
Chapter 1

"Lila! We're here" someone nudges my shoulder.

I groan, then finally open my eyes to see what's blocking my stretch. Oh right, i think to myself, I am still in the car with the seatbelt on.

"Finallyy" my twin sister exclaims from the seat next to me.

Layla, my twin. Not identical luckily. I mean we would have fun if we were, but we are still close either way. We also have our differences- I love school, studying, reading etc, while Layla is more of the rebel type, who still has no clue for the future. Its okay that she doesn't know yet. I have my future all planned out; if i get the good grades...

"Look!" she points out the window.

I rub my sleepy eyes, then stare at our new home. Its a small and cozy, little house. A gate, a tiny path, before you reach the front door. The walls are brick, but coloured light purple, with the door being a rose red shade. Two flower pots hanging above the door, full of rainbow flowers that I cannot individually name. Then two windows on the bottom and two on the first floor.

"Wow!" I breathed, lost of words by the shock of how heavenly beautiful our new home is.

"Agreed" muttered Layla, shell-shocked also.

Realising Mom was already out and packing, we too undone our seatbelts and went to help with the boxes.

I ended up carrying most of the boxes in alone, as Mom already started packing our stuff out in the kitchen and Layla in her room. Our old house had 2 bedrooms, so Layla and I had to share, where as here, its three bedrooms so we can have one each. I'm excited to have my own room, however I'm gonna miss Layla. I know there's only gonna be a wall separating us, but I feel like we'll drift away from each other. Maybe I'm just being stupid...

I put down the last box in my room and looked around. I havent really looked until now, as I've been busy with the boxes and I was scared if I look, then I wouldn't be able to leave. And I was right. It's perfect!

My furniture already placed in here, my single bed in the far right corner, then to its left the window with brand new violet curtains I chose when we were shopping for the move. Below the window my oakwood desk, with a lilac lamp. Next to that, my comfy arm chair which was coloured fading purple as I've had it since i was born. Mom was gonna get rid of it, but I said I wanted to keep it. I usually sit there to read, or just chill if i have time.

On the left wall, just as I asked, were three rows of pine book shelves. Gary, a friend of Mom, who helped us moved put the shelves and furniture in place. He also painted our walls, which made mine a beautiful shade of purple, that wasnt too dark, yet not to vibrant either.

Looking around again, I hear footsteps behind me, which makes me realise that I'm still standing in the middle of the room.

"Do you like it?" I turn and see Mom looking around smiling "We can change anything, if you don't, rearrange furniture.."

"It's perfect" I hugged her.

She would have babbled on forever. I love her nevertheless, I couldn't ask for a more amazing Mom.

Not that she knows everything.

Not that she ever noticed.

Not that anyone ever noticed.

"Lila? Is everything okay?" I hear Mom's voice, snapping me back to reality.

"Yeah. Everything seems great."

"Okay!" she replies happily "Well, I'll be downstairs. I've already finished the kitchen! Can you believe it?"

"Wow! Well done!" I try to sound surprised but I'm not. Mom was always making sure everything was organised and tidy. Last time we went on holiday, we arrived back at 10pm and by 10:30pm, everything was back in its place as if we never left and she even cooked us late dinner. It was amazing!

I hear Mom skipping down the stairs, then putting the radio. Radio haha... Mom only listens to music not anything like talk shows, news or politics. That's also a thing I like about her. She acts like us. Of course parental too, but considering she's 40, she acts more like she's in her twenties. Which is great, don't get me wrong. It's fun and more enjoyable with her than with parents who only talk about how bad adult life is, money matters and politics. In those kids' life, politics is a recurring theme from young age, whereas in our life music and leisure and to actually smile matters more. Mom values happiness over anything.

I look around again, realising I should start packing. I start with the books for some odd reason. I have 30 books in total, which made it even with 10 on each shelf. Luckily, there's still lots of space on them, which I will obviously fill in with more books as the time goes.

I carried on packing stuff out and organsing everything, until everything was done and it was dark outside. I unconsciously turned on the light at some point, which I only just noticed how bright it is. I also realised that I didn't even look out the window to see the view or our garden. Oh well, I'll see tomorrow, I think to myself.

"Wow!" Layla's voice startled me, making me jump.

"Jesus, when did you come in" I breathed putting a hand on my rapidly beating heart.

"Haha! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Mom said to call you down for dinner." Layla chuckled walking out.

"Oh yeah, I'll be down in a minute."

"Nice room by the way!" she shouted back.

I put up the last poster of a quote of one of my favourite books saying "You could rattle the stars", then I made my way downstairs. Mom seemed to have finished packing and decorating, making everything already feel like home. I walked down the hall next to the stairs to the kitchen, when i notice a full length mirror on the wall.

I freeze, and stare to see my reflection.

I haven't looked in a mirror since months now.

It shows the unmistakable reality.

"Lila?" I hear Layla shout from the kitchen.

"Coming" I reply, quickly taking my gaze away from the picture the mirror reflected, and walk away trying to get the disgust of my fave before I reach the others.

Well some things never change.

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