
The Quirkless Hero: Variable (Mha)

When he found out he was Quirkless. he thought his dream of being a hero was over. until one day, a villain approached him offering him power. as he shook the devil's hand. he gained the one thing he wanted most, but at what cost? Disclaimer: I do not own the original characters of My Hero Academia. P'S: Mc is gonna be arrogant at first. but he's gonna numb down throughout the story.

KingHadesUltimate · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs


*Katashi's Pov*

The mysterious man sat next to me after asking my name, we talked for a little bit and I eventually told him my situation.

"So you want to be a hero, correct?" asked the mysterious man. I just told him my situation. maybe I can get some advice from him.

he continued talking.

"Being a hero without a quirk is hard, but not impossible" said the mysterious man, I looked at him,

Intrigued by what he had just said.

"It's not impossible but your sulking won't help you with your problem. if you want to be a hero then you should work for it. there's no help in brooding about it." said the mysterious man. he then picked something up from his pocket and pulled out a cigar. he lit it off and started smoking.

"If I were you, I'd get to work right about now, maybe learn some martial arts or study strategist. or you can just work as a policeman. But guessing by your personality, you won't be satisfied with just being a police. you want to be in the moment." I was wide-eyed, deep down I agreed. maybe if I trained my body and learned martial arts. maybe I can be a pro hero.

"But Don't get over yourself, learning some martial arts won't mean you'll become a pro hero," I look at him again. eagerly waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"There's a huge gap between a quirkless individual and an individual with a powerful quirk. No amount of techniques or strategy can make up for it. Not with some 'common' martial art, anyway." He sighed, leaning forward in the swing and looking at me with pity.

"S-so what can I do?" I asked the man with a shaky voice.

he puffed his cigar before replying.

"That's up to you, Whether you'll give it your all or you're giving it all up." he said before looking down again.

minutes passed and the somber atmosphere around us felt like hours. he decided to break the ice and said something about himself.

"You know I've been reading some motivational quotes for a while now, To keep me going with my own problems. wanna hear one of my favorites?" he asked me with a small grin.

"O-okay" I replied.

"Hm. here goes, 'The Key to success is action, and the essential to action is perseverance'. interpret that as you will." as he said those words he returned to his cheerful grin. A little smile appeared on my face. I stood up and thanked him.

"Thank you, Sir, I'll keep those words to heart!" I did a quick bow and began to leave the playground. But not before hearing him say his name.

"You can just call me "Uncle Hu" kay?" he asked me with a wide grin. I look at him and gave him a nod.

**Yano Household: Katashi's POV**

I went home and heard noises in the kitchen. It seems my mom is preparing dinner.

I want to ask dad and mom to enroll me in a martial arts dojo. so I'll have to wait a little bit.

"If I'm weaker than everyone else, then that just means I have to work twice as hard and if that doesn't work then I'll work even harder…" after talking to myself for a little bit I heard the door open, it was my father. He had just gotten off from patrol. I greeted him and immediately went to my room.

After anxiously waiting for an hour I was called downstairs. I've prepared my speech and everything. Hopefully, they can agree to enroll me in a dojo.

I went downstairs and had dinner. It was fish, soup, and vegetables. Nothing special.

After we finished eating I finally mustered up my confidence to ask my parents. I stood up in my chair and did a quick cough to earn the attention of my parents. my dad looked at me with his sharp eyes while my mom had a puzzled expression.

"Dad, Mom, Can you enroll me in a dojo?" I asked while bowing in my chair.

"May I ask, why?" I heard my father ask.

"Because I don't wanna give up being a hero just yet!"

"You Know… Don't tell me you think you can become a hero by just learning martial arts" asked my father while releasing an intense aura. Cold sweat appeared on my face. My mom was noticeably worried.

"Dear!" Exclaimed mom. But it was too late as dad threw the table with one hand.

"You think you can become a hero just by being a martial artist? You spit on the name of

pro heroes!"

The energy he gave off was intimidating. The air grew thick with tension and anger radiating from father.

"Dad, Stop!" My brother screamed out while standing in front of me. But in a blink of an eye. Father appeared in front of him and pushed him away with just a light hit on the cheek. He flew a few feet away before losing consciousness.

"If you can land a hit on my body, maybe I'll consider it." He said before entering a fighting stance.

I was too scared to say anything so I entered a fighting stance as well.

"W-what are you doing to our son!?" Exclaimed my mom, But it seems she stopped when my father gave her a glance. As if she understood something.

My father looked back at me and released his aura one more time.

"So… Do you still think you can become a pro hero just by learning how to dance?"

F-father-san, I think that's child abuse.

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