
The Promise - Craig and Yuki

There are two types of promise. One, the promise that is meant to be broken.Craig was hurt and he's never gonna believe it anymore. It's plain bullshit until-- Two , the promise that has to be broken. Promise- a big word alright. Craig Anderson, the guy who hates promises. "Promising, it's plane bullshit! Those were just word spewed by those people who loves to play with people's hopes." He hates all the people who made promises including this guy named Yukii Amon. But what made him to be like that? Because he was once promised too. A promise that change him to what he is right now. And who is Yukii ? Let's find out! Will you risk yourself, believing on a promise again? That promise that was once broken? Or was it really broken in the first place? Who knows.

Jzey_Roses · Politique et sciences sociales
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13 Chs

Chapter 8: YUKI

He's fuming mad when he parked his car. A loud this can be heard the moment he got out of his car . The maid who open the door for him was startled when he barged in to the house, angry and ready to pounce to anyone who come.

H-Hay what's wrong? A guy in tuxedo asked him but instead of answering, he just ignored him and angrily pushed a wooden door open and barged in.

A man in his 50's looked up and stare at him as if his telling him to wait because he's busy. But Craig isn't up for that. He's not in the mood to wait. 

What did you do this time, Father? He asked his father coldly but he didn't even flinch. Instead, he put the paper his holding down and stood up. His Father walked towards him and patted his shoulder.

Son, I don't know what to anymore. If that's the only in order to bring you back to the family then I'll do it--

Don't you know you're messing things up? And don't call me son. You disown me remember? And if it wasn't for all of you, I will never lose him. If it wasn't for all of your selfishness, things won't be like this I won't be hated and maybe we're happy together. 

He snapped as he shove away his Father's hands. Pain and misery is visible on his face while, the latter looked at him hurt and guilty.

It was you guys who took him away from me. If it isn't for you, I won't  settle on petty ways just to get close to him. And now here you are again. You think what you did would help? No, it won't! It just made things worse. What am I gonna do now if he really choose to run away? 

His voice cracked as he sat on the sofa near the table, his hands on his head ruffling his dark locks.

I-I'm sorry son, I'll tell Alex to take it back. We'll think of ways. We will, just please, come back home already. Your Mom's very worried about-

Yuki, my son!


Happiness is visible on his Mother's eyes, as she keep putting food on his plate. They're now eating dinner together. It feels nostalgic but Yuki pushed the thought away as he remember what happened before.

You eat now Mom, Yuki can take care of himself.

No, go ahead Mom, Alistair is just jealous.

Brother! His younger brother Alistair snapped while his older brother Yash just laughed. His Mother, on the other hand is all smiley and happy which pricked his heart. He immediately stood up from his seat confusing everyone on the table.

I'll just go., He said and immediately walked away. He heard his Mother calm for him but he ignore her. He just continue walking toward his car. Once he got on his car, he immediately drove away with one person in his mind, the person he loves the most - Craig.