
The person who Challenged a God: Clueless Reincarnation

Haruki Sato, transcending mortality in his former realm, emerges anew in a world infused with powers and abilities. Driven by a quest to traverse the entire globe and catalyze positive change, he embarks on an exciting odyssey of discovery and transformation, In each nation, our protagonist discovers a unique, long-forgotten form of magic tied to the land's history, unlocking extraordinary powers and forging alliances to avenge his village in an epic tale of rediscovery and revenge. Come Join Our Journey As Satō Haruki Becomes The Strongest Sorcerer, and a God too of course. --------------------- Image is not mine, if the original owner sees this, please be forgiving. image by lee.js. (chapters are posted either weekly or Thursday to Friday)

AsunaOfficial · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Beginning: Awakening In Aetheria

Yuri Tsukumo a normal high school boy a very very, clumsy one whose alarm doesn't work, he's the kind of person who always forgets his alarm clock is broken and doesn't have the money to buy a new one, his parents died in an accident.

He lives in a small apartment, he is very good at cooking, his favorite food is Yakisoba (Fried Noodles), and he works in a convenience store near his school.

He Wakes up from his sleep and he sees on his alarm clock that it is 7:03 AM (GMT+9)

He smiles "It's the first time I woke up early, was this a special day?" he sits up

- -A big Yawn And Stretch- -

He made his bed and went to the bathroom looking at the mirror and saying "I look Awful"

And starts putting toothpaste in his toothbrush

- -He Cleanses his mouth with water, and spits it out in the drain- -

- -He walks to his kitchen and

prepares breakfast for himself- -

Seeing on the TV news the time was 8:45 and realizing he was late he packed up in a hurry and almost tripped down while wearing his socks, he ran and he wore his shoes and ran to school it was 9:01, in school he got called by his teacher saying,

"Yuri, you're failing in every class. When are you gonna take school seriously, your aunt pays for your school fees, and you don't even focus on school. You're always late too. I will let it slide this time but next time I see you late again, there won't be any more next time for you Mr. Tsukumo"

As the teacher sits down in his chair disappointed, Yuri Sighs and walks his way out of the administrator's room, as he walks through the hallway he goes straight to class, as he sits down he is called by Shoko Watanabe a female, she is a very popular girl in their school, she is always admired a lot, she was the schools model, Shoko's father was a rich man who owned a Furniture Company, Shoko's mom is a model,

Shoko Said to Yuri "Hey Idiot, hurry up and finish the Quiz and give me answers" quietly, as Nao, Taisho, and Shoko, laughed, Shoko Bullied Satō a lot with her underlings, Taisho and Nao.

Since Yuri couldn't do anything he started writing answers, after class Yuri put his books in his bag, checking if everything was inside. He walked through the hallway and went to the exit. He was walking to his part-time job when he went to a nearby vending machine and got a drink, after he was on his way he heard wild running from behind,

- -He looked back- -

He sees a person running towards him with a knife, while the police are chasing the man, Yuri is stabbed in the stomach, Satō falls as blood drips down his mouth, he is greeted by two police officers saying,

"Stay with me, stay with me! The ambulance is coming, breath breath!"

Yuri's vision suddenly blurs out.

While stopping the blood flow, unfortunately. Yuri didn't make it, he lost a lot of blood. As Yuri is in blank space, he talks to himself "Why was my life cut short? Did I do anything, God? Why? I still have so many questions is this what happens when you die?"

He said in a scared tone, as he spoke "Is this what all the dead people see?"

He felt like he was floating, He yelled "Am I gonna be here forever?"

As his vision brightens he is greeted by 2 People, a woman, and a man.

Yuri:(Are these two lovers? And why do I feel so small..) He says to himself, that the woman was calling for someone Named- Haruki

The woman says "Haruki! It fits him"

The man says "Hm, Haruki.. Haruki Satoe!"

Yuri:(These people, what are they talking about.. what language is this?) He says to himself.

Yuri utters "Who are you two?"

But the two lovers were just laughing, he was confused He raised his hands at them and suddenly was shocked to see small hands, "I'm a baby..? I was... REBORN?!? NOOO!!!!!!"

But the lovers couldn't understand what he was saying because he was muttering gibberish.

Later on, he realized that he was reborn in a new world, and the lovers were his parents.

He sees his father with white hair, and brown eyes, as for his mother. She has dark scarlet red eyes and black hair.

But he couldn't see his appearance, because there were no mirrors.

Sato:(Well, i guess im Sato Haruki now. Its been a day since i was born here, its really weird how their house is built, its really. Really. Old fashioned.)

6 Days after The Rebirth Of a Mirage Mage, Haruki Satoe At The Nation Suivanna, Village Of Surya.

Sato:(It's been 6 days since i was born, i got ahead of the language they were speaking somehow? But i really cant move or anything. All i can do is look at this womans breasts and my fathers chest, he makes a weirdly lazy face)

After he was born he couldn't do anything but cry and weep for milk, and he observed his surroundings, and that their house was built of wooden planks and concrete, it was like ancient houses, then he saw a window. Outside there was a tree branch, and he saw two birds One Was Raven Black, and The other one Was Pristine White. The birds look unique

Sato: ("So beautiful..")

Sato admires the birds then he is suddenly disturbed by his mother who carries him to the dinner table, he sits down and sees his parents prepare food, he observes the house once again since he couldn't move for a whole 6 days.

His father puts their food on the table, they sit down and his mother starts feeding Sato, while feeding him his father and mother are talking while he is looking at the window once again he sees more people with old clothes, old age clothes. He sees other kids play outside with a wooden ball

Sato:(This is confusing... I'm in an old-fashioned world? I thought we were crippled..!) He makes a weird face, His mother laughs at his expression, as his mother thought he wanted to play with the kids outside since he was looking out the window.

1 Week after The Rebirth Of a Mirage Mage, Haruki Satoe At The Nation Suivanna, Village Surya.

He Woke up from his slumber and was greeted by his mother carrying him, his mother was reading a book, His mother noticed he was awake then closed the book and said, "Aw, sweetie good morning." He gets a kiss on his forehead, and Sato gets flustered Since this boy could not get any Maidens in his previous world.

His mother stands up and puts Sato in his bed, Sato Still can't do anything. He sees the window again, the tree, the branch, but the birds are not there.

Not having entertainment, Sato thinks of a way.

His mother was washing dishes, and while his father was away buying food and ingredients, his mother heard cries from Sato, and back to Sato he cried so he could be entertained since he could not move. His mother hurriedly came back and gave him a toy, he was 17 years old in his previous world but somehow, he enjoyed this teddy as he was a child.

5 Year's after The Rebirth Of a Mirage Mage, Haruki Satoe At The Nation Suivanna, Village Surya.

Sato after a year passing by, he had many experiences inside the his room. But he said to himself "It's Time For me To Change!" He put all his strength in trying to stand up, since he had experience from his previous life, he stood for exactly 20 seconds. In this 20 seconds his mother walked inside the room, seeing sato standing up.. she dropped the tea she was holding and called his father, "HONEY! OUR BABY IS STANDING!!" His Father hearing the news, ran and went to the room, but seeing Sato sitting down on the floor, whilst the tea spread on the floor his mother jump's in joy while smiling, his father carries sato and kisses him on each cheek,

Sato:(Oh yeah right, standing up as a baby is a big dealll for parents.. i guess we gotta act that we're happy of course. *He makes a Weird face, yet smiling* Sato Doesn't know how to smile.)

His parents, very happy on what happened, decided to celebrate this occasion.

Sato celebrated his achievement on standing, many visitors went to their house. while his mother was talking to the relatives, Satō decided to go to rooms, Satō went to so many rooms including his parents' room. While scavenging through his parents' things he saw a box that had a big lock and was chained up.

He was planning to open it but when he heard his mother calling his name he crawled outside the room, he managed to open the storage room with his tiny hands and He Stumbled upon a book named Grand Grimoire: Divinity Of Magic, which he decided to open and read it, as he opens the book he saw some letters that were not understandable, Sato Says "This world is weird.."

He turned a few pages and saw a spell that was summoning water by using bare hands. He said it might be possible to use this and he took a deep breath and tried the spell he saw in the book, seeing that the spells name had 'Explode' in it Sato was a bit worried, but he still did the spell. Exhaling "Water Technique: Explode" As he focused, he was breathing carefully, followed by the steps in the book, he was able to make a droplet of water, after 3 seconds it splashed on his face, his mother was calling him, he hid the book hurriedly, his mom seeing his pants was wet said that Satō apparently, he wet himself.

Satō embarrassed on what he did, he hugs his mother tightly.

Satō was Surprised that this world had such magic.

He goes out once again to get the book, after getting the book he opens the book once again Turning the page once more, he sees the role of being a Mage, he reads

The greatest mage, Flamme Nishiyama, a highly respected and talented mage, is widely admired for her exceptional skills in crafting powerful spells and displaying creative prowess in the magical arts, She is known for her Spell Arts and is the creator of the Grand Grimoire: Divinity Of Magic

Developing Spells like the Defense Technique, which gives immunity for 4 Minutes And 11 Seconds. She was known by many names, including The symbol of peace, Flamme The Slayer. She had killed most of the monsters, she had lived for 500 years, and she had killed 2 of the Hell's Order. Soulreaper The Abyssal Keeper one of the 10 Sages Of Hell's Destruction, and Mordrakar the Abyssal Warden

Sato says "Flamme, huh... I wanna be like her. I wanna be the strongest, Strongest Mage Ever to Exist."

Begins to read more on the book, gaining knowledge more about the world, trying techniques but failing to find that there are more Grimoire out there that Flamme Made that were missing, he wants to find all of them. To learn how to be 'The Strongest Sorcerer In History' Sato taking the book with him, he goes to the attic to train himself.

He tried the ordinary defense technique, focusing his mana around his body- he was able to create a defense technique, which lasted 30 seconds, using this technique drains so much mana, For him. He falls down in exhaustion, causing his mother and father to hear a loud thump upstairs, worried they hurriedly went upstairs, hearing the steps sato quickly threw the book under a table filled with barrels, his mother seeing him in such state, was worried and carried Sato to his room. After treating Sato his lies down in bed, Sato says "M-my mana.. ITS ALL GONE!!" While his hands on his head.

10 Years after The Rebirth Of a Mirage Mage, Haruki Satoe At The Nation Suivanna, Village Surya.

Sato awakens on his 10th birthday, he and his family walk around the village to buy him food and to celebrate his birthday, They Walk around the village as Satō admires the new world he was born to, while his mother buys vegetables, he wanders off into the back of the market place, as he went through a couple of barrels and some cloaks, he managed to get out of the market and sees a statue of a certain god or being holding a mysterious orb,

as Sato tried to touch it he heard "Sato??. Sato where are you!!" Sato immediately removed his hand, he did not touch the statue, he swooped back where he went through and went to his mother saying "Sato, Stop leaving me you're making me worried, you keep disappearing out of nowhere! What will happen when you get lost huh?" Sato looks at his mother calmy,

Sato: (What was that statue for? Are there religions here too? *He questions himself*)

Sato says "Mom, what were those statues for? And why did it hold an orb? It was glowing"

His mother said "I'll tell you when we get home sweetheart"

Sato: (I'm so curious. It felt so familiar.. it must be in the book, I saw last year that maybe it had something to do with the powers in this world)

Sato tells his mother to go home early because he is curious. After shopping for some ingredients, he opened the door hurriedly, he ran and went to his room, and started finding the book he used to study magic on.

Back to his mother, she says "That boy is such a mess, he didn't even close the door when he went in." His mother sighs then started washing the vegetables

Sato opens the book in a hurry, as he turns the pages one by one. On his 34th page, he saw an orb similar to the statue he saw on the market.

He read A "sphere that holds an immense amount of energy in its core, it is made to keep goblins and hordes out of the nation as it forms a threat to many creatures, except for humans, as humans create more powerful cores- "

As Sato reads the book, he is still curious about who made the statues.

Sato goes downstairs and asks his mother once again to tell him the story she said he would tell him.

Sato's mom told him the mythical legend.

-"Once upon a time, before our planet existed. There was blankness, it was from a solitary tear that despair was born, and in response, her brother hope came into existence.

they acknowledge one another before their intertwined tales begin to unfold, Hope sees the world for what it may become, and he wanted to protect himself. but in the absence of hope's radiance, darkness emerged fear materialized and created the twisted mind, The Hell's Order.

As it grew stronger, The Eye of The Hell's Order watched and waited, whispering venomous lies. its influence spreading slowly, enveloped the world, and reshaped hope sanctuary into a torturous prison. despair burdened by the weight of her loss sealed herself away. the world drew breath and exhaled clouds of pristine white. But despairs pain reshape them into hardened chaos. Sensing her anguish, the colossal pristine turtle emerged and was stirred by compassion encouraging her to bloom. The siblings reunited, establishing Equilibrium Once more, Thus, Creating the Three Divine Sovereigns. Making the Three Realms, Heavenly Authorities, Mortal Realm, and The Eons.

The Elpithanasios. (The Siblings Fusing Into One, Combining "elpis" for Despair and "athanasia" for Hope.) Decided to Assemble The Divine Celestial Nexus.

The "Divine Celestial Nexus Order" is an elite alliance of godly beings committed to maintaining cosmic balance and safeguarding the realms. Comprised of deities from diverse pantheons, their purpose transcends individual domains as they unite under a sacred oath to enforce harmony and justice.

Endowed with heavenly authority, the Celestial Nexus Order operates across dimensions, responding to disturbances that threaten the fabric of existence. These godly enforcers bring together their unique powers, ancient wisdom, and unwavering resolve to uphold the cosmic laws that bind all realms.

Led by The Elpithanasios, the alliance employs a judicious approach, seeking diplomatic resolutions when possible but wielding formidable might when necessary. Their symbol, a radiant convergence of celestial symbols, signifies the unity and strength derived from the alliance of gods across the vast tapestry of existence.

As guardians of the cosmic balance, the Divine Celestial Nexus Order embodies the fusion of divine authority, wisdom, and valor in their tireless pursuit of maintaining order and ensuring the continuance of existence in divine accord, No being can elude this inevitable decree.

But then the Three Divine Sovereigns Reign Over others, they seek strength to know their purpose. Forming The Great Reckoning, A war between Cosmic beings. The three divine sovereigns formed armies of gods, and beings, causing a disruption, The Heavenly Authorities, awakening The Divine Celestial Nexus Order, The Eons, and The Mortal Realms formed an alliance, Fighting all the three Sovereigns with their armies for millennia. After the war, The Divine Celestial Nexus Order and The Three Realms Rose victorious, Fighting Off the Three Sovereigns' greed over power, and ending the existence of the Three Sovereigns, After that the heavenly authorities decided to put Eternals (Eternals are the machine's built to store-in Powers for God's) in each planet in every universe so that they can gain the power they exhausted in the war. Giving each planet time, and when that time is up. Destroying the planet is the job of the eternal that was put in to exhaust the core of the planet, these Eternals can create smaller Eternals that can give him the resources in planets that he will store powers in.

Narrator: ("This world is one whole nation, not until The Eternals Fought to death. And the war was so long it destroyed the nation and was cut into 7,

the god of Nature who ruled the 7th nation, Vallzueja

The god of Oceans, Which ruled the 6th nation, Hueruivm

The god of Cryo Which ruled over the 5th nation Juavillian.

The god of Electro ruled over the 4th nation. Salvachera

The god of Flame, the 3rd nation. Suivanna

The god of Freedom, wind. Which is the 2nd nation. Nillumea

And finally, the first nation to ever exist in mankind, known as Valderrama, The god of Earth, manipulation of every single thing in this planet we live in.

The gods had their nations, but one day all the gods decided to fight for their freedom since they were just underlings of the real god, and their time was almost up.

They fought for their world, and their lives, at the end of The Divine war, they managed to kill the god who controlled them, and as the 7 nations and 7 gods had exhausted half of their power, they decided to put most of their power inside an artifact well guarded, well hidden, and that artifact is the most important thing to a god, the artifact chooses a chosen one, but since it had been almost 900 years since it had a chosen one, after that, the gods decided to put they're all to guard their nation, the gods made statues to keep predators and monsters out of they're nation, the statues have spells in them, called the realm barrier spell, a big barrier that covers the whole nation. To protect the people in the nation.

If the statues get destroyed or killed, the barrier will be removed, as for the people inside the nation will be left unprotected."

His mother says "This is a book Sato, i got it from you're grandfather, hes been reading this story to me since i was a kid, ill read it to you when you go to sleep."

Sato says "Woah, I didn't expect that. A war of gods? Higher beings?" Sato says shockingly.

His mother says "Mhm, now be a good boy, it's your birthday. Now go help your father with the plants outside." His mother says cheerfully

Sato: (I wanna learn more about this world!)

Sato goes outside, goes to his father, and helps him with the plants. Sato smiles cheerfully with his father saying "Dad, mom told me to help you!"

His dad said, "Sure go water the plants son, and happy birthday."

Sato smiles joyfully

As Sato goes to get the hose he suddenly sees the pond move in waves, like something big is coming, but he shrugs it off and takes the hose. Going to the plants and watering them, his father shouted at Sato, "SATO, GO GET YOU'RE MOTHER AND PACK THE THINGS! NOW!!" As Sato hurriedly ran to his mother, he opened the door to see his mother with 3 bags already, she said "Sato, get your stuff now! Hurry, don't question anything get them now!"

Sato hurriedly ran to his room he packed his stuff, and he almost forgot the book he saw, he got the book, and suddenly a huge explosion he heard.

He takes the book and his bag and goes to his mother, while they are getting all their bags, they run outside to see chaos.

𝓣𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓿𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭...

End of chapter #001

Half Of Chapter By: scarlet17

Contributions By: kikorito2595


(I'm a new novel writer, i just started 2 weeks ago. And this is not a fanfiction, this is made by me and three of my friends i hope you enjoy this novel if you do ill continue making this novel! :3)

The novel: Kami ni Idonda Hito: Kentō ga Nai Tensei (The Person who Challenged a God: Clueless Reincarnation) is getting a Manhwa illustrated by ASUNAOFFICIAL, if ever this novel reaches the perfect audience baibai(this will be continued if the novel reaches its audience. Once again, im a new novel writer if there are plotholes or unnecessary details. Please tell me in the comments have fun reading!!!!!! :D :D )


heyo author here, just wanted 2 let u know that there is a chapter 2 comingout for those people who enjoyed the novel

AsunaOfficialcreators' thoughts