
The Quest for Meru

Meru is the land of dreams filled with the unknown and is incredibly dangerous. Countless people die for a chance to be born in the illusory city of gods yet, no one knows if it's real. In reality, Meru is a convergence of everything divine and miraculous in the universe. The entrance to the city lies somewhere on the Jambu continent whose location changes at the speed of thought moving endlessly across the universe. Countless civilizations across the universe have perished as the city has remained elusive beyond touch. In the world of Rendul, the quest for Meru started as daring adventurer set to the Sea of Milk and returned alive with the powers from beyond. The world itself changed filled with divine, cursed and the supernatural. Shapish has been traversing the cosmos to discover the secret of Meru. While he has some secrets of his own, accompany Shapish as he uncovers the truth about Meru. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 chapter a week till I post 1 daily No chapters on weekends generally If I want to ,I'll put out extra I will be posting this story on royalroad also RoyalRoad Profile- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/396809

bigmadtoe · Fantaisie
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12 Chs


So, what is my 'purpose'? ", asked Shapish.

" Oh! I forgot you have awakened for the first time! Don't fret... You'll know it sooner or later. ", said Wars.

"What should we do now? ", asked Shapish as he ignored War. 

"Who are we?...boy stop dreaming", said The Priest.

"Figure things out yourself", he added.

Wars nodded in agreement as he said, "You are currently not in any major danger plus you have awakened even before birth. I would say you are pretty lucky".

" Yeah, lucky enough to have an assassination attempt in the womb", he lampooned inwardly.

He tried looking out the window wanting to see the outside world. His legs were too short to climb the window pane but he could barely see the sun shining in it's full glory. Who knew what this world looked like? Was it better than the previous one? Was it too dangerous? Do people here also strangle each other over fresh fish and cooked rice? Does the sky here also shine obsidian? - Shapish kept musing to himself. A heavy sigh left his quivering lips. Soon, he finished reminiscing and collected himself.

"As you both know, I have never been awakened before, so I only know the mysticism the non-awakened are concerned with... ", said Shapish

The Priest said, " Mysticism isn't affected by awakening... It's pretty much like science. There are fixed laws for almost everything. Things are calculated with fair approximation. So, not much detailing is needed. Intuition though has to be trained. "

"It's that easy? ", Shapish was a little shocked.

The Priest sounded somewhat angry as he said, " What do you take mysticism as? Knowledge is power. If you set a trap well enough, it can even kill a pseudo-demigod."

"Well that's only if that demigod is comically stupid and unaware of relevant mysticism! ", said Wars.

Shapish noticed that The Priest was eerily quiet.

" Look's like The Priest got some young master treatment from a random main character ", Shapish lampooned.

The Priest was no longer able to hold himself, " Hmppf! That was my 'first' time. I barely knew anything and wasn't under 'Mother' "

" So, he became a devotee to avoid dying stupidly.", Shapish noted. Being a young master sure was rough!

"Wait! "

"Aren't I a young master now?", Shapish was flabbergasted. He had read so many stories of a valiant main character stealing i.e. rescuing jade beauties from young masters. Funnily, he had even written a few of them.

Shapish was jolted back to reality when The Priest said,

"Aren't you too arrogant!... Haha... How can you be a young master? haha...Nobody comes to look at you... Look at the room... It looks like a servant's room. Your father probably forced himself on your mother! I would have died of disgust if I were you...haha! ".

This Priest sure had a talent for provoking people. Some people are just natural assholes. They are probably born this way with the only purpose of their being to be an asshole. They probably don't need to put effort into provoking others. These hate-worthy wretches live pathetically with their mouths working more than their hands. Their presence alone makes the world suffocating. But a matter of relief must be that they die more pathetically than they lived. 

Wars spoke with a deep look as if he understood something, " This might be why she doesn't sit around you. Anyone in her situation would hate you...I mean even I somewhat hate you...now that I think about it...It's completely understandable... Hmm...mmm...But even so, Priest, you shouldn't make him feel like shit. His mother hates him so much ...It's already very tragic".

"You are even worse", said Shapish half-smiling in a self-depreciating tone.

Even so, Shapish wasn't very upset. These situations were pretty common in poor households. People usually associate heinous crimes with criminals and the truth couldn't be far away from that. In small remote households, some people suffer abuse each and every day. Under the influence of substance, some fathers reveal their monstrosity to their own daughters. Stomachs are empty, they spend the trifling sum they receive to quench the burning desire of lust and liquor. 

The Priest silently agreed with Shapish as War didn't react. Oblivious to War, both of them silently agreed on who the natural asshole was...

Shapish said, " So, what should I immediately do now? ".

Wars said with his usual calm demeanor, " Don't waste your advantage. Your root chakra is already open now. Study and observe any higher consciousness that you can perceive and find ways to open other chakras".

"My dear beautiful Goddess was magnanimous enough to let me observe her and evolve", said The Priest.

He added, " But since you have met 'him' once, you can pretty much evolve easily in a month or so".

Shapish was stupefied as he asked, " That fast ??".

The priest snorted as he said, " If you consider this fast, then you should also look at how big a failure you are! Of course, if you aren't able to do that even after being in contact with a high-level entity, you are truly hopeless!".

Wars sighed as he said, " You have been given some head start, but that doesn't mean it's going to be easy... "

Shapish got over his hesitation as he asked, " So what do you mean by 'observe' and 'study'.? "

"Finally, a logical question", said The Priest.

He added,

" Why do you think we have the names 'Priest' and 'War' ?".