

I wish I could've seen what the world was like before the virus came. My name is John Lucas I've lived in a world where innocent people have been arrested for being infected with the virus. My parents were some of these people. I can still remember the day that my father accidentally used his ability to protect me and my twin sister.

It was a few weeks before Christmas and we were all trying to hang up our lights on the roof of our 2 story house. Our father warned us about trying to help out on the rooftop because of the ice and snow that made it so very slippery. I was the sibling that actually listened to our father but Isabella was a troublemaker.

I was in my room trying to get some sleep when my phone started ringing. I woke up and checked my phone to see my best friend's number on the screen.

"Hey John. I really need to talk to you right now. you're the only person that I can trust." I could hear the fear and sadness in her voice and I knew something was wrong.

"what's wrong Samantha? Did something happen?" I asked her a ton of questions but I knew deep down what she wanted to talk to me about.

Samantha was my best friend and we had always been able to trust each other with anything. Until the virus came along and ruined people's lives. Three years ago a mysterious virus of unknown origin started spreading across the globe giving people dangerous powers.

The police had no idea how to fight the virus so the government created an organization to capture and contain the infected people. They called themselves The Iron Knights and they were given that name because of the armor that they wear for protection.

So the knights traveled around the world going from home to home arresting anyone who had been infected. they didn't care if they had done anything wrong or if they had hurt anyone. they didn't even care if they were children. all they cared about was that they were infected. I hated the knights because of this but I soon realized that it was not the knights fault that the world was changing. it was all because of the virus.

"I just found out that my father is infected with the virus and I'm afraid of losing the only family I have left." She started crying and I was scared of what would happen to my best friend if the knights show up at her house knowing that the virus is highly contagious.

"I'll be right there to help you through this Sammie."

"you promise you'll be here for me?"

"I promise. you're my best friend and I won't let anyone hurt you." after I told her that she stopped crying and she was about to say something else until I heard my door open.

I said goodbye to Samantha and I hung up the phone. Isabella was standing in the doorway looking at me with a huge grin on her face.

"was that your girlfriend on the phone?" she asked me teasingly.

"it was just Samantha and she wants me to meet her at her place." I told her trying to come up with an excuse to leave.

"Not so fast brother. First you need to help me with something to surprise dad when he gets home." I hated the fact that she said that because whenever she needed a favor from me. it always ends up in a disaster and today was absolutely no different. in fact today's disaster was the worst of all.

she lead me outside into the snow and the first thing I saw was the tall ladder that our father forbid us from ever using. Isabella also had found the Christmas lights in the garage and she needed my help to hang them on the roof. I knew that this was a bad idea but she didn't listen to me as she climbed up to the roof and started hanging up the lights. a moment later as my sister was about to finish the job I could see her feet slowly slipping down to the edge of the roof.

then I heard her scream and I looked up at her and she was hanging on to the edge for dear life. I was afraid that I was going to lose my sister and I knew that would've been the case if our father didn't show up in Time to use his ice ability to create a slide of ice to make my sister land safely on the ground.

"thanks for the help dad." Isabella said looking at our father who did not seem happy to know that his daughter had disobeyed his own warnings.

"how many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't be on the roof?! Now people have seen that I have been infected by the virus and soon the knights will show up and take us all away for who knows how long. I knew that I was going to end up breaking my promise to Samantha and I was so afraid to be captured by the Knights.

There was nothing we could do but wait. all we could do was wait until our freedom was taken away from us and we couldn't fight, run, or hide. At that moment I finally felt fear for the first time in my life. I had finally felt spine chilling, horrifying, and terrible fear. Then I felt something completely different from fear. I could feel powerful electric power in my whole body. Suddenly I knew what I was going to do with the power that I was given. I was going to fight for my family and I was going to win my fight no matter what. so come on and get me and my family Knights. I will show you what you should really fear and I will protect my family from you no matter what it takes.