
Chapter 1

"You Have a good heart!" A voice exclaimed the most purest heart of all!! It was being of pure light but it was in a shape of human meaning nothing but like but it had the form of a body arms legs hands head etc.

So… Your God!!!??? I asked

"Indeed I am" the light deemed and I was able to see the figure more clearly. The figure was shockingly enough a women No offence to the women out there

"Your time is not up yet… you Must live again!!!!"

"I will give you 2 gifts for you to choose, Choose wisely!!!!"

I crossed my arms and put one finger on my chin

"okay...um…. "

I want to be your heir. I also want to be able to use all energies chakra the force Ki haki reaitsu

She nodded and snapped her fingers instantly a golden orb of light appeared and slammed into my chest causing me to glow golden when the light appeared it was gone

"It is done!!!" she said

"Great!!! This feels awesome" I then pausd for a bit

I do have a question though!! What world am I going to be in?" dragon ball z?, Naruto?

She shook her head "Both Naruto and the dbz word are in the same universe. You will be reborn in the world of remnant as the inhabitants call it . which is also in the same universe!!!"

My eyes widen in shock


"Now as my son you have control over light However , my blood won't awaken until You turn ten"


I agreed she smiled

The next thing you know I was blinded by light and founded myself

Staring at a pair of blue eyes

"Do you want to name him?" the voice asked which I had a destinctive impression that it was MY mother

I looked behind me and…'is that a tail? Hmmm' dragon Ball Z this does not look like Planet vegeta It looks like earth unless their are some unknown saiyans that escaped to earth that toriyama never told Me about

'Ethier way this-'

"How about Jaune?" the father Asked As he smiled as I glanced at him If he would of looked closely he probably would of seen My eyes widen in hour

Fuck '

10 years Later a Pair of sea blue eyes watched a house his bag with all his stuff was packed as he was leaving.

A Lone tear was seen trickling down his cheek

"I'm Sorry" he whispered "but I have no choice" he turned the other way and ran into the forest heading toward vale

Some of you must be wondering what the hell is going on. Well I live in a world you might be familar as rwby you know the world clouded with terrorist<crimmonals , and monsters. More like demons to me any way I love my sisters and My family very much, but they tend to be a little over protective a little? Ok I'm Sorry alot there very over protective of me and it sucks. I wonder how the original jaune put up with this.

It pains me to leave them but Sometimes in order to meet your dream your going to have to sacrifice somethings and this one was family I wanted to protected them and I couldn't do that if I stayed their so I left Hopefully they won't be mad at me I mean I did leave a note so they wouldn't be to mad...right?


Morning time

Jaune! Jaune? Jaune you there? A femenine voice asked as she knocked on the door

Her name was jeanne the twin sister of jaune very fond of him as was the rest of the group

Once she opened the door She was Shocked to find that Jaune wasn't their

She saw that the room was comepletely blank too!! Except for this note that she found on the table.---wait ...note?

****Dear family

If your reading this that means I have left I am sorry for not telling you but I must leave if in order to accomplish my dreams I will make you proud and become the strongest being to ever live and the hero that I'm meant to be I love you all

Love Jaune!!!******

She gasp as her eyes widen in horror

She dashed toward the living room to try to get her mother she was reading a book on the couch when she noticed her youngest daughter barge in with a panicked expression

"Honey? She asked " Whats wron-

Its Jaune Jeanne said quickly tears were threating to fall

The mothers own eyes widen

"What is it, what is this about jaune ! She demanded her tone was laced with worry and fear


When the rest of the sisters came down to see what was going on

Mother whats going on joan the third youngest asked confused

Something about Joan the mother said everyones eyes widen when chelsea the second oldest saw a note from her she grabbed it from jeanne and started to read it out loud

Slowly each of the siblings and the mothers eyes started to widen in horror same reaction as jeanne the mother's was worst though

The father heard all the commotion went downstairs to see what was going on.

Whats this whats going on she said nothing just handed him the note his eyes widen and a stern expression appeared on his face

He called a few hunters to look for jaune but in 2 years nothing no trace of him in the end he just gave up and could only hope that everything is alright with his son

Back with me


My eyes widen in shock

"fuck!!!" the one time I need rest is the time that the grimm is here

Kami kassan said that I could be able to use my divine powers of light at ten right? Well I should be able to use it as I am ten now

as I was thinking to myself I was unaware that multiple grim were appearing and started to surround me

I concentrated on the warm feeling in my body a few seconds later I found it


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