
Chapter 5 : The Trilogy! : Meteor, Bang And The Envoy From The Rulers!

Chapter 5 : The Trilogy! : Meteor, Bang And The Envoy From The Rulers!

I went out to patrol at night, showing my appearance often along my shadows, from stopping to small and petty crimes, to killing Demon/Tiger level monsters.

And like that, it was morning.

Getting home by switching through the shadow in the vicinity, I was about to meditate again. But was greeted by two unexpected visitors. Alright, maybe it wasn't unexpected, I had my shadows watch over after all.

Anyways, Saitama was in his hero suit, along with Genos, welcoming them inside we sat down near the table.

After one of my shadows got the tea and some cookies, Saitama indulged in eating, forgetting for what he had come here for.

Genos seeing this, talks instead.

"I have requested Sensei for a sparring match, but I was also interested in having a spar with you too Ether-san. That's why we have come here to ask whether you wish to tag along and agree to the spar or not. "

Hmm, it seems like he has been accepted as an official disciple huh? Though I pity the Kung Fu guy who was an A class and tried to fight Saitama only to get punched in the face and knocked out unconscious...

Anyways, after a moment of silence, I agreed. I wanted myself to fight Genos and Saitama once after all. A fight where I wouldn't be at danger. .





After reaching a spare space, where mountains resided, Saitama once again confirmed whether it was a duel or not. Then, it was told that it would be a 1 vs 1 vs 1. Which didn't happen in canon...

Anyways, I wanted to go all out against someone who wouldn't kill me even while having the strength to do so, neither would he be killed. And Saitama was perfect for it.

But, I wanted it to be a duel between only me and Saitama, thus, I had to eliminate Genos before going at Saitama, nodding in my head multiple times, the fight began.






"Even he cannot explain the secret to his strength... But this battle may afford me a clue! ", at an unknown mountain filled location the cyborg had this thought.

While at the same time he also wished to see how strong would he fare against Ether, the one whom Saitama, his Sensei acknowledged as a friend.

So, he chose to go at Ether first, then Saitama. Though, it seemed like his target had the same thought.

Genos charges up his thrusters, then with a jump he launches himself at Ether but misses. As he is nearby air, he tried to use the momentum to his advantage by twisting his body in mid-air, only to get punched in the stomach area by Ether, launching Genos into the mountains.

(AN : This scene took place in 4.89 seconds.)

After creating a web-like crater on the mountain, Genos tries to get up, but, it was actually more easier than he imagined as he got out of it easily and was now floatin- wait Huh!?





After I sent Genos in the mountains. I quickly released the Shadow I got in this world at Saitama to keep him busy for a while.

Then, with a push to the ground from my foot, I reached the ground near the mountain in few seconds. Genos was trying to get out from the crater, seeing this, I aimed my palm at him. '[Ruler's Authority]'. Pulling him down with one gesture I crash him into the ground over and over.

Releasing the skill, I check whether he was unconscious yet-

*Shwoom* *BOOM*

I should start taking things seriously now. I get arrogant every now and then... Just as I had got near Genos, an impulse of heat was sent in my direction, dodging it, it incinerated the mountains.

Genos really is strong huh? With that thought in mind, I decided to take him a bit seriously. Teleporting behind him with my agility, I was about to punch him from behind only to be found stuck inside a dark place.

...Removing the dust and debris of myself I get up, checking my Shadow's memory I found that Genos had used his thrusters to spin in the air, and kick at my arm which instinctively blocked the kick, but the force sent me in the mountains.

"You guys forgot about me?", hearing this I check my Shadows, to find they aren't erased this time. But rather in my Shadow due to the fear of fighting against Saitama.

Saitama and Genos fight in the air, at the ground, though only Genos was attacking, Saitama was just dodging and running around. After all this guy, could end Genos in one punch.

I saw some scenes of the anime in real life, the machine gun blow thing Genos did at Saitama then, bursted a great amount of energy towards his direction thinking he got him. Only to get a peek-a-boo from behind.

Genos tried to retaliate with a punch but Saitama evades it with ease, and getting behind Genos in a flash, he does the legendary *Serious Punch*, which he stops just before it hit Genos face.

Like that Genos lost, but well, I was still in the game. Quickly heading towards Saitama, I spin kick him, sending him crashing through the mountains one after another. After going through 19 mountains Saitama comes at halt.

Though not for long, as I rain a barrage of heavy punches at him, he dodged all of it though, but I caught him off-guard 2 times by using Bellion, or Beru.

Bellion using his whip like sword to trap Saitama, then me punching him with full force, increased momentum due to [Ruler's Authority]. And an incredible combo of side kicks, hammer fists, knee up-to the face, which only damaged Saitama's clothes and put some dust on his face.

Beru using his claws to cut through Saitama only to find that, he's safe and the clothes have claw marks. Then, as a surprise Igris with his swordmanship, cut Saitama, only for the sword to break... Again. Later the Khamish blew fire breath, then all of the shadows trapped Saitama at one place, giving me the chance to use my strongest attack.


A fist coated with the skill, [Death's Aura] which began to break apart the ground, the mountains crumbled, and the air felt like poison, but I didn't stop, and kept the barrage on.

Though all it did was make Saitama a bit angry as his clothes were half destroyed. I calmed him down after telling him about the vouchers I had for the Saturday sale.

After cooling down somewhat, he said it was a tie. Damn, this guy really likes to mock...

After fighting a battle I couldn't win, we head to a restaurant for some udon. There was also a challenge of receiving ¥10000 yen if someone finished the spicy udon which was high in quantity.

Genos, as in canon finishes it again. I tried it, and surprisingly, it didn't feel spicy at all. And I won the prize money along with Genos.

A tall and lean-built young man with messy shoulder-length light blue hair that has a single hair strand hanging down in the middle of his face and yellow eyes. He is considered to be very handsome by the public.

He wears a white jacket over his gray shirt with a green circle necklace and black trousers. He comes in the restaurant relaxed, but raises an eyebrow after seeing me.

[Insert image of Sweet Mask here.]

Amai Mask came, noticing me he greeted me then took Genos off with him. After a while Genos returned, telling about what happened which was pretty much the exact same thing, only one element being different.

That was, my name being mentioned. Amai Mask told Genos to learn a thing or two from me, as I patrolled over many cities at once with my Shadows, and whenever there was trouble it would be taken care of with silence without anyone knowing. Other than the Hero Association of course which I deliberately let know.

I was honestly quite surprised as to how and why did the arrogant attitude type guy talked about me. And hearing about it from Genos, I still couldn't believe it. Though, I thought maybe due to my involvement in the timeline some things changed and so.

After eating our fills, we went back to our respective residences.






In an expanded space, in complete quartz, the halls, the floor, and the walls were completely white. There stood a huge throne at the end of the corridor like space, on it, sat the Greatest Brilliant Light Fragment.


"So, have the darker ones been imprisoned? "

"Affirmative, the group of corrupted fragments have been locked up in the time-space. What punishment would be befitting for them?"

"That's to be decided by the current Shadow Monarch, not me. The one who suffered was the Shadow Monarch not I, thus they will be the one who will decide the punishment. Send an envoy to the world he is currently residing in, there will also be a message allocated for him. Do it this instant."

"Your wish is our command." Saying so, the Brilliant Light Fragment bowed, and disappeared.

The G.B.L.F then sighed to himself. "These fools don't even think properly before coming to such decisions. I hope it doesn't turn into a genocidal war. "






Meanwhile, at the same time, both Genos and Ether received a notification from the Hero Association, telling them about the summon at the Headquarters.

Genos notifying Saitama about it, leaves, Ether offered him to go together which the young man agreed to. Both, got on Kaisel, and flew away in the direction of the Hero Association.




In few minutes they reached their destination. Entering the building through the main door, we were greeted by an old person who appears to be elderly, as he walks with a slight hunch in his back. He has light blue eyes and spiky white hair. He also possesses thick white eyebrows and a thick white mustache and has slightly tan skin. He dons a long-sleeved black martial arts jumpsuit, light-colored pants, and T'ai Chi slippers. In spite of his age and appearance, he has a well-built body that is covered with many scars.(AN : Only Ether sensed this.)

"You would be Genos... And the man beside you... What was his name? I forgot...", Bang says, though it irked me a little I forgived him, as I knew a character like him wouldn't do things to provoke a person that easily. It was a genuine mistake.

"It's Ether." Stating my name to him, he nodded then Genos asked where were the others. Getting the same reply as in canon, Genos began to head towards the Meteor's direction, with a suitcase in his hand, from building to building.

Ofcourse I followed along, catching up with his speed easily, I noticed the huge rock hovering above our heads. Sensing the metal figure coming near us at extreme speed,

A large unit capable of flight with a high-level of firepower attached. Comes from the sky, landing on the building we stood upon.

I stepped back a bit, giving the sudden new comer some space.

[Insert image of Bofoi's first robot here. ]

After he tested out his weapon, he stopped controlling the robot. Leaving Genos and me to fend off the problem. I knew Saitama would come later, I tried to bring him over earlier than it was needed to happen, but couldn't do so.

After that I thought of stopping the meteor myself, it could be possible for me to actually do so, with [Death Aura] I could turn the meteor to dust, but before that, I let the events flow as it was planned to be done as. I knew I wasn't the main character of this world, but rather a bald man.

After Genos couldn't do anything to stop the meteor, Saitama came, destroying the meteor in one punch, I wanted to prevent the event of people putting all the blame on to him later on. Due to pity...

Thus, just before he was about to punch the meteor, I covered one of his gloves with my strongest skill.

[Death's Aura] though I applied very little, as I knew the impact of his fist would blow the aura all over the area. Resulting in the city being destroyed either ways.

Anyways, after few seconds once the fragments started raining down, they crumbled to dust and got mixed in the air. As a result of my interference, I managed to keep the City intact and not let Saitama go through any of the sad cannon events.

Like that, Saitama's popularity rose, though many people thought the one's who contributed the most were Genos, Bofoi and me, that wasn't the case. Although, I tried to tell them the truth by tweeting it. (AN : Yeah, one punch man world has twitter in this timeline. )

After managing to keep the bad rumors to as low as I could, I was greeted by an unexpected guest at my home.

"Hello there, Shadow Monarch, I am an envoy sent by the G.B.L.F and representing my- WOAH, C-calm down, I am here to explain things and talk peacefully. Please put the weapon you covered with that dangerous aura down, and do also tell your shadows to not plan about attacking me from different directions... I seriously have come here to talk peacefully! " Though, I didn't believe any of his words, something inside me said it was alright to trust him... For now.





'That man... He might be the strongest person I have met uptill now... Then there's him. He didn't do anything yet it felt, he contributed more than me. The aura around him screams danger, I thought it was a hallucination for a second, but once I released some killing intent... I felt as if his back had eyes on it. I could feel his warnings just from his back... Like if I tried any funny business, my head would go flying..'

It was the first time, Bang, also known by the hero name, 'Silver Fang', felt fear and respect. Fear towards Ether, Respect towards Saitama.

Well, Bang wasn't wrong about the head flying thing, after all, if he actually attacked Ether from behind, Beru would have actually slashed Bang's neck, decapitating his head off from his body.






"So, you mean to say, the 'Rulers' are separated in factions now? One which wants to get rid of me, one which wishes to coexist with me? "

"That's correct, we wish for peace, and we have also captured the beings included in the planning of eliminating you. You can punish them however you want to. "

Huh? Captured? Does he mean, they imprisoned the ones who had hostility? Anything huh... If they had enough strength to almost make me reach Death, they would be great for my...

The next day, the 'Rulers', sent their prisoners, smiling, Ether had his Shadow's kill them in the most brutal way possible, then he added them to his army. Gaining commander ranks.

Another thing was the message they sent.

For now I replied it with, 'I will think about it.'




"Shadow Conqueror, he's the guy who you shouldn't mess with easily. Until you are confident that you can run away, don't try to fight him. " Silver Fang gives his opinion on Ether to the Association.

Seeing the feats, Genos and Ether achieved, their ranks were boosted further. Also due to Bang's statements.

Same with Saitama. Though they doubted him, as he was included in this event, they had no choice other than to promote him in ranks.





"Achoo! "

"Huh? You got a cold? Here, take this tissue. "

"Thanks." Nodding at Saitama I blew my nose in the tissue. Wonder who was talking behind my back?

Ether who was unaware of the events stirring in the HQ, kept cooking the curry along with Genos.




Bonus Chapter will be there later. 🗿

(Only once you make this novel reaches 50 powerstones. 🗿 Just kidding, though you can get two bonus chapters like this. Ngl. I am saying this for your own entertainment. Drop powerstones. 🗿)

Next Chapter : Green frog? Nah. New soldier! Yes!

Powerstones. Hand them over.

TheDarkestFragmentcreators' thoughts
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