
The Petite Dungeon Explorer

Being reborn into the world of Tenebrae, Hollis finds herself as the daughter of a Vampire Noble. Being born into a world of magic and dungeons, she’s dead set of exploring the world around her! Will she be able to conquer dungeons and become an adventurer! Just what lies at the bottom of the world dungeon? What do the Gods and Goddess of the world want with her? Find out in the Petite Dungeon Explore The cover isn't mine if it's yours please let me know if you'd like me to take it down! ___________ A slow burner, world builder story, that will get faster as we progress through the beginning. Updating Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. (Generally, 3 to 4 chapter weekly) This is for the WPC #103 contest for the non-female lead! Please enjoy!

MissHecate · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
77 Chs

Finding Treasure in a Dump! Pt. 2

"Is that how you talk to all of your customers?" I couldn't help but ask the dwarf in front of me. He was too arrogant and rude in his questioning! He's clothed in a black apron, and I see two well-used gloves tucked in the pocket of them.

It would seem that he was the one that might have crafted the items in the shop.

Silvyr had come up beside me at this point and was looking at the dwarf with a mixture of intrigue and annoyance. If I remember correctly aren't elves and dwarf-like natural enemies, like cats and dogs.

Well I suppose it'd be that dwarf are more like dogs and elves are more like cats...

"Lil lass if you don't answer my question, I'll give yer here ass a beating for waking me up from my here nap!" He snorts poking a finger into his nose and then flicking his fingers.

I raise an eyebrow and decide just how I want to respond to this rude master.

"How dare you talk to her like that! Do you know who she is?" Silvyr decided to argue back for me. His sharp features are pulled aggressively like he wanted nothing more than to hit the dwarf. It seems like he was trying to do his best and live up to the stereotype of elves hating dwarfs.

His ghostly white eyes are drawn into a venomous glare, he looked poised to cut down the old man. The brown eyes of the man in front of us harden and he turns his nose up at Silvyr.

"Yer an insolent lil brat! Learn some manners when ya speak to yer elders!" He says with a peeved tone.

Ah ha, what a nightmare! This was like trying to pull teeth, rubbing a hand over my face. I wave at Silvyr to step back. He looks at me with surprise but grits his teeth and steps back from the counter.

"I want to know if these are all the weapons in your store or if you have others that aren't on display," I tell him after a moment.

He turns his scrutinizing gaze towards me, and they don't leave me for a full minute before he closes them and rubs a hand behind his head.

"There should be plenty of good weapons out here for ya to choose from lil lass. Nothing that I don't have out would be suitable for ya," he says gruffly.

His posture had relaxed a little as if he'd completely wiped the last couple minutes of interaction from his mind. He instead looks completely indifferent about the whole situation at this point.

It looks like he was telling me to be happy with the stuff out front. He was probably thought that this wasn't the place for a child. Well, he was mistaken to say the least.

For now, I'll try flattery. If that didn't work, of course, I had another plan in place to get what I want.

"Yes, there are many fine weapons to choose from out in your store, they're an impressive set of wares that you have," I tell him seriously. "But even so, nothing has caught my attention, I've got a high standard when it comes to weapon and equipment," I say with a small shrug.

His calm demeanor went from nodding in agreement to my words to looking like he'd burst a vein. I could laugh his expression was so comical.

"Oi, little lass you're going too far, these are all top-notch weapons that would serve any adventure with great ease. Yer trying to stir a fight with me aren't ya?" He says slamming his hand down onto the wooden counter.

The counter crackles a little bit from the pressure of the blow but doesn't break.

"She's just being critical," Silvyr huffs at the man. "Let's leave we shouldn't give this old man our business, I'll have my father's blacksmith craft you a better weapon," Silvyr continues grabbing my arm and trying to pull me out of the store.

But I don't budge. His eyes widen in surprise!

"Hollis?" He questions.

Shaking him off my arm, I stare down the old dwarf and decide on another route. Without breaking a sweat, I summon my sword from my brother and swing it forward. It cleaves through the air like a violent torrent of wind.

My blow was directly aimed for the old dwarf head, but I stop the strike just before reaching his nose. A great blast of wind blows his beard back and along with the scruffy hair atop of his head. However, he didn't even flinch, he held steady like a statue.

"Impressive," I mutter softly.

Most wouldn't be unflinching with a sword falling down towards there head like that.

"Lil lass, yer sword lemme look at it," he says completely mesmerized by the blade in front of him. Moving the sword away from his head, I flip it and hand him the hilt.

He takes the blade with great care, his calloused hand holding it the same way many would hold a fine looking woman. His hands run over the blade that glowing a beautiful red and black, as he inspects the whole of the blade.

Raising it upwards, he studies it and begins to nod his head as he continues his inspection. The indifferent expression on his face had completely vanished when he came into contact with the blade.

It looks like even the toughest and grumpiest men, when given something valuable would brighten up. Like giving a child candy, all problems would be forgotten, when you came someone something of their obsession.

"This is steel that's been forged out a hell demon isn't it?" He asks after a moment.

What a surprise he could even tell that much about the blade?

He perhaps was a skilled blacksmith.

"Yes, indeed the blades been inset into a handle formed from the wood of a thousand-year-old life tree," I tell him with a smile.

"These are only materials that can be sourced from the world dungeon, or at least from multiple dungeon towers," he says partially talking to himself at this point.

"You're right," I say, even though I don't believe he's talking to me.

He continues talking to himself for a little while longer, I lean back and just watch him.

"Should you be letting him handle your sword?" Silvyr whispers to me.

"There isn't any problem in letting him look at it," I say casually.

"But he was so rude earlier, why are you even entertaining him?" He presses.

Ah, he just didn't understand, the best sort of loot always came from the ones that are difficult and unruly. It was never wasted to spend some extra time working over these types, generally, then you'd get rewarded.

If flattery didn't work then he wasn't one that you could pander to with sweet words. That meant that I would just pander to him by enticing his nature. Which in this case was probably weapons, and well-forged weapons at that...

"Just wait, Silvyr."

Finally, he lowers the weapon and looks at me there is a new light in his eye.

"You've got a good weapon here lil lass, aren't you being a bit greedy by seeking out something similar to it?" He questions as he looks at me.

Smiling, I place my hand on my sword. "There nothing wrong with having more than one good weapon. Shouldn't an adventure be prepared for anything?" I ask him with a smirk.

He looks surprised, but his expression quickly changes and he throws back his head letting out a hearty bought of laughter.

"Yer a funny one lil lass, but you make a good point. Wait here," he says with a smirk. Pushing himself out of his seat.

'Thump!' He lands on the ground and makes his way towards the back of the store. Vanishing behind a heavy black curtain. He quickly came back with a total of six boxes in his arms. Each of the boxes gave off a different vibe and feeling.

Placing them on top of the counter, he climbs up into the chair and spreads the boxes across the counter. I'd already returned my sword into storage. Once he's arranged them he spread his hand out around them.

"Each of these here items are my pride and joy, crafted from materials that normally no ordinary blacksmith would have. They all have a temperament to them if they suit ya then your welcome to buy them. If none of them are to ya liking then you'll have to choose something else from the front of the store," he says with a solemn voice.

"Do you mind if we both look then?" I ask him.

He looks over at Silvyr but in the end he shrugs his shoulders. "If the lad wants to be my guest."

"Thank you! We'll take a look now then," I say smiling.

Here comes to treasure that would await those that were patient and resilient!

Winning over an old man can be a tough challenge! But have no fear Hollis is up to the challenge!

Please Enjoy! :3

What weapon will Hollis end up with? What about Silvyr will he set aside his pride and accept a weapon? :D Stay tuned.

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