
The Promise - Craig and Yuki

There are two types of promise. One, the promise that is meant to be broken.Craig was hurt and he's never gonna believe it anymore. It's plain bullshit until-- Two , the promise that has to be broken. Promise- a big word alright. Craig Anderson, the guy who hates promises. "Promising, it's plane bullshit! Those were just word spewed by those people who loves to play with people's hopes." He hates all the people who made promises including this guy named Yukii Amon. But what made him to be like that? Because he was once promised too. A promise that change him to what he is right now. And who is Yukii ? Let's find out! Will you risk yourself, believing on a promise again? That promise that was once broken? Or was it really broken in the first place? Who knows.

Jzey_Roses · Politique et sciences sociales
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: Love Story- Not!

The Promise- Love story-not!

"ISN'T It obvious?" Yuki answered earning a blush from him. His heart beats unsually fast and his knees were weak that he can feel them falling anytime soon. And he wasn't wrong- he's knees actually gave up and he found himself on the ground , hands shaking, cheeks blushing and heart beating fast. He can't believe it. How? How can this guy like him? What does he like from him? 

"H-hey are you okay?" Yuki asked as he worriedly looked at him. This radiat guy actually like him? How come? 

"W-Why? " He stuttered only earning a smile from Yuki. The smile that he actually fell in love with.

"Because you are you. I love how you answer my questions with your salty words. I love how you still hang out with me despite being loud which I know you hate so much. I love how you try to hide things, how considerate you are. I love all of you. That's why, please let me love you Craig. I won't run away from you. I won't judge you like they do either. I'll accept everything. You don't have to hide yourself. Because it's that self that made me fall for you. "

Craig can see the sincerity in Yuki's eyes making him cry. He was never told how they love him for being salty. He was never told how they like the him he keep hiding. He was never told that he's accepted. He was never told that he's loved. Only this once. Just this once. Only Yuki told him the words that he wanted to hear. Would it be selfish if he want to believe those words? Would it be selfish if he wants to hug this guy in front of him? Would it be selfish if he would tell him how much he loves him too? That he's been hiding it all along because he was afraid that he'll run away from him if he says so?


"You don't have to force yourself Craig. I understand that you're afraid and I'll definitely wait. It doesn't have to be now. Just- please don't avoid me anymore. It hurts me Craig- a lot. Let's stay the same. Answer my questions with salty words, hide yourself even if it's still obvious to me. Just don't run away from me. Okay?"

"You- are you that sadistic?" Craig can't help but ask. How can this guy take that side of him? Everyone avoided him because of that.  

"I don't know. Maybe I am, or maybe because it's you. I've never felt this way before. Only with you, so please- you don't have to love me back just stay the way you are with me. And just let me love you. Okay? " Craig can't help himself but tear. This guy, the guy he love is pleading in front him. Telling him to stay the way he is. That he love him the way he is. Him that's been avoided by everyone because of the side that this guy fell in love with. How? Just how lucky he is? Is this the payment for all the hardships? Is this the answer to his prayers? Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. He'll just let himself be taken this time. After all, it's Yuki. It's the guy he's been loving since the beginning.

"I-I love you."


"Craig! "

Craig was snapped out from his reverie when he heard one of his classmates call his name. 

"What?" His classmate was taken aback maybe because of the way he answered. Craig laugh inside his mind. This isn't new to him. No one could take this salty self of him- except one. 

"The SC adviser wants to talk to you. He's waiting in the SC office." Craig's forehead creased as to what he heard. Why the hell would the SC adviser would want to talk to him? Whose the SC adviser anyway? 

"Why do I have to go to there? Did they tell you what they- "

Before Craig could finish what he wants to say, his classmate immediately left. Maybe because he doesn't want to talk to the saltiest guy in the campus. Yes! He has that title. Who knows who gave him that title but he's sure as hell that the person does not have a good taste for words. And because he doesn't have an option but to go to this SC office, he then made his way out the classroom. There's only one SC office that he know and after a few minutes of walk, he's not in front of it.

The door is wooden making him think that if he kicked this door with all his might would he be able to break it? Nah! The designs good so kicking it would be a no-no. Plus the fact that he'd be counseled for it- No! Not a chance.

Craig took his time to adore the wooden door. Above the door are the bold words STUDENT COUNCIL colored with yellow. What a lousy choice of color he thought. And yes he's in the student council office. Why? That he doesn't know. He then twisted the knob and when he got to open the door, his mood immediately soured. 

There in the table was the guy he doesn't want to meet not breath the same air with. Beside him was another guy he knows perfectly. So this is what this is all about. He was about to turn around and go out when one of the guy spoke.

"Mr. Anderson, please hear us out." Craig's blood suddenly boil making him turn look at both angrily. 

"What's this about Lucas? Now you're joining hands with him? I didn't know you'd go this low just for this f*ckin' title?" He exclaimed making both if them flinched. He smirked at both and made his way to the table. He sat on the chair in front of them with the smirk still drawn on his face.

"Let's hear your bullshits then. What? Do you want me to join the student council? Do you want me to be the Vice President again? Why? You can t handle this angel here? Or is it because the angel says so?" Craig mockingly asked Lucas as the other guy stays silent and not looking at him making him more irritated. Why? Why won't he look? Is it because he disgust him? I'm fuckin'disgusted with you too!

"I'm still your teacher Craig-"

"You're not my teacher, you're my brother- wait, scratch that. You're not my brother either, you're HIS brother!" Craig finished what his so called teacher was about to say as he pointed the still silent guy besides his 'teacher'.

"Craig please-"

"I'm not going to be the Vice President, I don't plan to and I'll never do, period. Okay now? Can I leave? I still have my classes." He immediately stand and was ready to leave when he heard thew very familiar voice.

"Why? Why can't you consider? Is it because I'm part of it?"

"Yes, and the idea of breathing the same air as you do disgust me." Craig retorted back not yturning around so that he can see the guy's face. He want to see how he would react. And seeing him hurt makes him want to laugh- so hard that he think he would roll on the floor laughing.

"I don't think it's like that Craig." The guy stated making his forehead crease. The guy looked at him with the same sheepish smile from before making him angry. Don't smile like that. Take theta smile off of your face. I hate that.

"Shut up-"

"No, it's not the idea of breathing the same air with me. It's because you still love me, don't you? Why can't you just accept it Craig and come back to me? It's me who you belong to, remember? "

Craig's blood boil and before he realized it, he's already holding the guys collar as his so called teacher hold his hand. He's angry- no! He's seeing red. Hate is an understatement, he loathe this guy. He loathe how he had that face of an angel. He loathe how he had that voice that affected him 3 years ago. He loathe how he played with him.

"I don't belong to you nor to anybody. If there's one thing I was so wrong in doing, it's letting myself be played by the likes of you. You might have that face of an angel but deep down your evil-"

"Is loving you considered evil now?" Craig was taken aback.for a moment but he never back down, he won't. He smirked and fill the gap between their faces only enough for it not to touch. 

"You can't play with me now Yuki, I may have the same face, the same attitude but I am not the same Craig you played with. And if there's something that's left , it's the fact that I hate - no it's an understatement. It's the fact that I loathe you and that will never change." He then let go of his collar and shove away his teacher's hand. He made his way to the door but before he could twist the knob he heard Yuki saying-

"I never change, I love you and I will have you back. Loathed or hated, I will have you back Craig afterall-"

He wasn' t able to hear everything because he immediately closed the door after he got out. He's done listening to those words. He's done being played. I'm fuckin' done with it.