
The Psychopaths Of Tensura

ElectroZ_GamerZ · Fantaisie
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23 Chs



"Psychotic God? Jack? In anyway, by Jack do you mean Jack the Ripper?"

I thought in mind waiting for an answer which I never got.


<Transferring soul to Tensura.>




A crack sound came all around the street after I hit the ground hard but the sounds of the cars already covered the sound of my cracked neck.

After the cracking of my neck, I instantly died right there on the street. I couldn't see anything around me or hear.

A darkness devoured me completely. I could see nothing but the darkness around me.

"Am I in hell? It doesn't look like heaven from anyway. I guess I have to live the rest of my life here. So boring~" I thought in mind as I tried to move my body.

And I could move it!

"HEY! WAKE UP!" Someone shouted as he shook my body.

How could I feel something? There's less than a percent chance that I have survived that fall and also that many bullets on my chest. But, I would probably be paralyzed and crippled. No that can't be happening. Also, the police would keep me in jail for the people that I have killed till now. Not that I care, my friends could easily rescue me from the jail.

Yes, they were people of high positions in the government and police.

"WAKE UP! THE BAR'S CLOSED ALREADY! COME TOMORROW!" The same voice shouted again.

I opened my eyes slowly as I looked around to see a lot of empty tables with chairs kept on it. I looked to my right to see a fat person with a bald head with an angry look.

"WAKE UP!!!" He pulled me up by my collar and started taking me to a door. On the door, it was written exit in a language which isn't Japanese but I could still understand it.

He threw me out the door and I fell hard on the ground. I looked around to see that it was night and there were not many people on the road. I looked back at the door from where the person threw me out. He had already closed the door after throwing me out.

There was a board on the door.


I read the words written on the board. There was also a symbol of beer there up the letters.

"Where the heck am I?" I said as I looked around to get an idea of where I was.

The houses and shops around looked like that of old age.

"Have I traveled back in time somehow? Or am I in a different world something like that?" I said to myself.

I looked at my hands to see that it was different from my usual hands. I meant it was a little bigger than normal.

Did I get reincarnated or something like that? Not that I am not happy to get reincarnated but I wanted to go to heaven or hell. But it doesn't matter unless I can get some fun. Not like that boring modern world.

Anyways, I was probably in someone else's body because if I had been reincarnated then I would have been a child or something.

I didn't have much knowledge about this reincarnation things.

I looked at my clothes to see that it looked like that of a warrior of old Era.

These thought were going in my mind when I heard a sound.


Quest: Gather Information

Quest Type: Main Quest

Description: You have came somewhere unknown and don't know where you are. Gather Information about this place and the world you are in to complete the quest.

Reward: Keysi Fighting Method, Inventory, Voice of the System

Failure: -20 from all stats.

I was shocked at first seeing this but then I read the contents of the screen that appeared in front of me.

"Am I inside a game or something?" I asked myself.

I had a basic idea about games and that stuff. My knowledge about games were like ordinary people. I was not a gamer in the previous world because it didn't interested me but one day I had played an RPG Game for an hour or so after I killed a family after invading their house.

I killed a twelve year old kid who was playing an RPG game in his PC. And then, I played for sometime until the police had came and I escaped from the backdoor.

"Did I get this quest like thing after playing that game? If yes, then it's good~ I can gather information at the same time and also get some rewards~ " I said as I stood up from the ground.

I didn't panic much at the fact that I was somewhere unknown and how I got this quest because I never panic. While killing someone if you panic, then you're definitely not suited for the job.

When I kill people, I never panic and just enjoy it.

"So, from where should I start?" I said as I looked around.

"Hey! Rein!" Somebody shouted from the other side of the road as the person approached me. I looked at him and noted his facial features as it was important to remember everything if you are in an unknown place.

He had a white complexion, black eyes and yellow hair. He was

He put his left hand on my back as a friendly gesture. He looked drunk as I could see his face completely red. At times, he looked like as if he would fall down anytime.

"Look who finally came out after drinking until the bar closed~" He said as he tried to maintain his balance.

After hearing him, I estimated that he knew me and I was drinking in the bar for a long time.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Hahahaha. Looks like you drank too much~ I am your friend, Lukius~" Luxius said as he motioned me to follow him.

"I will leave you to your home. You have drank too much." Luxius said as I followed him.

The conversation we had till now by that I can tell that Luxius was friends with the previous owner of this body.

I will follow him so that I can gather more information on this world and this place.

"So, where are we?" I asked Luxius.

"Hm? Hahahahaha. You drank so much that you can't even remember the name of the country you were born in! Hahahaha. I won't forget to tell this to the others of our party." Luxius said as we took a right turn from the road.

I looked left and right to see only houses and no shops.

"As for you question, you are in Blumund Kingdom. Don't forget that." He said jokingly.

"Yeah." I said slightly nodding at him.

"Oh~ Looks like we reached your house." Luxius said as he looked at an rather average looking old house which looked neither poor nor rich.

Luxius opened the door to the house. As he opened the door, I saw a man, a woman and a child sitting on a chair with food kept on a table between them.

"Ohhh!!! It's big brother and brother Luxius!!" The child shouted with excitement as he hugged me.

I was taken aback a little by the sudden hug by the child.

"Hey kiddo!" Luxius said to the kid.

"I'm not a kiddo!!!" The child said as he hugged Luxius while hitting his stomach lightly. Luxius laughed at that.

I looked around to see that the room had a dining table with five chairs and a fireplace. A kitchen was also joined with this living room. I looked at the right to see two rooms which I probably guess were bedrooms.

"Rein! Have you drank again?" The woman said as she looked at me.

I just smiled at her with an awkward look.

"*sigh* And Luxius, I had told you to stop Rein from drinking but you also drank too, right?" The woman said as she shifted her attention to Luxius.

"Hehehe. I am sorry." He said aa he bit his tongue.

"*sigh* Anyways come let's eat now. Luxius, you can eat dinner here today. I will tell your father afterwards that you have eaten with us." The man said this time with a disappointed look. He motioned us to come and start eating.

After hearing the conversation that we had till now, the man was my father and the woman was my mother. The child was my little brother.

Everybody sat down on the table while I was still standing.

This feeling is so warm inside my heart. It feels nice.

"Hey Rein, why are standing? Let's eat!" Luxius said as my little brother nodded with him.

Maybe I can live a normal life here with no killing...

"Wait. Let me take a spoon from the kitchen." I said as I headed to the kitchen.

"Go fast!" Luxion said jokingly.

I looked for the spoon inside the basket. I found the spoon but also found something else.



I didn't knew that they had these big kitchen knife here too.

I picked up the knife and slightly looked back at the family. They were talking happily with each other while eating their food.

A life without killing is not fun at all or pleasure for me!

"Hey! Luxion!" I shouted calling Luxion.

"Yes?" He said as he looked back.


The big kitchen straightaway pierced his eyes. It went straight to his brain from his eyes.

<You have gained 15 points on Strength and Speed for killing an F-Ranked Adventurer>

"Woah! What's this~" I thought in my mind seeing the screen appearing in front of me.

Reading the message, I can pretty much guess that my strength and speed had just increased.

"This thing's awesome. Now, I can probably add more brutality to my killing due to this." I thought in mind as many different ways to kill people appeared inside my head.

I shook my head, telling myself that it was not time to think but do it for real.

I looked at my so-called mother, father and little brother were scared to see what I had done.

The lifeless body of Luxion fell to the ground from the chair on which he was sitting.

"Hm.. my strength is much more than normal before the points were added of course. I can tell it by looking at how deep the knife went from his eye inside his head." I thought in my mind.

My mother fell to the ground and got near Luxion to check his body with her shaking body.

"H-He's dead." My mother said with a shaking and whisper like voice.

"Rein!!" My father who was shaking seeing the lifeless body of Luxion had now charged at me without thinking.

I gave a straight right kick to his stomach. It hit him directly as he spewed a little blood on the floor.


He holded his stomach and got in a crouched position. I holded his hair and gave a kick to his face with my knee this time.

I pulled him up by his hair with my left hand to see his face.

His nose was cracked and his eyes were. He had gone unconscious.

I layed his body to the ground with his stomach facing the ground.

"Re-Rein.. What are you doing!!!" My mother said who was still near the lifeless body of Luxion, shaking unstoppably. My little brother was on the corner of the room looking at the whole scene while crying with his eyes wide. He was definitely shocked to see his big brother killing his own friend and then his father.

"Don't worry~ I'm not going to kill father~ I'll just injure him a little." I said as I put my foot on his left shoulder, applying pressure with my foot.


I began to pull his left his arm and twisted it in an inhumane manner.


Father shouted as I finished twisting his left hand.

I looked at mother who was just looking at the scene with horror and fear.

"I haven't tied your hands or legs, mother~ so why won't you help father~?" I said in a childish manner.

She didn't give any reply and was watching me with clear expression of fear on her face.

"Okay, let's play a game. I will ask you questions and you have to answer honestly. If I feel even one of the answer is a lie, I will break and twist the rest of father's arms and legs." I said as mother was now shaking even more and looked like that she wanted to shout but couldn't.

"Okay, let's begin. First, I know that I am in a kingdom? So, what's the name of its capital?" I asked with a smiling face.

I waited for the answer for ten seconds but no reply came instead the chattering of her teeth came.

I began put pressure on father's right hand as he scream again.

"AAHHHHHHHHHHH" He screamed at the top of his lungs. It looked as if he would go unconscious again at any time.

"The clock's ticking." I said as I slowly began twisting his hand.

"R-Ron-do" She said stuttering.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you~" I said in a childish manner and then twisted my father's right hand.


"I-I said that i-it's name is Capital City R-Rondo."

She said stuttering again.

"Still couldn't hear you~" I said as I applied pressure on my father's right leg with with my feet.

He screamed with agony and pain. His eyes were bloodshot red. He wanted to die but couldn't because these injuries weren't enough to kill someone instantly.

"Y-You a-aren't our s-son!!" Shr said shouting this time while shaking with fear.


"Yeah, you're right I'm not your son~ Hahahahaha" I said as I put my right hand on my face and started laughing. I then put my feet on my father's neck and crushed it with all of my force. His neck's bone got crushed. It looked like mashed potato.

He finally died after suffering extreme torture.

<You have gained 25 points for strength, speed and intelligence. By the effects of Ultimate Skill Psychotic God Jack, you have gained extra points.>

Ignoring the message, I turned my attention to my mother. I was completely emerged in the fun that I was getting.

"Now, it's your turn~ Let's begin"

"Please I'll do anything!! Don't kill me!" She said begging for her life.

"Okay, then let's play a game." I said as I walked towards Luxion's body and took out the knife from his eye. I threw it towards my little brother who was looking at the whole scene without speaking anything all this time.

"Take that knife and kill her. The one who wins gets to live." I said pointing at the knife and then shifted my attention towards my mother.

The kid quickly grabbed the knife and ran at his mother while shouting that he's sorry. He holded the knife with both his hands as it was heavy for him.

As the kid ran at her, she punched him on his face and he dropped the knife on the ground. He fell backwards due to the punch thrown at his face.

He was still a child so he practically didn't have even a chance to win. I was watching the whole entertainment from behind them.

She grabbed the knife which was fallen on the ground by her hand. She got on top of her child and pulled the knife backwards.

"I am sorry but you will have to die for me..." She said crying as she thrusted the knife on his neck. The kid died after a few seconds. She didn't remove the knife from his neck until she made sure that she was dead.

She took out the knife as she saw that he was dead now.

"I can go now, rig-" Before she could say anything more, I grabbed her neck by my right hand.


"You were sooo scared that you killed your own blood related son~ You didn't even guarantee that I would hold my promise~" I said as I tightened my grip on her neck. She dropped the knife from her hand and started to struggle to get free of my grasp.

She was trying to something but couldn't due to my tightened grip on her neck. I could make it out because I had killed many people by holding their neck and then tightening it. It was definitely 'Fuck You!'.

I just smiled at her with my tongue out and one of my eye bigger than the other.




She finally died after a minute or so after holding her neck.

<You have gained 20 points for Strength. By the effects of Ultimate Skill Psychotic God Jack, you have gained extra points.>

Ignoring the message again, I threw her lifeless body on the fireplace and it started burning.

Ignoring it, I then looked around to find the screen.

"So, I should get my rewards now? I already know where I am now." I said and a screen appeared in front of me.

<The Quest 'Gather Information has been completed.>

<The rewards are being given.>