

Are humans real? Judging by the looks of it, people often lie to each other just to get whatever they want. I know it sounds mad at some point but, did you ever reconsider this kind of thought in your head? Everyone usually has another personality when encountering certain people in our lives. School friends, childhood relatives, teachers, seniors, and even parents. Everybody at a certain point has to wear a different character just to be able to cope with different human beings. In my case, the reality is often worse when it comes to situations like this, for me, it's better to talk to yourself instead of talking with other people. Well, you don't know if you could trust someone when it comes to particular situations.

"No man is an island" is the cliché catchphrase, every elder's conversation starter when dealing with lonely teens such as me. This is why talking to yourself is much more efficient for me to vent out my problems and other bottled-up emotions.

Because nobody understands, someone eventually will but, is it enough? I always stared at the mirror whenever I do this, I always wonder what if someday my reflection replies? Would that be something? Anyway, humans are complicated creatures. You will never know who will stick their fangs into someone. We are labeled the top-most intelligent species in the world, yet we still act like animals. And society has become our playground.

I wish there is someone I could trust, wishing that I can build my person…

"Oh, really you're going to start with that?"

"Shut up…"
