
The Phoenix of Jujutsu Kaisen

This is gonna be AU in jujutsu kaisen new curses and people would be appearing and the ways techniques are used and can't forget about our mc as he traverse through this new world with the powers of a Phoenix

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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106 Chs

Goodwill Event END

~Omni pov~

"Do we even need another round, I'm not trying to be offensive or anything but I just don't see the point, we already fought each other for the most part and anymore would just be a waste of time" Ash said while still hugging Maki from behind.

Utahime just raised a brow at that and looked around the room to see if anyone disagreed. Seeing that they're nodding their head in agreement Utahime just sighed before turning to the principal with a questioning look as of asking what do they do now.

"Since everyone is an agreement with this, the Goodwill Event would only be for one round which means that the winner of the Goodwill Event for this year would be Tokyo.

Is there anyone who disagrees with this statement?" The old man of Kyoto asked everyone in the room

Seeing no one disagree all the old man could do was sign since his students weren't willing to fight. But he also understood why since Tokyo's team had 2 special grade sorcerer so they were fighting a losing battle.

"Sigh very well, we would conclude this year's Goodwill Event with Tokyo's victory" the old man declared ending the Goodwill Event earlier than ever.

Ash didn't even wait to stick around and find out what happens next he just went and picked Maki up and put her over his shoulder and said to the rest of them "Welp I'm going off to celebrate see ya later" and with that he started walking towards the door.

And as soon as the door closed behind him he reappeared and said "Oh right I forgot something, sorry"

He then went towards Mai and picked her up and put her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes as well. "Smell ya later" and with that he left once again.

Everyone just continued to look at the scene with a dumbfounded expression

Even Mai who was ontop of Ash was too stunned to speak and as the door closed infront of her, it snapped her back into reality and she started twisting and turning


Maki just turned her head to Mai and said "Relax he always does this, it's not that bad"


Maki just sighed before smiling and doing a piece sign towards her "Just relax and Enjoy the ride sis"

Mai just looked at her in disbelieve as her eye started twitching. She then turned her head to the back of Ash's neck and bit down on it.

But instead of Ash it was Mai who screamed in pain

"Ouch!!!" She screamed while holding her jaw "Just what is you're skin made of"

Maki then reached overed and smacked her sister on the head which prompted Mai to softly cry out in pain once again "Ouch" she said while putting both hands on her head to protect it from Maki.

"What was that for, I warned you I was gonna bite"

Maki just rolled her eyes as she said "Yeah but not on the neck, don't do that again, that's my place to bite" she then moved her head slightly towards Ash's neck and took a seductive bite out of his neck marking her territory while still eyeing Mai.

Mai watching her sister do something so provocative in a public space just gained a blush on her cheeks

"Why are you doing something like that in public, do you have no shame" Mai yelled at Maki whispering "plus that was the only place available for me to bite I can't do it on his shoulder he's carrying me like a sack of potatoes"

Ash who was listening to everything just laughed at them "Hahaha, don't worry we're almost there" and with that Ash arrived at the exit of the school and put Mai and Maki down.

Ash then put a hand over both of their shoulders and said "You girls ready to have some fun"

Mai just moved away while Maki stayed where she was and nodded her head

And with that they went to explore Kyoto further bringing Mai as a guide...

The first thing they did was get something to eat since that's what they like to do the most, even Mai was no exception as she was the same as Maki who liked Junk food

So they went and ate and spent the rest of the Day mostly exploring with Mai showing them around. They even started to get more comfortable around each other. The hostility Mai was feeling towards the two of them even started to lessened as she spent more time with them.

Which prompted her to finally ask a question that has been bothering her.

"Why can't I feel Maki's presence and how is she so strong" This has been bothering Mai ever since she saw Maki and fought against her.

Ash then explained "Oh that cause I basically rewrote her Heavenly Restriction"

Mai now looked shocked and confused, she had a feeling this was the case but hearing it straight from the source is still quite a shock.

Ash just shrugged his shoulder "it was easy all I had to do was use my flames and change it so that in exchange for all of her curse energy she would get an improved physique"

Mai now gained a even more confused expression since the last time she saw his flames it skewered a curse all the way from Tokyo to Kyoto.

Ash seeing her confusing just explained his curse technique and when he was finished Mai ask "Can you do that same for me please? It's not fair, we're supposed to be twin sisters but Maki just keeps getting farther and farther away. How the hell am I suppose to survive in this harsh world with such weak strength"

And as she finished she bowed down expressing her desire for strength

While she was bowing down Ash turned to Maki with a questioning look asking what to do.

Maki just nodded basically saying that it was alright to help her.

"Sigh fine I'll help you, but I'll do it next week since it's when both of you would have your birthday, you can think of it as a birthday present from your super cool brother-in-law"

Mai just smiled expressing her thanks

While Maki also smiled and slithered her arms around his showing she was thankful as well.



apparently alot of people like Mai which was baffling to me and want her and Maki to date Ash at the same time

So imma make a compromise, she gets the upgrade but Ash is still only going to date Maki.

Although I still don't really like her I'm willing to make a small sacrifice for your sake.

Praise me