
The Queen

"Sir, I think we got her." A man's deep voice started to talk. "Roll down the window.." I said with a slight voice watching the window go down. Looking at the girl, I smiled. "Kojiki… I'm here." I said with a small smile watching the girl taking the trash to the bin. Rolling up the window I bit my lip. "Make sure you get it ready. I know she's really dying to see me." I said with a chuckle. Hearing my diver saying yes to my order, I looked out at the window again. "Koji… I'll be there just wait a bit ok." I said holding my head from a painful headache.

Looking at Kojiki again I smiled. While the car started to move Kojiki looked at me with a glare. I started to get chills. "Haha.. ya..I'm dead." I sighed with a sweat. While the car started to move I looked at the trees that were passing by. Wondering how she will react to see me again I started to get a little scared. Starting to think again how she will react by, hugging me, give me a sweet kiss, then.. Me getting punched in the face and sitting on the ground. Having Kojiki yelling at me, I sighed. I thought to myself 'So...this is what I imagine?' Still having the thought that I'll be dead. I shrugged.

Getting out of the car I looked up at my mansion. Walking to the doors I see maids lining up on the left and right greeting me home. Seeing my butler at the door he welcomed me as well. Having one of the maids taking my coat I walked inside hearing the butler's report. "Welcome home Master. Today we did have visitors looking for you while you were gone and they did get the document that you wanted. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to give them their rewards so I did." The butler said while walking with me to my room. "It's fine I trust you after all." I said while we are reaching my room. The butler started to explain more about the document that I had asked for.

When reaching to my room he bowed. Entering the room the maid greeted me asking if I needed help to change, shaking my head they went out of the room going back to their chores. Taking off my shirt while walking to the bed, I looked at the window thinking about Kojiki. "I hope I don't get it when I see her." Holding my head again from the pain of the headache, I shook my head for it to go away. Laying down on the bed to get some rest, I started to fall asleep. Waking up at 8pm I looked out the window. "It's night…" I said with a cracked voice. I shivered. Standing up, one of the maids open the door letting me know that dinner was ready. Watching them leave I grabbed a new shirt and walked down to the dining hall to sit down and wait for the food to come out.

Sitting at the end of the table putting my hand under my chin, the smell of the food came out on trays. Watching the maids set down the food my butler came to me handing me the documents. After having the documents in my hands the butler went to my right side standing behind me so I can call him whenever. Looking through the documents I smiled. "So she improved?" I asked for an answer from my butler. "Yes, she's been visiting this place to train more she's gotten a lot stronger now." The butler said taking the documents back. I nodded. "So then she is still the queen?" I said in a concerned tone. The butler nodded. "Nobody couldn't take her down since you left." Hearing the butlers' answer I started to eat.

Walking to my room I stopped at the hot spring that I built for her. "I hope she can forgive me." Looking at the room I walked back to my bedroom. Laying down on the bed I sighed. Starting to think about Kojiki before I left her I started to fall asleep. Hearing the knocking on the door one of the maids came in. "Sir are you going back to that school?" Sitting up from hearing the maid's question I answered with a yes. The maid bowed and left the room. After watching the maid leave I started to get dressed into my school uniform.

Walking out of the black long limo, people were staring at me. Walking to the school building hearing people whispering that I'm back, I smiled. Walking to the top floor where the S ranker floor is located. The S rank floor is for those who has more strength and more of an understanding of their abilities then the other students. There are 6 different rankings, S ranks (the highest), followed by A rank, then B rank, C ranks D rank, and E rank (which is the lowest). While reaching to the door of the classroom, I see Kojiki opening the door. Watching the door open I looked at her. Seeing Kojiki in tears she punched me into the wall across the hall. "Y-You idiot!" Kojiki looked at me with her blood red glowing eyes glaring at me. I got up rubbing the pain in my stomach. "Haha… Hi love." I said with a sweat making sure I didn't get myself killed.

Kojiki looking at me with a glare I gulped. Standing up to walk over to her she ran towards me hugging me tightly. "Idiot…. It's been a year. You left me a year. You promised you wouldn't leave me." Hearing Kojiki's voice cracking from crying I patted her head. I smiled and kissed her head while her head was on my chest. "I'm back." I smiled and she looked at me. Kojiki pulling back to wipe her tears she bowed. "Welcome back Master." Kojiki looked up at me and smiled.

After hearing Kojiki telling me welcome back I grabbed her hand and kissed her softly. Kojiki looking at me with a blush I hugged her. "Aw so cute, did my puppy miss me?" I said swinging her while hugging. Kojiki had a straight face and pushed me. "S-Stupid!" Kojiki went back in class shutting to the door on me. I sweated a bit and chuckled a bit then went to classroom. Seeing Kojiki sit in the back by the window I sat right next to her. Looking at Kojiki, Kojiki looked at me with a blush. "W-What are you looking at?" Kojiki pushed my face playfully with her hand. I licked her hand and she shivered pulling back her hand fast from my lick. "I'm just looking at my wonderful puppy." I smiled and licked her cheek. Kojiki blushed and cupped her cheek. "S-Stop… Your gonna get us in trouble." Kojiki said looking at the window. I chuckled and the teacher came inside the class.

Standing up when the teacher came. He started to announce that I came back. Hearing the girls squealing that I'm back I sighed, but Kojiki on the other hand stood up and put her elbow on my shoulder. She rolled her eyes and looking back at the window. I chuckled and patted her head. "Cute." I said kissing her cheek. Kojiki blushed and pushed my face away. "W-Whatever." She hid her face. I smiled and looked up to the front of the class paying attention to learn.

After writing down the math question on the board I looked over at Kojiki and she was sleeping on her desk. I looked at her and poked her cheek then she moved a bit with a groan. I smiled and watched her sleep. Hearing the school bell ring I started to wake her up. Seeing Kojiki sitting up rubbing her eyes she yawned. "What happened?" Kojiki looked at me with a small drool. I smiled and wiped it. "School is over honey." I kissed her forehead. Kojiki nod and stood up walking away. "Where are you going?" I looked at her. "To the gate." Kojiki looked at me back. I nod and she went. Holding my head from the headache I shook my head a bit to stop the pain.

Walking to the gate Kojiki leaned on the wall pillar with her eyes closed looking up. I smiled and went up to her, then kissed her forehead. Kojiki opening her eyes she looked at me. "Hm?" Kojiki kissed my cheek. "What took you so long?" Hearing her voice out of concern I smiled. "Nothing my head was hurting so I thought I should wait a bit." Kojiki sighed and flicked my forehead. "Idiot we should have gone home from the start." Kojiki started to walk holding my hand with a grip. I smiled. "Yeah!" I caught up on Kojiki's side and held her hand with the same grip.

Walking to my mansion Kojiki walked in the door and the maids greeted us. "So your going to live here from now on?" I looked at Kojiki while the maids had taken our jackets and took our bags to put in my room. Kojiki taking off her shoes she nodded. "Well yes, but I have a house to. So I guess you can say your place can be a get away and my house can be home." She smiled. I shook my head sighing. "I guess, but there's something I want to show you." Grabbing Kojiki's hand, we went to go to the hot springs I built. Stopping in front of the surprise, her eyes widen. "A-A hot springs..here?!" Kojiki looked and started to explore. I chuckled from her being so surprised. "Ya its a late birthday gift and a welcome home present too. I'm sorry for making you wait so long." I scratched my head with a sweat.

Having Kojiki hugging me, I smiled. "Do you like it?" I asked and she kissed me. "Ya...I do. But one more thing is missing." She turned. "A cherry blossom." Looking at Kojiki she looked at me back. "A cherry blossom?" I asked. Kojiki getting up having a rainbow cherry blossom seed taking it out from her pocket, she looked at me. "Can I plant this?" Looking at Kojiki with a smile I nodded. Watching her walking to the dirt behind the hot spring, she started to plant the seed.

Seeing Kojiki looking back at me she started to speak. "Shall we?" Seeing Kojiki reaching her hand out I grabbed it. I smiled. "We shall." I chuckled, she smiled. Sitting in the hot springs waiting for her I looked out seeing the full moon. Hearing the doors open, Kojiki came into the springs and sat right next to me. Watching her sit right next to me I kissed her lips softly. Kojiki smiled. Putting my arm around her she looked at the full moon.

Looking at Kojiki in a confused away, she cupped my cheeks. I looked at her when she looked at me. Kojiki smiled and kissed my cheek. "I miss you." I said childishly. She laughed. We began to talk for a while to catch up of what we miss. After a bit of laughter we started to play around for a bit.

Kojiki looking at me on the left side of the bed while she was sitting up having a blanket covering her upper self, she smiled. Her hand went on my right cheek and she kissed it after. Kojiki looking at the full moon on the window to her right, she sighed. "Their coming.. Mind as well just get ready as it is." Kojiki getting off the bed she started to get dressed. She started to wear black pants, a black dress shirt, black boots that reached to her knee, and a black long coat. Kojiki looking back at me on the bed she left the room, closing the door.

Waking up moving my hand on her side of the bed all I felt was the bed and blankets. I opened my eyes blinking them while waking up with a yawn. Sitting up on the bed I sighed. "This troublemaker." I chuckled with a smiled and got dressed. Hearing the groans with pain in the backyard behind the mansion I walked over there with my hands in my pockets. Seeing many guys taken down, my eyes widen a bit. "Wow…girl takes down vampire guys. Huh, she really must have workout." I said with a scared voice a bit. Seeing Kojiki leaning on the tree with blood on her clothes and scratch wounds on her right leg, left arm, a small scratch on her stomach, and one on her back. Watching her fight again with vampires, she looked pretty badass.

Kojiki looking at me she walked up to me while she was losing a bit of blood. I grabbed her hand and flicked her forehead. "What are you doing here? You need to get out of here." Kojiki pushing me away I stopped her. I sighed. "Koji that should be my line. What are you doing also, we need to get you fixed up." I carried her. Kojiki pushing me off and her landing on her feet she started to explain. "Ok, maybe I should've told you sooner. There are people hunting me down or demons are coming after me to kill me." She started to mutter that last part and I looked at her with a glare.

Kojiki sweating a bit from the wounds getting her body hot, feeling that she has a fever. I calmed her down. "Love!" I said in a loud voice were she can catch my attention. "Look I won't get mad at you but, you need to tell me what's going on." I looked at her and she nodded trying to catch her breath. "Ok, so when it happens I have something big chasing after me ok. I don't know what it is but, one thing I could think of is. They could be coming after me so they can have power or getting rid of me. Meaning to kill me." Kojiki looked at me with a fear looked that looked cute. I blushed.

"Man, wish you can make that face when your with me on the bed." I started to hold back my laugh from the joke. Kojiki punching my arm making it hurt were I can feel her true demon strength I flinched and groaned. "Ow, remind me not to mess with you. Then again, it was a joke. Hmph." I turned away puffing my cheeks, she kissed me. "Yes I knew that, but we need to get started here." Kojiki looking at the direction where the loud roar is in the backyard I smiled. "So it's something big?" I asked and Kojiki answered with a nod. "This should be good." I said with a smile. "Yes and that big thing is you." She smiled. I laughed a bit "Good one."

Seeing more vampires, Kojiki dashing into them cracking their necks for a kill, I watched. Kojiki looking at me she glared. "You gonna help or not?" I stood up helping Kojiki from her question. Us both seeing a huge person with bat wings, half of the vampires started to attack me while the other half and the bat winged person started to go after Kojiki. While the attacks from the vampires I looked at Kojiki and she was handling them pretty well. Cracking one neck of the last, I went to Kojiki helping her.

Kojiki getting thrown into the rock that looked like a wall from a mountain I ran towards her. Seeing Kojiki trying to stand up, I helped her. "G-Go...run.." Kojiki started to flinch from the pain by being thrown. I shook my head saying no. Having the human bat swinging its left wing to us, we both separated. "Kojiki!" I shouted before hitting the tree. Getting up holding my arm I looked at Kojiki who was coughing blood. She was being held by her neck by the bat. I dashed towards the bat kicking the side of it. The bat let her go and I caught her while she fell. Leaning Kojiki against the tree I kissed her forehead. Kojiki looking at me her eyes began to close.

Dashing into the bat I started to punch it making it weak. After many blows I started to breath heavily while wiping my mouth. Seeing the sun rise slowly the bat punched me into a tree. I started to get weak. Kojiki, having her hair turning back into a black color, her ears and tail started to appear. I looked over to her and she stood up. Standing up Kojiki rushed towards me and told me to rest up. I smiled. "Alright, I'll leave everything to you." I sat down on the ground leaning on the tree watching her. Kojiki looking at the bat, she had her true form back. Kojiki started to scratch the bat with her claws with a fast reaction. The bat bleeds, looking at Kojiki begging for mercy after a couple of attacks. Kojiki looking at him with no expression she stabbed her hand through without feeling anything.

Kojiki looking back at me she ran. Standing up Kojiki gave me a piggyback ride. "Aren't I heavy? I can walk. It's fine." I put my chin on her head blowing her wolf ears. Koijki's wolf ear twitching she sighed. "It's fine, your not heavy. Besides we're out here in the woods. We're almost there to your place." She said while her ear was twitching from my blow. I smiled and stopped.

After Kojiki setting me down on the bed she started to treat my wound. Watching her I kissed her lips. Kojiki looking at me she told me to lay down. After laying down she kissed my forehead. "Rest up I'll let you know when it's time to eat." She said in a calm sweet voice. I smiled. "Ya, I will." Looking at Kojiki I started to close my eyes, falling asleep. Kojiki watching me sleep she started to walk out of the room.

After Kojiki left the room she entered the office. While seeing the office there were bookshelves against the walls on both sides until it would reach half of the room. Then a small rectangle table in the middle of the room with two couches one behind it and in front of it, with a chair at both ends. Kojiki walking to the desk which was near the window, she sat down turning on the computer.

Kojiki looking through the videos of me she smiled. Kojiki, watching the one where I was opening gifts with my family she still had her smile. Watching the part where I opened a small gift she chuckled. Because I only got a popsicle stick saying "I owe you 60 dollars." Kojiki started to speak. "It looks like he had fun when he was a kid." She smiled until a shadow appeared behind her. Kojiki ears perked and began to speak. "What is it that you want…. Turtle?"

Kojiki clicked the X to close the video. Turtle sighed. "Can't I be called something else?" He asked. Kojiki shook her head. He sighed. "Anyways, what are you going to do about him? Until that day comes?" Kojiki's ears perks then twitch after hearing the question Turtle asked. Kojiki standing up going to the window crossing her arms. Turtle looked at her. "I don't know, but when the time comes…. I have to leave to keep him safe. Plus I'm leaving him in your care Turtle. After all your 'his shadow'." Kojiki saying the part 'his shadow' she turned to him giving him a glare. Turtle bowed putting his left hand on his chest. "As you wish." Turtle started to disappear.

Kojiki turning back to the window again, a tear started to come down her right cheek. "He really must have been a kid to live with freedom." Kojiki walking out of the office she walked to the room. Kojiki opening the door to the room she walked to me watching me sleep. She smiled and kissed my cheek. "No wonder why your the fun one… I love you, my weirdo." She kissed my lips and I opened my eyes seeing her face close up to mine. Kojiki blushed and made an excuse.

"Seems like you have no fever. It's time to eat." Hearing Kojiki's words I looked at her. Kojiki sat on the bed pinning me. I looked at her. "I thought it was time to eat?" I asked with a smirk. Kojiki smiled and licked my neck. "I know, but you will eat after I have my meal." Kojiki said in a sly voice. I moved my hand up and down her back and she let out a small noise. "So dirty." I chuckled. Kojiki biting into my neck I flinched from the pain. Hearing Kojiki gulping I shivered. Kojiki pulling back I let out a small noise. "I thought I was the dirty one?" Kojiki chuckled a bit while wiping her mouth. I smiled and she helped me changed my clothes.

After changing my clothes, she helped me to the dining room. I flicked her forehead. "Love I'm fine really." I started to walk by myself and she looks at me while she continues to stand by my side in case I trip or fall. Kojiki sighed. "I know, but I just want to make sure." Kojiki watching my every step we made it through the dining room. Sitting on my seat Kojiki sat on the right side by me. The maids bringing out the food we started to eat. Kojiki standing up after eating she walked back to the room. "Thanks for the food." She said quietly. Looking at Kojiki I sighed. I stood up and walked after her.

Kojiki heading back to the room, she went to the window and stared at it looking at the trees. Hugging her behind I kissed her neck asking her what's wrong. Kojiki shaking her head she began to speak in a low tone. "Nothing…" She moved her neck a little from my kiss while she talked. Kissing her neck again I smiled giving out a smirk. "You sure?" I asked in a sly way. Kojiki nod and began to give out a small moan. I blushed and kissed her neck again.

Kojiki turning around to face me while my arms around her waist she began to kiss me. "Stop kissing my neck, what is it?" Kojiki gave a small blush and kissed me again. I chuckled. "Nothing, I just want to know what your thinking that's all." I smiled. Kojiki looked at me and sighed. "I-Its just...It's just that, you got hurt by me." Kojiki looked down. I gave a small smile and lifted it up her chin kissing her small sweet lips. "I'm ok. If I'm with you I'll be ok alright?" I kissed her again. Kojiki looked at me and nodded slowly.

I chuckled. "Should I help you forget about this?" I kissed her then reaching my hand down under her shirt, lifting it up. Kojiki shivered while feeling my cold hands. Kojiki blushed again beginning to stutter. "N-No...I'm fine really.." She tried to step away from me. Quickly grabbing her moving to the bed I pinned her. I licked her neck. "You know you want it." I smiled and took off her shirt. Kojiki looked at me as if she wanted more. I licked my lips and began to kiss her neck to her breast slowly taking off her clothes. Moving down to her stomach with my kiss she began to moan a little. I licked her all the way to her neck then kissed her lips after. Kojiki looking at me she kissed me. I smiled. "Cute." I kissed her again.

Kojiki sitting on the bed watching me sleep she kissed my cheek. Kojiki laying down and facing me, she closed her eyes and began to sleep. Waking up I looked at her and I smiled. Holding my head from the headache I groaned a bit. Sitting up holding my head, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I sighed. Kojiki rubbing her right eye while sitting up holding the blanket to cover herself she yawned cutely. "Shadow?" She saw the bathroom light on guessing I was there. Hearing her call my name I sighed again. Walking out of the bathroom closing the light I smiled. "Yes love?" I asked walking to the bed to sit with her. "What's wrong?" Kojiki looked at me with a concerned expression. Shaking my head I didn't want to worry her. "It's nothing. I'm ok." I smiled sitting on the bed laying down looking at her.

Kojiki looking down at me I kissed her hip on the side. "I'm ok. Plus its a bit early for you to wake up in the morning." I smiled kissing the side of her hip again. Kojiki patted my head wanting to know what's going on. I sighed and sat up. "You never give up huh?" Looking at her grabbing her so I can hold her. Kojiki chuckled lightly saying yes. "Can't you tell me?" Kojiki asking sweetly in my arms I put my chin on top of her head. "What would you like to know?" I asked. "What happened to you for a year? Why did you leave me?" Kojiki asked without no hesitation.

I gulped a bit knowing that's what she wanted to ask. Kissing her head I sighed. "I just felt that if I left you...You would only get stronger. I felt that I was holding you back." I started to lose my cool. Kojiki elbowing me in the stomach I coughed. "Hmph." Kojiki started to pout. "Yes I know I deserve that, but there was something I needed to do and I knew if you came not only you would mess things up but I didn't want to lose you." I blushed a bit. Kojiki making it seem that she will hit me I flinched. Kojiki facing me she kissed me. "I kinda figured...but, there's more isn't there?" Looking at Kojiki I smiled. "Maybe."

"Like I said I wanted you to get stronger because I felt that I was holding you back." I looked at her and she gave the look 'really?'. I smiled and kissed her. "When I said that I didn't want to bring you ...I fought with people that wanted me and you dead." I looked away. Kojiki's hair started to cover her eyes. Looking at Kojiki I moved her hair. "Love?" I asked. Kojiki headbumpping me I flinched. Rubbing my forehead she did the same. "Is...Is that why you been getting headaches?" Kojiki clenched her fist, ready to punch me in the face. I gulped.

Kojiki sighed and cupped my cheeks. "Look I don't mind you not taking me but, as your lover...I need to know these things." Kojiki kissed my lips and then my forehead. I nodded and tears started to fall down from my eyes. "I'm..s-sorry love...s-sorry. I was just scared that I might lose you." Leaning my head against her shoulder crying Kojiki looked up at the ceiling and hugged me while I hugged her back. "Baka…" Kojiki said close to my ear as a whisper.