5 Acting ??

Seeing the love birds catching up for all the lost years Ryan and Amelia silently came down. Amelia took a cigerate and went near the pool. She was deep in thoughts. Just then Ryan came and sat beside her. He said " penny for your thoughts Amy" Amy just smiled and said you act really well Ray i could see so much love in your eyes above. Oh there is nothing Ryan Hastings cannot do sweety but your acting really sucked Ryan replied jokingly. But the the truth was this love in his eyes was for Amelia. He longed to admit it to her that he loved her. Not from childhood like willy but yes from past few years he was madly in love with her. Since when even he does not know the exact moment. He had fallen in love with her care free attitude, strong will, her passion to live each moment and ofcourse her smile. He did not say anything else and allowed her to continue thinking. This way he could just see her and she was looking ethereal.Her long chestnut brown hair were flowing in the gentle wind. Her pale white skin shone in the moonlight. She had deep black eyes with long curled eyelashes, long slightly pointy nose and lustrous full lips. Her 5'8" body with perfect figure could give any model.a run for money. But it was not her looks that attracted him. It was the aloofness from the world yet enjoying it like there would be no tomorrow. She had thirst for adventures and lived for fulfilling her fantasies. However this made it difficult to claim her. It was not like he lacked somewhere. He was also really handsome. His 6 feet height, muscular body, black thick hairs, fair colour and ocean blue eyes attracted many girls.Buy he knew she could not be tied with love not yet atleast. He was willing to wait for her.

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