
The Peaceful Era

Munakataa · Histoire
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2 Chs

Ch 1 Industrial Boom

During my youth and less experienced years, my guardian gave me advice that has forever altered my goals.

He said, "When you find yourself in a bind', with a sincere face, "remember the Newbound principles," He didn't say any more, and to this day, he has not told me what these, "said" principles are.

My guardian has always tried communicating in these sedentary life learning ways, but for once in all of his lessons, this had me baffled by what he truly meant; Because of; Consequently, I've always judged my predicaments with a set of codes or principles and this has opened up a premier almost intuitive bound way of thinking.

My almost abnormal mind is quick to think itself into the qualities and liabilities of the people I meet, I cannot keep my judgment to myself, so I utterly stutter what I'm thinking about the other host, and they undoubtedly leave with a low opinion of me, Heck; I was even accused of being a slimy politician once and this got me thinking.

I have just finished college with a business degree, ninety-nine percent of others would go out for a round of drinks or go visit their families, but, for some reason, I have this unsettling feeling of a looming presence of the evil and wicked world full of slimy businessmen and women

The practical thing to do now would be to find an apartment and most importantly a job but it was open grounds for all the newly graduated recruits, so when a young businessman offered me a job at a mediocre insurance company I took it. the apartment was what I had less luck In, forty thousand yen each month, It wasn't horrible but it was not great either since it was a small beaten apartment.

I brought myself a couple of books on business and I had many intentions to read more for I was a bookworm in college and I didn't communicate much with others, except for one person, but he had moved away for the war. Not soon after, I was promoted to senior broker and with this, I had the liberty to move to work in my small and reassuring home in Okinawa. My house was near the end of the series of others and I lived a peaceful life full of study and comfort, or so I thought...

April 1st, 1945, It was my usual morning until the ground shook with mad anger and storming Americans, everything had been seized under martial law and the citizens were in disarray, It wouldn't take Japan long to surrender and what was left behind was two cities in the sky and the broken hopes of the people. I was sent back to mainland japan as an infostructure worker, While fixing a road in a small town I met another young man, an American, almost the same age as me, Of course, I would judge him based on my "Newbound Principles" but before I could give the benefit of the doubt he gave a smile I had never seen before, A shining green knight embedded with a shiny Golden Oak leaf and a smile like no other

"Hey bud", he said almost like we had known each other for years

"I don't know English, sorry", then he responded in native Japanese

"Ah no worries I know Japanese as well", He stood up and extended his arm out for a handshake, I stoped shoveling and looked at him

"Is there something you need?"

"Not necessarily I just wanted to introduce myself to you, which speaking of I haven't", he tucked his arm back in

"The name is James, James Gabriel", He extended his arm once again and this time I shook his hand

"lets celebrate our friendship with a cup of osake, Its getting fairly late isn't it"

A minute later a subordinate also in a green outfit with a silver bar on his shoulder came and took him away, It was the most bizarre event that had happened in my entire life, for once I couldn't read a man for his nature or his expressions. An hour or so had passed and the sun was setting, I had stopped shoveling for the day, I was on my way back to my shabby tent when I passed a poorly lit makeshift bar with many green outfitted Americans, laughing, drinking, and having the times of their lives when the glint of a shiny oak leaf stole my attention. It was James, the opinion of the Americans in japan was not welcoming nor very hostile but awkward, I took the initiative and walked into the bar and sat beside him, the other Americans stared for a moment and silence engulfed the bar

"Just in time too bud", he said ecstatically

The silence broke back into a party mood, He smelled of liquor and looked like he was one foot in the spiritual world and another, in reality, He called for the bartender for another round for him and I.

"Sorry I don't drink"

"More for me then, by the way, I didn't get your name"

I told him


"Funny name", He remarked decisively

this annoyed me

"So where did you study," he said, almost like the world was not in mass hysteria, "I studied business" At this point, all the awkwardness was gone, "A Bussiness man," he said it as he had never seen a businessman before, then he said "Say, I could use a businessman like you" He laid down his glass and devoted his attention to me, "Listen, Im looking for the emperors subordinents and I could use your help," He was not joking around, I looked at him with solem eyes and asked "isn't this confidential information?"

"Dont worry Bud, If it was I wouldn't be telling you this" I looked at him wondering what in the world is he thinking

"So what do you say bud?"

James looked at his watch, "its time for me to leave, I expect an answer tomorrow morning" I looked at him confused and I involuntarily nodded. I sat there lost in thought, what a series of unfortunate events or so I perceived but in reality it was an opportunity in disguise.

I woke from my torn mattress undeaneth the warm fuzzy transparent glow of the sun penetrating my makeshift tent, I walked out and before I could get my thoughts together a green small like car without a roof came rushing down the road and came to an abrupt stop in front of me

"Good morning bud, Have you made up your mind?" he said assertivly,

"I have",

'Great! get in the Jeep ",He said while lightning a ciggerate

"What? No, Actually I was going to say No--"

"Lets go bud, Im going to be late" he insisted

Of course I knew he heard me when I said no but I still got on and headed to wherever.

"Welcome to the team bud" He said almost laughing.