
The princess of Balkan

Rahmah_Ameen · Sports, voyage et activités
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3 Chs



He yanked hisself away from the rude guard, before adjusting his torn shirt, looking at the guard fiercely. If not for Garkuwa, he would have made sure to scrape this rudey's face up, but his friend had to interfere, the fight was dragging the attention of the other slaves and guards, which would cause Junaid a lot of beating if any other backs up with the guard. He spit out the blood coming out from his mouth, and walked back into the small hut.

"What was all that" Garkuwa asked as they sat on the bare floor. Looking around the hut, only two stools and some empty plates were kept, but apart from that, it was only two sets of clothes, that Junaid had sworn for his self with some rags he found, but the room was empty and dull.

"Was what" Junaid asked and pushed Garkuwa's hand away from his face, and collected the clothe piece from him and began cleaning up the wounds.

"Why were you fighting with Karau" he asked and Junaid eyed him, and swayed his head to the other side, and gritted.

"Are you in the position to ask me such questions? Garkuwa! you know how much I despise that so called guard" Junaid replied angrily, and threw the clothing away harshly.

"I know, I'm sorry yo.....

"Don't? Don't ever call me that" Junaid shouted again, making Garkuwa to bow down his head in regret. He knew that Junaid had this anger issues, but he couldn't help it. He does not like seeing him in such a condition. The last time it happened, He was starved for three days straight and forced into hard labor, it was very unbearable for Garkuwa, but who dares attack the Waziri? You'll surely get hanged if you dare.

"Look, Garkuwa he was flogging one of the maids, doesn't he have the damn respect for women?! I couldn't just sit and watch him" Junaid claimed and Garkuwa sighed. He knew how much this affects Junaid to see how women are treated like in the palace, but still, There was nothing he could do to stop them.

"I understand, but please stop getting yourself in trouble" Garkuwa advised but instead, Junaid walked out angrily. He looked at the food beside him, which was barely touched, he smiled, it was always the same. He always gets double lunch since Junaid never eats, since when they were brought to Balkan.

"Such idiots need to be thought some manners! How dare he treat a girl like that" Junaid spatted and sat beside a tree on its bank, throwing pebbles into the river. He was really agitated, he never liked Balkan...he never did, since when he was a kid, his father had been telling him the ancient historical events of the state, and it was true because of the numerous attacks they faced from them, though their village was also powerful, but he couldn't just let them down, he had to lay his life for the safety o his people, his sisters and Father. He clenched his fist in mere anger it was a harsh memory that he never wanted to remember, or come across ever again.

He stood up and headed into the bush. The sword he had, hung on his waist with the mafta(a belt like clothing worn by the males in the village). He fetched the leaves he needed before heading back to the palace, he was surely ready for the worst today, he can't imagine what the guards would say about him leaving the palace without asking for permission. He peeled out the essential part of the leaves as he walked passed the guards who kept glaring. He smirked, knowing fully well that the guards couldn't bring themselves to question him, in fact they were a bit scared of him, and wondered who he was. Yes, they all know he came from Jallan, but why is he so arrogant, bossy and his personality held power? That stayed a mystery to them. Rather, he was nothing but a mere villager who was taken after a war had been won against their village.

He walked passed the other slaves making clay pots, probably because a lot had gone bad and broken. He entered into the maid quarters and met two outside, probably gossiping. Well, it was normal for girls to gossip, but this maids are far ahead, cause gossip wouldn't be able to define how much they talk about others. They smiled at him, but his face still remained stern as always.

"Where's she" He asked, but the girls stared blankly as if they weren't aware of what he was talking about. He sighed before he added. "The girl beaten up, a while ago"

"Oh- you mean Salmah" the one with a red gown asked and he nodded instantly. She stood up and dusted her dress, certainly because of the stone they sat on.

"I'll call her, is anything the problem" she asked, but instead he didn't answer her. He only waited for her to do what she was told. She muttered incoherent words under her breath, understanding why the others hate him so much. He is so full of his self.

Salmah managed to stand up and walked out to where Junaid was standing, he felt her presence so he turned to look at her. She smiled faintly not knowing what to do, or what to say. He noticed how her hand was swollen and red bricked, he hissed In annoyance before turned to face her directly.

"Here" he started stretching his hand forward and handing over the herb to her. "This would help your wounds heal" he claimed and she collected awkwardly. Was she suppose to say a thank you? Well, that was what she intended to do, but as she raised her head to take a glimpse of the man he gat saved her from a brutal beating, he was already out of the quarters.

He walked back into their quarters and was greeted with the disgusting thing they call food. He pushed the plate to the other side before heading towards the mat in the far end of the room, laid peacefully before he decided to close his eyes, maybe, just maybe today he would be able to sleep. After what seemed like forever, he was finally asleep, but just to be woken up by the so called Garkuwa.

"It's important, you have to listen to me" Garkuwa said and Junaid sat up, and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"What happened Garkuwa? Why are you waking me up at this time of the night, you know how much hectic tomorrow would be" Junaid reminded but it was like the important thing could not wait till the morning due to the uneasiness that Garkuwa had on his face.

"It's important as I said, just listen to me" Garkuwa insisted and Junaid sighed.

"I'm all ears then" Garkuwa looked both sides just in case Waziri has sent one of his men again to keep an eye on all those brought from Jallan.

"Look" he said in a whisper. "There's something fishy about Hadsan, they were talking about taking over the throne with his father Waziri today during their meals, and it's like His highness has no idea about it'll" he lamented and Junaid rubbed his temple.

"Actually, that I don't mind, I'm just planning a way to go back home and still keep my people save" Junaid replied showing no interest In What he was just informed.

"Look, it's like they're the ones pushing His Highness into making reckless decisions, including all those attacks" he added, and this time, the news got Junaid's attention and he sighed.

"I don't think so, the king does the evil all by his self, he wanted the Royal Crystal and he has it! But that wasn't enough for him! He had to enslave our women too!!

Junaid got angry, the memories of it all made him agitated and frustrated, the way his father was placed on the floor, with all his dignity, they had to stoop so low, to disregarding the image of Jallan, and for that they shall pay, or so he thought.

"Don't get angry please, let's just find a way to know what's actually happening, remember we must not let them know anything now, Junaid please" Garkuwa begged placing his right hand on Junaid's shoulder giving it a tap.

"We'll talk later" Junaid said and laid back on his mat, while Garkuwa also placed his mat and went to sleep.


"Why would he do such thing" Zeinah yeld standing erect and staring at Salmah who only smiled faintly, this wasn't the first time, but she never wanted to inform the princess about it, it wouldn't be a good idea to do so. Hassan threatens her always, makes her so harsh chores, but still get the guards to give her a beating of a her life.

"Who does he think he's" zeinah shouted again, this time forgetting all her royal manners. This was not fair at all, to her slavery  was not something to encourage, they are humans too, whatever pain, they feel it, it's not like they're some sort of plank of woods, who are emotionaless. She held her forehead agitatedly, while Salmah tried all her possible best to calm the princess down.

"I need to talk some sense into his thick skulled head" Zeinah said and made her way to the door, holding the long strip of her gown in one hand.

"What gave him the right to be jarring? He thinks he's so much in control doesn't he?!- she pushed the door open and he, who was adjusting his Turban looked up at her. Knowing that this was the first time she ever came to his apartment, he smiled sheepishly, thinking maybe she had decided to change her mind.

"Oh it's my dearest Princess, so what do I owe to this wonderful and surprising visit" he asked opening his arms as if expecting her to jump in.

"Don't you dear me" she shouted pointing a finger disgustingly at him, while he smirked, that smirke that make her feel like puking.

"Oh-it looks like the Princess seems angry" he started before standing in front of her, and tilted his head to the left. "Can I have the privilege to knowing why?

"Why did you make Karau beat up Salmah" she asked and he laughed, his loud husky voice filling the whole room, to her his voice was the last thing she ever wanted to hear making her glare fiercely at him.

"She was being stubborn you know, I told her to make some food for me, but she said she wasn't my maid, but yours, only yours" he said and walked closer to her.

"I told her to tell you that, if you wanted to get someone embarrassed why not your sister! Who doesn't eventually know her worth or why she's born" Zeinah shouted and he furrowed his brows, yes! That was what she wanted to do exactly, to make him angry, and it was working.

"Don't ever bring up my sister into this" he yeld and she rolled her eyes, it was not like he could do anything to her.

"Then, for the last time stay away from her! She's not a punching bag" she warned before walking out of the apartment, just to find Salmah outside waiting for her.

"Let's talk, in my room" Zeinah said and Salmah swayed behind, bowing her head slightly in respect. How can the princess be so nice to her? She sincerely wants to always be beside the princess no matter what. It was hard to believe that the princess could go to any limit for Salmah, it was obvious.

"What is that" Zeinah asked pointing towards Salmah's left arm. Salmah briskly looked at her arm before raising her head up and smiled at the confused looking Princess.

"It's an ointment, it will help heal fast" she replied and zeinah nodded before sitting gently on her bed.

"Let's have some coffee, what do you think" zeinah asked and Salmah nodded excitedly as she walked out.
