
The Promise - Craig and Yuki

There are two types of promise. One, the promise that is meant to be broken.Craig was hurt and he's never gonna believe it anymore. It's plain bullshit until-- Two , the promise that has to be broken. Promise- a big word alright. Craig Anderson, the guy who hates promises. "Promising, it's plane bullshit! Those were just word spewed by those people who loves to play with people's hopes." He hates all the people who made promises including this guy named Yukii Amon. But what made him to be like that? Because he was once promised too. A promise that change him to what he is right now. And who is Yukii ? Let's find out! Will you risk yourself, believing on a promise again? That promise that was once broken? Or was it really broken in the first place? Who knows.

Jzey_Roses · Politique et sciences sociales
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Fun Long Night

Craig is huffing as he run as fast as he could. He's late and who knows what would happen if he doesn't enter the gate before seven o'clock. He woke up late and it's all thanks to his horny neighbors. Ah fuck! Not there Craig! Remembering what he heard last night still makes his cheeks burn. If only he's not out of budget hell immediately find a new place to stay but unfortunately, he's broke and asking for money to his father is never an option.

Oh shit- Craig exclaimed as he run faster. But luck is not on his side today. Before he could enter the gate the bell rang and a stick stop him from doing so. When he looked at the person holding the stick, he cursed his luck for being this bad.

"Woopsie! The bell already rang. The guy stated as he smile sheepishly irritating Craig even more.

You're late again Craig. The guy beside the one holding the stick said earning a 'tsk' from him.

Why are you always late Craig?

Why do you care? Also, it's Anderson. Don't call me by my name, were not close. Craig stated as his hand fisted. This is why he hates being late.

Hey you shouldn't talk to the Prez like that! Respect-

Respect is earned, it's not imposed. Why don't you just tell me my punishment today? I still have classes to attend to. Craig said not giving the guy a chance to finish what he wants to say. However, instead of telling him the punishment, he just heard a very familiar laugh which irritated him even more.

Why are you so salty today Craig? Does your neighbor bother you again? Craig's forehead creased as he looked at the guy who seemed to realize what he said. How the hell does he know that?


Ryko, go ahead and take care of the freshmen. I'll take it from here. The guy stated earning a nod from the other. Craig is not surprised as to how easy the other follow the guy in front of him. After all he's the student council president.

What's my punishment Prez? Please make it fast. I have classes. Craig irritatedly said as he avoid the Student Council President's gaze- only to hear a soft laugh from him. Craig heart's almost leap but he immediately stop it. He's irritated to the fact that even after all the things he have done , he still have that effect on him.

You shouldn't call it punishment Craig. It's your duty. You know from the start that you are-

And you also know that I already stepped down of that title Prez. Craig answered not letting the other finish as he already know what he was about to say.

You can't step down to that Craig. You can't decide that alone, I told you, it must be decided by majority. The guy stated making his eyebrows creased.

Majority? You think I can go against majority, when they are all loyal to you, Yuki? Prez was taken aback as he call him by his name.


Don't talk to me about majority Yuki. You know how loyal they are to you. Did they even respected me? The didn't, and that's a fact! They just accepted me as one because you suggested it and I was so wrong for accepting it. You all played me well, you do . Craig stated bitterly, making the guy look down as if he's hurt which only irritated Craig. Don't look as if you're hurt Yuki!

S-Sorry, I- I can explain--

No, your sorry and your explanation won't do anything. It won't change the fact that all of you played with my feelings. That all of you toyed with me. That you only want what others can't get from me. And when you were done you left me hanging. You made me believe that I deserved nothing but being played with. And that alone can't be erased by any sorry.

Craig then enter the the school which he did not realize that he didn't earlier. But before he could walk away, he heard him say something that almost- almost made his heart jump if only he wasn't hurt enough.

I love you...

Hang in there, you're almost succeeding. I'll be leaving next week, congratulations!

After that, Craig walked away as the tears that he was trying to stop earlier started to fall.

He got up from bed huffing as his hands were on his chest. Craig immediately got up and went to the bathroom to shower. As the water stream down his face, his tears come along with it. He then brushed his fingers to his now wet locks.

Why can't you just forget it Craig? He asked to himself.

He played with you.

He never loved you.

He's like those people who only look at you like you're some toy to play with and when done, you're thrown away.

Just forget it Craig. You're hurt enough.

Hey Craig, we'll be having a drinking party tonight. And of course there will be girls. You comin' right? One of his classmates asked. What his name again? Sam, Sim? Or is it Kim? Whatever, I don't care.

Hey Craig, come on. Atleast talk to me. The guy followed him as he walked out of the classroom. It's three in the afternoon and he's on his way to the pool. It's his duty to clean the pool today, a punishment for being late. Fortunately, it wasn't the irritating Student Council President who got him this time it's just the board members. Why? He does not care. As long as he doesn't get to look at that guy, he's fine. Except this one following him right now.

Come on Craig, you should come. Just this once and if you find it boring you leave all you want. Just please come-

Why do I have to be there?

Because the girls won't come if you don't. Craig's forehead creased. And what does that have to do with me? He wasn't informed that the girl's will to come actually have something to do with him.


J-just come okay? We're in college now so atleast enjoy. You always looked like you're bored or something so can't you take a time and enjoy yourself? The guy stated with this worried look on his face making him wonder if it's actually genuine.

And if I don't?

You will, I'll wait for you. I'll drag you there. And truth to guy's word, he actually waited. He sat on one of the bench near the pool area as he talk to someone on the phone. He can't hear him completely because he's way too far but he knows it has something to do with him coming because he heard his name. Looking at guy actually made him glad. After graduating high school, he found himself being oggled by girls even by men. Weird but he actually doesn't care. It's just, it feels new to him since he isn't showered with much care when he's in his junior highschool. Or is it?

Thinking back, it made him realize that it was him who closed and isolate himself from everyone. And when someone broke the walls he made to sorround himself, it was like the world open up to him. But, that doesn't change the fact that he was played with. He might open up his self to the world, but not his heart to that person. Never again!

It's now seven in the evening and he's now in a table sitting as he try to avoid gazes from girls who he doesn't know. Kim, atleast that's what he think his name is, is busy talking to a blonde girl whose actually looking at him a moment ago. Just what is wrong with this girls.

Craig, what course are you in? One of the girls asked him.

Architecture. Craig answered- bored. He heard the girls mumbling cool which made him think that yes, it's kinda cool. If it isn't for someone he hates who have the same course.

You think I'm cut out for it? One of the girls asked. Which his mind flat out answered 'NO'.

If you want to do it because you want to impress someone , well you're not but it also depends on why you want to impress that someone. Either way, it's not about being cut out for it, it's about you choosing it because you want it. Craig stated flatly which he think actually impress everyone- tho it's not his intentions but whatever.

The night goes and yes it was long. Craig was bored he decided not to leave because he thought why not stay since everyone's having fun. Also because he's sure that if he left and the girls might start to leave. Kim will not stop pestering him about it. That's why when everyone decided to call it a night, he secretly celebrated in his mind. Finally!

On the way out of the bar, the girls keep pestering him about his number but he never back down. He's not giving it to anyone. Someone has ways and he knows that if he gave it to one of this girls, that person will find it's way and bam- he'll get to him. Never!


Bye Craig, see you.

Let's not see each other anymore. He mumbled, not caring if the girls actually heard it or not. But he's sure that Kim heard it.

That's not polite Craig. Kim stated when the girls were far enough not to hear.

Yeah right. By the way Kim-

Kim? Who's Kim? The guy asked puzzled making his forehead creased.

Your name's not Kim? Craig asked earning a loud 'huh' from the other.

It's not Kim, it's Pim! What's with Kim anyway? That's so girly. Pin said with frustration.

Well it's sounds the same. Craig just said flatly only to hear a dissed from Pim, making him laugh not knowing how amazed the guy right now. It's so rare to see the saltiest person in the campus laugh. And just when Craig thought that night will be fun- only a familiar voice ruined it.
