
The Purple Flash of Kumo

After the destruction caused by Kyuubi, A and his group find a dying Kushina with a crying Naruto in her arms; feeling that he was not safe with the Masked Man around, she gives Naruto to him for safety. Naruto becomes a beloved son and little brother. Rated M for Sexual Content and Gore.

Drinnor · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

Leaving The Land of Tea

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The Following 11 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 25 (A Night of Pleasure), Chapter 26 (Similar to Minato?), Chapter 27 (Minato's son), Chapter 28 (The Black Cat of Kumo), Chapter 29 (Purple Lightning), Chapter 30 (Yoruichi's Pleasure), Chapter 31 (A New Flower), Chapter 32 (Immortal Blade), Chapter 33 (A Master of Purple Lightning), Chapter 34 (A Blacksmith), and Chapter 35 (Yoruichi's Feelings) are already available for Patrons.

"Why are you asking?" questioned one of the Aoi's teammates in a wary manner, with his hand firmly gripped around the handle of his knife, ready to defend himself and his team against any possible attack from the Kumo Team, who were known for their aggressive tactics.

Naruto, who was known for his mischievous ways, answered with a casual and carefree tone, accompanied by a fox-like grin, which hinted at his playful nature. "Nothing, really," he replied, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as if the question was of no importance to him. But, he quickly added, "We just received a new order from our Raikage," his voice trailing off as he suddenly vanished from the view of the Ame Team.

As Aoi stood there, his breath caught in his throat as he watched in horror. The metallic scent of blood filled his nostrils as he saw Naruto's sword slice through the air, severing the head of one of Aoi's teammates in a single swift motion. Blood spurted out from the lifeless body, spraying everywhere, some landing on Aoi's face from the right side, making him flinch in disgust and shock. Aoi's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he had just witnessed.

With a mischievous grin playing on his lips, Naruto's voice rang out, filled with a blend of amusement and excitement, exclaiming, "Looks like there has been a change of plans!" The words hung in the air, causing a ripple of uncertainty and tension to sweep through the surroundings. In a split second, Aoi's reflexes kicked in, his heart pounding with a mix of adrenaline and bewilderment. His body instinctively propelled him backward, his eyes widening in alarm as his hand instinctively sought the comforting grip of his legendary sword. Confusion gnawed at his mind; why would they turn on him? Determination surged through his veins as he vowed not to meet the same fate as his fallen comrades. The night wind howled fiercely, its chilling touch penetrating his ears, as he skillfully landed just beyond Naruto's reach, ready to face whatever came next.

Aoi almost opened his mouth to order his last two Genins to attack Naruto when Aoi noticed that his two Genins didn't follow him.

As Aoi observed Naruto with narrowed eyes, contemplating whether to give the signal for his loyal Genins to launch a fierce assault, a sudden revelation struck him like a bolt of lightning. Within the blink of an eye, his keen gaze discerned a chilling sight—the glinting blades of swords piercing through the chests of his trusted comrades. Astonished, Aoi's voice froze in his throat, halted by the gravity of the situation unfolding before him. Meanwhile, the blonde girl disdainfully scoffed at the lifeless forms lying at her feet. With an air of impudent mockery, Yugito effortlessly extracted the sword from one of the fallen Genins, causing their limp body to crumple to the unforgiving ground.

With a contemptuous sneer curling her lips, Yugito's voice dripped with disappointment as she uttered, "I was really hoping they be stronger," Nonchalantly, she wiped the crimson stains off her gleaming blade, employing a humble napkin as if it were a mere trinket. The lifeless genin lying nearby, their presence no longer of consequence, failed to perturb her in the slightest. Amidst the torrential downpour that drenched the rugged terrain beneath a moonless night sky, her words resonated with an aura of both disdain.

In a blazing fury that sent shivers down his spine, Aoi's eyes widened like twin orbs of smoldering ember as he beheld the lifeless bodies of his once Genins strewn across the unforgiving rocky terrain. With lightning coursing through his veins and determination etched upon his visage, he summoned forth the power of the sword of the Second Hokage. In a breathtaking display of mastery, the hilt of his weapon responded to his touch, springing forth an ethereal blade forged from the very essence of yellow lightning, illuminating the velvety darkness of the moonless night. The crackling electricity danced with wild abandon, intertwining with the shadows.

With a fiery rage burning in his eyes, Aoi's voice reverberated through the air, laden with betrayal and disbelief, as he vehemently accused the three genins standing before her, "You Traitors?!" His piercing gaze fixated on Naruto, who nonchalantly returned his glare with a casual and disarming smile playing on his lips, his sapphire orbs radiating an enigmatic calmness that only seemed to stoke Aoi's fury further.

Undeterred by Aoi's accusatory outburst, Naruto's voice resonated with an air of reason and calmness, his words laced with a hint of curiosity as he sought to unravel the misunderstanding, "Traitors? We work under our Raikage. As far as we know, we never had a contract with you specifically, so how are we traitors exactly, dear Aoi?" With a gentle gesture, Naruto extended his hand toward Aoi.

"Now, hand me the blade, and you can go," With an air of authority, Naruto's voice dripped with a blend of arrogance and contempt as he almost demanded, with a sneer tugging at the corners of his lips, for Aoi to relinquish the blade. Mockingly, his eyes locked onto Aoi's, silently daring him to comply. However, within Aoi's veins, an inferno of fury began to rage, threatening to consume him entirely. The audacity of these brats, believing he would simply hand over the sacred blade, ignited a fierce determination within him. Aoi's thoughts burned with a fiery resolve as he tightened his grip around the hilt of his legendary sword, its formidable power resonating through his very being. Every fiber of his being screamed for justice, for retribution. At that moment, Aoi vowed that Naruto would witness his true strength as the blade he wielded shimmered menacingly, poised to cleave Naruto into countless minuscule fragments.

Aoi stood beneath the tempestuous sky, feeling the relentless deluge cascading upon him with unyielding force. The moonless night enveloped the surroundings in an inky shroud, rendering every detail obscured and elusive. A sudden crack of lightning slashed through the darkness, illuminating the distant expanse of the sea with a flash of dazzling brilliance. In that fleeting moment, the resounding echo of thunder reached Aoi's ears like a triumphant symphony playing to his delight. A sly smirk curled upon his lips, infused with unwavering confidence, as he realized the hapless Genins would be utterly powerless against his formidable prowess. Meanwhile, the relentless downpour transformed the uneven rocky ground into a makeshift river, carving a path through the rugged terrain with unrestrained determination.

With a fiery determination burning in his eyes, Aoi's voice sliced through the tense air like a lightning bolt, reverberating with a mix of defiance and disbelief. "You think because you're from Kumo, you can take my blade?" he challenged, his words dripping with audacity. His gaze locked onto Naruto, who stood there, seemingly unfazed, his demeanor teetering on the edge of boredom. Aoi's blood boiled, his fury intensifying at the sight of his nonchalance.

"DIE!!" A primal roar erupted from deep within Aoi's chest, filling the atmosphere as he propelled himself toward Naruto with unparalleled speed. Each thunderous step pounded against the unforgiving rocky ground, echoing his determination to vanquish him. His grip tightened around his lightning-infused sword, raising it high above his head, poised to cleave through him like a helpless pig before a butcher's blade.

With a mischievous smirk playing on his lips, Aoi's eyes gleamed with excitement as he observed Naruto's unwavering stance. Gripping his electrifying sword tightly, Aoi anticipated the swift descent of his blade, expecting it to slice through Naruto's defense effortlessly. His widened eyes mirrored his astonishment as Naruto swiftly intercepted the lightning-infused weapon, preventing its deadly trajectory toward his face. To Aoi's disbelief, not only did Naruto successfully seize the lightning blade, but its lethal currents seemed not to affect his hand.

In the midst of the pouring rain, a tempestuous clash unfolded between Naruto and Aoi as the former's hand crackled with the mesmerizing power of purple lightning, illuminating the night with its electrifying glow. With unwavering determination blazing in his eyes, Naruto fixed his gaze upon Aoi, whose expression morphed into one of incredulity and astonishment, mirroring the rarity of the phenomenon before him.

Unwilling to fault Aoi for his disbelief, Naruto knew that the manifestation of Purple Lightning was an exceedingly scarce occurrence, even within the Kumo Village. As the thunder boomed and the droplets danced upon their faces, a palpable silence enveloped the darkness, broken only by the symphony of raindrops and the crackling of electricity. In this suspended moment, Aoi, overcome with trepidation, finally mustered the courage to find his voice amidst the overwhelming awe and fear that gripped him, his words trembling with uncertainty, "How?"

"Why would a Dead Man need to know that?" As the words lingered in the air, his eyes gleamed with determination as he swiftly brought his sword up, aiming it directly at Aoi's heart. The blade effortlessly pierced through Aoi's body, causing a crimson cascade of blood to erupt, painting the surroundings in a macabre spectacle. Aoi's desperate gasps for breath transformed into agonized coughs as he struggled to contain the torrent of blood flooding his nose and mouth. The grip around his own sword weakened, slipping from his trembling fingers, surrendering to gravity's pull as it descended onto the unforgiving terrain below, clattering against the rocky ground.

Naruto unsheathed his gleaming sword from within the depths of Aoi's chest, causing an explosive eruption of scarlet crimson to gush forth from the grievous wound. Aoi, his strength waning, crumpled to his knees, his face contorted with agony before succumbing to the unforgiving embrace of the rough and unforgiving rocky ground. The life force within him ebbed away, his blood cascading in a macabre dance, transforming the once stoic terrain into a vivid tableau of crimson, marking the poignant end of his fleeting existence.

"I guess our work is done," Omoi uttered, weariness seeping into his voice as he exhaled a sigh that carried the weight of his fatigue; the relentless downpour outside seemed to exacerbate his dispirited state. I hate rain; it gets everywhere, Omoi thought. With an air of irritation, he contemplated the inconvenience of the precipitation, his thoughts consumed by the relentless patter of droplets against his face. Omoi meticulously employed a napkin to meticulously cleanse the crimson stains that adorned his blade. Adjacent to him, Yugito approached the prone and battered form of Idate, who clung tenaciously to the very pocket knife that held sentimental value to him, despite his unconscious state.

Yugito gazed upon the motionless figure of Idate. His body sprawled out before her like a fallen warrior on the battlefield. As she stood beside her captain Naruto, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for the unconscious boy.

Despite his occasional irritations and quirks, there was an undeniable innocence that emanated from him."Naruto," Yugito's voice carried a mix of concern and uncertainty, "what shall we do with him?" Her eyes fixated on the fragile form of Idate.

Naruto's response was unwavering, his words resonating with a commanding authority instantly demanding attention. "Heal him," he declared with unwavering conviction, his voice carrying the weight of a natural-born leader. "Whatever or not he wins is not our problem anymore," His words echoed through the air, leaving no room for doubt. Yugito nodded in agreement, her blonde locks cascading around her determined face. With a swift motion, she began channeling her healing jutsu, weaving intricate chakra threads to mend the wounded boy's battered body.

In a swift and unexpected moment, a cacophony of echoing footsteps reverberated across the rugged terrain, catching Naruto's attention. The sound grew louder, each step resonating with a purposeful intensity. Without even turning his head, Naruto instinctively knew who was drawing near.

"What is happening here?" Amidst the stillness that hung in the air, Shikamaru's voice broke through the silence like a blade slicing through the thickest fog, sharp and piercing. Curiosity mingled with confusion, etching lines of bewilderment onto Shikamaru's face as he posed the question that danced on the tip of his tongue. He had expected to see Idate lying dead on the ground. Yet, instead of that, Shikamaru's eyes beheld a sight that left him dumbfounded. Yugito, with her healing prowess, stood beside Idate, her gentle touch mending wounds that should have been fatal. The fallen Jonin from the Rain Village lay lifeless on the ground, along with his genius.

With a nonchalant demeanor, Naruto refrained from turning his gaze toward the Konoha team, his attention seemingly fixated on a distant horizon. As the words escaped his lips, a hint of satisfaction danced in his eyes. "Yugito is healing Idate. He can continue his running race." he proclaimed, his voice infused with a sense of assurance. "Whatever or not he wins is not our problem anymore." Naruto's gaze shifted downward, his eyes tracing the intricate patterns etched upon the hilt of the legendary sword once wielded by the esteemed second Hokage. At that moment, a spark of recognition ignited within him, for he knew that this magnificent weapon harnessed the raw power of Lightning Chakra, a perfect match for his own formidable abilities.

As Shikamaru gazed intently, his eyes narrowing with suspicion and curiosity, he couldn't help but feel perplexed by Naruto's perplexing statement. It seemed utterly nonsensical unless Naruto had secretly received new orders, causing a ripple of confusion not only in Shikamaru's mind but also among his companions, Ino and Choji. In particular, Ino's brow furrowed in puzzlement as she hesitated, her mouth slightly ajar as if on the verge of inquiring further. However, she swiftly closed it, her recent encounter aboard the ship instilling a sense of caution, making her wary of uttering anything she shouldn't.

Despite his lingering wariness towards Naruto's words, Shikamaru found himself contemplating the possibility of going along with it. After all, if there were indeed new orders in play, Shikamaru reasoned that adapting to unexpected circumstances could still enable them to complete their mission successfully.

"Ino, Choji. Stand down. We are not enemies anymore," Shikamaru's authoritative voice resonated through the tense air, cutting through the lingering animosity. Choji, burdened by the searing pain that coursed through his weary shoulder, felt an overwhelming wave of relief wash over him as if a weight had been lifted from his very being. The remnants of the merciless slash wound inflicted during the relentless skirmish still throbbed relentlessly, serving as a stark reminder of his incapacitated state. At that moment, he acknowledged the futility of engaging in further combat, cognizant of his inability to contribute effectively.

Ino's eyes widened with a mix of disbelief and confusion as she gazed upon Shikamaru, her childhood friend who now appeared as a complete stranger to her. "Wait," she uttered, her voice tinged with a hint of hope and uncertainty. "That's it. We are not enemies anymore?" Her words floated in the air. His expression remained stoic, his face adorned with an all-too-familiar look of boredom. In a gesture of subtle restlessness, he absentmindedly rubbed the inside of his right ear with his slender little finger.

With an air of calculated detachment, Yugito's voice cut through the tension-laden room, her words laced with a hint of amusement. "This was never personal, Yamanaka. We were simply doing our mission. Of course, we can still fight if that's what you want," Her lips curled into a hunting smirk, a silent invitation to combat hanging in the air. Ino's throat tightened as a bead of cold sweat trickled down her temple, a visceral response to the prospect of facing her formidable adversary. She swallowed hard, her resolve wavering momentarily, but she knew deep down that she was not yet ready to face Yugito head-on. Ino's trembling hand reached up to wipe away the evidence of her unease, her mind racing with the realization that she was simply no match for the strength that stood before her.

As Idate slowly regained consciousness, his eyelids fluttered open, revealing a world drenched in hazy shadows. A surge of fear gripped his heart when his gaze fell upon Naruto, standing ominously nearby. However, before panic could fully consume him, Shikamaru's calming voice resonated through the air, assuring Idate that Naruto was no longer his adversary.

A wave of relief washed over him, soothing his frayed nerves. Amidst the palpable tension, Ino approached Idate, her eyes filled with concern, and performed a thorough examination to ensure his well-being. Gradually, as Idate became certain of his physical safety, his gaze shifted and settled upon Aoi's lifeless form, sprawled on the rugged terrain. The sight pierced his soul, awakening a deep-seated loathing within him. With every step he took toward Aoi's motionless body, Idate's eyes glimmered with a complicated mix of anger and a burning determination for justice.

As Idate's venomous words, "Burn in hell," escaped his lips and collided with the lifeless vessel before him, a wave of shock washed over Shikamaru and Ino. The intensity of Idate's anger directed at a deceased being was beyond their comprehension, for they had never fathomed that someone like Idate could harbor such intense emotions towards a lifeless shell. However, amidst their bewilderment, Naruto realized there must have been a dark and troubled history between Idate and Aoi. Rather than prying into the details, Naruto chose to respect the unspoken boundaries, understanding that it was not his place to delve into matters that did not concern him.

"So....what now? Aoi destroyed the Bridge to Ouzu Island. There is no way around it. And even if there is, the race would be over by the time we reached the Todoroki Shrine." Idate said with a grim tone, pointing at the destroyed wooden bridge.

"Don't worry. I think I got that covered." Omoi said with a reassuring tone.

The young Kumo Shinobi then walked to the edge of the cliff and knelt down on the ground. He then placed his open hand on the rocky surface and started channeling a large amount of Earth Chakra.

Suddenly, a large bridge made of earth was formed, linking Nagi Island to Ouzu Island.

Idate and Team 10 Konoha had their jaws dropped at the sight of Omoi's power. It was truly a rare sight to see.

Idate was the first to approach the Earth bridge and used his foot to test its durability. Idate then turns to Shikamaru as if he is looking for his approval.

"Run Idate, Run." Shikamaru simply said with his bright smile.

Idate smiled back and began to run at full speed on the Earth bridge, eventually crossing to the other side with Team 10 behind him.

As Idate ran away, Shikamaru glanced at the weapon Naruto had on his hips; Shikamaru's eyes widened slightly, recognizing the blade of the Second Hokage, he was almost tempted to tell Naruto to hand over the weapon, but Shikamaru quickly understood that doing so was suicide, so for the good of his team, Shikamaru kept his mouth shut.


Many people from Port Degarashi had gathered to see who would cross the finish line first. The majority was REALLY hoping that Idate would win so that the Wagarashi would not have any more control over the town for another four years.

But this year, however, was different. Instead of 4 years, the losing family will have to disband forever if their opponent's runner wins the race. A simple yet devious ultimatum created by the cunning Minister of Port-Degarashi.

Standing at the Todoroki Shrine was the sly Minister himself, along with the Daimyo of the Land of Tea and the heads of both the Wasabi and the Wagarashi, Jirocho, and Kyuroku.

As they all continued to wait, they were able to see one of the runners approaching.

Unfortunately, it was Akni of the Wagarashi.

Many of the people booed loudly for his arrival but were also disappointed that he was the first to arrive Instead of Idate. Will this be the end for the honorable Wasabi family?

Akni simply shrugged off their boos with his narcissistic personality. With his arrogance clouding his judgment, he decided to simply jog to the Shrine, as he believes that his victory is already inevitable.


The Wasabi members had their faces filled with disappointment. They had their hopes restored when they saw Idate reach the Modoroki shrine. But the question is, will Fukusuke arrive at the shrine before him?

The Minister was smugly grinning as he felt a great sense of satisfaction.

'Excellent' was all the Minster could think of.

"Come on, Idate. I know you can do it," Jirocho said, with his unbreakable faith in Idate never wavered.

The Daimyo, however, was still not convinced that this race had been fair from the very start. And his worries were cemented when he saw Asuma and Darui approaching him.

"Have you acquired the evidence, Asuma-san?" The Daimyo whispered.

"Yes, Daimyo-sama. Everything you need is in here." Asuma said as he handed the Daimyo a document.

"Good, well done." The Daimyo thanked the Konoha Jonin.

As Asuma immediately Shunshin away, the Minister turned his head to ask the Daimyo...

"My Lord, is something wrong?" The Minister asked.

He didn't see Asuma, but he was sure that somebody came to inform 'something' to the Daimyo.

"It is fine, nothing to worry about." The Daimyo said with a calm tone.

"Indeed, My Lord, it seems the Wagarashi will soon win this race." The Minister said with a satisfied smirk.

"Perhaps, but until one of the runners approaches the finish line, this race isn't over yet." The Daimyo said.


"Hey, is that...." One of the onlookers said as he noticed something fast was approaching.

"Its...IT'S IDATE FROM THE WASABI FAMILY! HERE HE COMES!" One of the onlookers yelled happily out loud.

The large crowd of people cheered loudly out of joy for the Wasabi Runner's arrival, as hope had been restored in their hearts.

Idate ran at full speed as the crowd continued to give their undying support for the Wasabi Runner.

"Idate!" Jirocho said with happiness at seeing his favorite young henchman arriving just in time.

Akni saw the runner quickly catching up to him, and a strong sense of fear was starting to build up in his head.

Especially when the Wagarashi head, Kyuroku, yelled out for his stupidity and demanded he run faster. He then finally pick-up-the-pace and started sprinting faster, but Idate had already caught up to him.

"I can't lose! No matter what happens, I am not going fail Boss Jirocho!" Idate yelled out loud, mostly to himself. But then he heard Shikamaru's words continue to repeat in his mind.

'Failure is not the end Idate. It is when you give up, is how it all ends.'

"I am not giving up, not until the very end!" Idate yelled out as he continued to sprint next to Akni.

"Forget it! No one is pulling ahead of me now! Not when I came all this way!" Akni yelled out, refusing to lose, as they both ran towards the finish line.

It was currently Neck-to-neck as both runners refused to give the other the edge.

"Come on, Idate! Keep going. You can do it!" Jirocho said as he went to the finish line to greet his young henchman personally. Which the Wasabi Runner was very grateful to see.

"Boss," Idate said, with happy tears in his eyes.

Eventually, Idate was the one who broke the finishing tape, and his hard work and effort had finally won the Wasabi Family the Race.

Everyone cheered for his victory. It was truly a new day for the people of Port-Degarashi.

Akni collapsed from exhaustion, leaving Kyuroko and the Minister to have their jaws dropped for their loss.

Idate then places his Ryuko Jewel on the Todoroki Shrine, finally completing the long race.

"I...I did it, hahaha holy crap, I actually did it," Idate said, as he was lying on his back and panting heavily.

"You sure did, Idate. That was a good race, son." Jirocho happily said as he approached Idate.

"B-Boss Jirocho," Idate said; he was happy to see his boss again.

"You did very well," Jirocho said with a smile.

"T-Thank you, Boss Jirocho," Idate said with a bow.

"No...thank you, Idate. Come on now. This is your day. They are all waiting for you." Jirocho said.

"R-Right," Idate then got up and followed Jirocho outside.

As Idate walked out of the Shrine, he was greeted by many applauses and cheers. His cheeks were blushing red, and he rubbed the back of his head shyly.

From a distance, no one can really hear the sounds of a brutal beating of Akni by the angry Wagarashi Family.

Idate is now standing on a podium with a proud yet humble look on his face.


The crowd cheered loudly, and among them was Team 10 as they managed to arrive just in time. They were very proud of their 'fourth comrade' and were happy that he didn't give up.

"Well, I guess that's that," Ino said with a smile.

"Yup, looks like he finally did it," Shikamaru said with his own smile.

Naruto shrugged his shoulders; it seemed Idate tougher than he had originally thought. Yugito couldn't help but sigh in relief, she knew the Land of Tea wasn't part of Kumo, but she was still glad that Idate won; Omoi simply had a bored look on his face; he couldn't wait to fall asleep.

Behind the scenes, Asuma and Darui led The Minister of The Land of Tea away, where the Daimyo was awaiting him, ready to ask about certain funds that had been disappearing.


The members of Team 10 found themselves bidding farewell to their cherished allies, the Wasabi Family. Emotions ran high as the time for departure drew near, and amidst the bittersweet atmosphere, a Konoha boat gracefully glided towards the dock.

With a mixture of gratitude and admiration in his voice, Idate extended his hand toward Shikamaru. "I am truly grateful for all the assistance you have provided, Shikamaru," Idate expressed, his words laced with sincerity.

Shikamaru met Idate's gesture with a firm grip. "The pleasure was mine, Idate," he replied, his voice carrying a sense of respect and fondness.

But then the Genins of Team 10 heard a familiar voice coming from the boat.

"Are you all done yet? I don't have all day." One of Jonins on the boat said to the group.

This Jonin was wearing his headband like a bandanna and had two long scars on his face.

But apparently, his appearance was a surprising shock to the Wasabi Runner.

"B-Big Brother Ibiki?" Idate said, surprised to see his big brother again.

"Big Brother Ibiki?!" Team 10 shouted in confusion; they never expected Idate to be Ibiki's brother.

"Oh, lighten up, Ibiki. My cute little team just want to say their goodbyes, that's all." Asuma coolly said as he stood next to Ibiki with a lit cigarette in his mouth.

"Well, like I said, I don't have all day. Plus, I left Anko in charge of T& while I was gone, so you can only imagine how much pain she will bring to the prisoners." Ibiki said with an amused smirk on his face.

"Yeeeaaah, we better head home. Otherwise, there won't BE any prisoners left." Asuma suggested with a chuckle of amusement as he let out a puff of smoke.

"R-Right," Shikamaru said nervously at the thought as he and his team got on the boat.

"Big Brother!" Idate called out but was ignored.

"Big Brother, please wait!" Idate called out once more.

This was able to stop Ibiki from taking another step.

"Who are you? Only one person called me that. And he died three years ago." Ibiki said coldly, not looking at his little brother.

"Big brother...I figured out the answer to the Tenth Question. I...I will never betray a comrade again. I'm sorry it took me so long. But.....I know what it means now to trust others." Idate said with determination in his eyes, tears streaming down his face.

"I see." That is all Ibiki could say as he looked away from everyone, a single tear of happiness rolling down his face.

"I won't run away again. I will never give up. And I promise.....I will make you proud." Idate said with the same determination, never leaving his eyes.

"...You better." Ibiki simply said with a hushed tone as he got on the boat, but was smiling for his long lost brother.

'You have grown up well...Little Brother.' Ibiki thought proudly.

As the boat gently bobbed in the tranquil waters, preparing to embark on its voyage, the members of Team 10 Konoha found themselves unexpectedly interrupted by the arrival of The Kumo Team 10. Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji instinctively tensed up, their bodies taut with anticipation.

However, Asuma simply smiled nonchalantly, unfazed by the sudden turn of events. Meanwhile, Naruto flashed an innocent grin, oblivious to the seriousness of the situation unfolding before them. And amidst the flurry of emotions, Ibiki kept a watchful eye on Darui.

"Don't worry," Asuma reassured, his voice carrying the weight of the recent events. With a flicker of determination in his eyes, he continued, "Due to Raikage's orders, Darui helped me to uncover a few things about the Wagarashi family. We are not enemies anymore," As his words hung in the air, a palpable sense of relief washed over the room, dissolving the lingering tension like a gentle breeze dispersing storm clouds. Shikamaru exhaled audibly, his shoulders visibly relaxing as he absorbed the newfound information. His gaze shifted towards Naruto, who stepped forward.

"You're a good fighter Shikamaru Nara," Naruto complimented, his voice filled with genuine respect. His eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as if anticipating their next battle. "But I hope next time we meet, we can meet as friends," Naruto's words hung in the air, carrying an air of hope and camaraderie. With a warm, outstretched hand towards Shikamaru, he extended a gesture of sincerity. Shikamaru couldn't help but reciprocate the sentiment, his lips curving into a genuine smile. Accepting Naruto's unspoken invitation, he firmly grasped his hand, sealing their newfound friendship with a simple handshake. "I wouldn't mind," Shikamaru replied, his voice tinged with a mix of respect and anticipation.

Omoi and Choji exchanged a meaningful glance, their eyes filled with unspoken respect and understanding. The bandages that adorned Choji's arm and right shoulder served as a stark reminder of the gruesome slash wound he had endured with unwavering determination. Despite the pain and lingering injuries, their synchronized nod conveyed a silent promise that echoed through the air, declaring their unwavering resolve to face each other once more in the future.

As Ino stood on the ship, a wave of insecurity washed over her. Her eyes darted down, unable to meet Yugito's gaze. Her voice trembled as she admitted, "Yugito Nii, you were right about me. I'm nothing but a failure as a Kunoichi." The weight of her words hung heavily in the air, echoing off the wooden floor beneath their feet. Asuma, observing the scene with a mix of concern and frustration, felt the urge to intervene, to remind Ino of her worth. However, just as he was about to speak, a miraculous transformation occurred. Ino's downcast look morphed into one of determination, her eyes meeting Yugito's with newfound confidence. It was as if a fire had been ignited within her, burning away any remnants of self-doubt.

"I will Train, I Will train until my legs give Up. I don't care if I die training, and One Day, I won't be a Worthless Kunoichi Anymore. One Day. I Will Defeat You," As she pointed her index finger at Yugito, her eyes gleamed with an indomitable fire fueled by her burning desire to prove her worth. Caught off guard by Ino's resolute declaration, Yugito found herself momentarily taken aback, a hint of amusement dancing across her face. Meanwhile, Asuma couldn't help but swell with pride for his team.

It seems this mission has done some good; I'm really looking forward to seeing Ino pay attention to training, Asuma thought as he exhaled a puff of smoke; his eyes landed on Naruto once again; he held no doubts that Naruto was suspiciously very similar to the Fourth Hokage.

My father will want to know about this, Asuma thought.

Note: The Reason why Team Kumo got new orders will be explained next chapter.

Let me know in the comments what you think about the Chapter. I hope you have a Wonderful Day.