no nothing at all ,  just the wind whistle throught the leaves of dead trees ,it is more like screams here and there rather than whistles , and to mention that I started to hear some familiar sound , I would say a unique wind whistle , so different from what I have been hearing , I knew it wasnot like the others, it was hollow but deep yet so sad like crying young woman, I passed through some fallen woven Walls of climbing trees and went inside it to see it clearly , it seemed like an abandoned oasis and yeah the same tree of my dreams , it is so calm here , that earthy smell i can recall, the branches stopped moving here , never passed the woven climbing branches, like they regretted getting me,  they kept pushing forcefully but could pass the wall , if I tried to go back they push me forward, I am much in confuse now, so I have reached my destination , didn't I???


my heart is beating hard and loud .


I went through the tall grass towards the big tree I saw in my dreams .


oh what I am seeing  , I was stunned for a moment , I thought I was here all alone !!


I saw a man lying there half naked , but covered with bandages all over his belly , I kept pondering him carefully from far, his whole body was covered in scares all over from up to down , I can see fresh blood below his bandages , I gazed at his face for along time , what innocent face can a man carry when he is just so sleep , I didn't feel my leg ,which took many steps closer carelessly , carrying me to him, my hand tips reached his warm body in fear , his chest is so firm as a rock, yet his warmth burnt me like a steamy lava , my hand kept crawling down his body, my breath is getting slower and heavier , as I felt my heart would explode ,my trembled lips being sealed hard to stop the captivating feeling of me wanting to kiss him , I don't know what is happening  to me , I was never like this towards anyone , I never felt like this before  .


why him ???


his wide , broad-shouldered , brawny build , I never saw burly man like this , this herculean build , he is warrior for sure who had so many wars , even wars drew maps in his body , and my eyes surfed his oceans' .


my cold frightened fingers kept sailing in his scars , so alluring to me strangly , it gave me these strange feelings , I don't want to stay away from him for some reason, I want to touch him more and more , he captivated me , bewitched me .


sudden deep voice came as thunder to my ears.


" so I was wondering where your hands were gonna reach ."


all the storming droughts and clashing  thunders were sent to my throat in one punch , that I stopped breathing , I didn't find my courage , it escaped from my eyes once I saw him awake glaring at me  .


I quickly took back my hands which I held it tight by my other hand and pressed it hard and harder , while taking steps back that made me fall as a dump at my back, and yet kept pushing back with my legs without lifting my eyes from him  .


my face was flushed red like a ripe tomato, ready to get harvested by him !!


actually I did a bad act of you know what they say these days , adultery maybe?!


he kept looking at me the foolish young girl , with her crimson hair like fire under the sunlight ,who has a cheeks of embarrassment all drawn through her face, and all we did was staring at each other eyes , his eyes was so dark , natural deep blue , the one you sank in without mercy and no one gonna help you out of it , and my eyes radiating violet and green in one eye while the other blue and lime green like aurora that he went staring at with astonishment .

I picked up my torn pride saying "I I I.... I didn't mean you you you were ...." 


and before I could complete my murmured speak.


" I FOUND The PRINCESS " some guard yelled , while all others came answering his call immediately.