

Sitting in the Electric cab, Nicos look back at the City gate with mixed expression of pain, anger, bitterness. His face keeping shifting from one expression to another as he watches the City becomes smaller and the space between them grew wider.

Silversky City use to be a City under the governance of the Silvermoon family with his Mother being the Mayor of the City as the strongest person in the Silvermoon family and the Entire Silversky City.

But now it has change after the mistake of his mother and the betrayal of his father, their family elders decide to make them a sacrificial lamb to redeem themselves, stripping them of their identity as a member of the family and allow the family to maintain it status as one of the aristocrat family.

Nicos look away from the distance City, now that it's hard to see the outline of the City again and looking back at it won't change anything. They have been banished, not only are they banished from the City but out of Civilization as a whole.

They are now heading toward the Forgotten region which is closed out from the entire Human world. It is the place where the banished, the forgotten and those with no potential are thrown to rotten away.

Ever since it was discovered that his Spirit-Root has decayed, he has been completely alienated by his whole family member except from his mother and his two siblings.

Though, it's not like they are not also angry with him, they just did not neglect the fact he is their brother. Nicos clenched his hand, looking bittered. Chloe, Nicos' mother look at him and patted his shoulder.

"Don't beat yourself too much on this, it not entirely your fault, I also have a role to play in this matter. After all, I am the one who got banished from the Kingdom, and implicate you all because of that." Chloe said trying to comfort him.

"I am sorry mum, if you are not trying to help me find a way to resolve my decayed Spirit-Root, you won't have fall for his schemes and lost your connection with your Inner Spirit." Nicos replied with red eyes, he has cried countless times over this issue that his tear ducts seem to have been exhausted.

At the age of 12, during the Spirit Affirmation Ceremony, it was discovered that his Spirit-Root has decayed for no apparent reason or cause. This cause a huge uproar in the SIlversky City and the entire Mesopotamia Kingdom as the first son of two Powerhouse individual, the importance placed on him was very high because following the genes of his parents there's a high tendency of him becoming a powerhouse in the future with enough resources and nurturing, growing up to become one of the future pillars for the Human world in the Spirit Realm.

So any investigation and diagnosis were carried out to find out the reasón for his decayed Spirit root. In the history of human, his case will be the first which cause all the scientists to be unite once again after the great calamity of 3000 years ago and technology to be pull together to understand the mystery behind the decayed Spirit root.

After being subject to the scrutiny of various high profile scientist and various tests and experiments were carried out on him, it was discovered that his Spirit-Root has being decaying since age 5 with no one knowing. The whole city was mobilized to be able to find a solution to his decayed Spirit-Root, even the current King of Mesopotamia, King Sosthenes also send aids to find a solution to the problem but every effort grows fruitless.

The scientists and various organisations also tried to support, because finding a solution to this problem has a lot of implications that is beyond a single person gaining access into the Spirit Realm.

After trying for 3 years without positive result or improvement when he was 15 years, everyone gave up on him including his father except for his mother who continue to find a way to resolve his decayed Spirit-Root and of course, the various organisations and scientists which led to the current situation they are in.

"At least you have some self-awareness and know it is partly your fault unlike one old man that betray an entire family for his own selfish interest" Tabitha said from where she is sitting in the Electric cab and hmphed.

"That's enough Tabitha, you have been speaking derogatorily about him all this while. Don't you think you will wither him away with all those words of yours?" Chloe cautioned her daughter.

Ever since the beginning of the event that leads to their banishment, Tabitha has been hauling curses and derogatory words at her father.

"I don't care if he withered. What good is a man who betrayed his family without baiting an eyelid, it is much better if he withered away and become fertilizer to the soil than being alive at least that way, he will serve as nutrient for the plant for the people that are alive." Tabitha retorted.

"I might offer a burnt offering at the Holy One's altar if he really withered away from all her curses" Nicos little brother added.

"And you think the Holy One's thought is the same as yours?" Chloe asked him.

"That's why I keep wondering how this all happened without him doing anything" Tabitha lamented feeling frustrated.

"Probably the Holy One took a sleeping pills throughout the whole event and might still be taking His sweet nap right now." Barnabas said.

Chloe look at her two children speechlessly and just sigh. She look towards Nicos who has been quiet after what Tabitha said. She know what is going through his mind and she also felt pained in her heart but there's nothing she can do for now. "We will be fine." She said. "We will definitely be fine, the Holy One won't forsake His people during trouble times." She thought.

Hello everyone, thank you for taking your time to read the first chapter of my first book. hope you enjoyed it? if not, I hope you will come to enjoy it as you continue reading.

You might have come across some grammatical and typographical errors. I will surely work on them, please understand that this is my first time doing this.

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