
Chapter 20: The First Day

Backstage at the entrance exam; Luz uses her light glyph and is scared that she isn't ready but Eda assures here that she got this and to just do what they practiced.

"This must be the exam..." Luz muttered looking scared.

"Don't fret Luz; no way I would have let you failed after all the work that I would have done to get Bump to let you do this as well as the work learning your 2nd spell!" Eda said with a big grin as Gus and Willow were giving encouraging shouts to Luz.

"You will do just fine Mija." Camila told Luz gently bringing her in as Amity sighed remembering the encouraging smiles that her siblings had given her before her exam as well as being warned by her mother not to embarrass the family. Luz looked to Amity who just gave a smile and a thumbs up.

Luz is still scared that she will mess things up and Eda tells her to calm down and she had to do the same thing as a rite of passage; granted she was a little more skilled and just tells her to get pumped, ready and go with her pushing her through to the stage while Luz has the hood of her cloak up.

"Your student needs to work on her confidence Edalyn." Lilith said shaking her head but then soon regretted it with the smirk that Eda was given her.

"Would you all believe that I went with our parents to support Lily here on her entrance exam; she was so nervous and scared that she wouldn't let go of dad's leg. Our Mum had to pull her off and she was taking such a long time walking to the stage that I had to push her!" Eda shouted to the audience with them bursting into laughter to Lilith's embarrassment.

"At least my entrance exam didn't destroy the stage!" Lilith retorted out loud with red on her cheeks.

The curtains open up to show Luz in a hooded cloak making a dramatic narration and speech as she takes off the cloak to reveal herself; her only audience member is Principal Bump with a clipboard and she uses her confetti.

"Wow, not even the demon headmaster here is impressed with your fantasy entrance." Snickered one of the human teens as Luz looked down.

"Don't worry about it Luz; Willow had a written speech and it took a while for her to get through it during her exam." Gilbert shouted much to Willow's embarrassment.

"What losers..." Boscha laughed but then Cornholio showed her that he warningly had his fingers in a snapping pose warningly and she gulped.

Bump still looks bored explaining that against his better judgement he has allowed her to take this exam but asks if she can do magic with her human parts.

"You now know for yourself that she can Bumpy!" Eda shouted as Bump looked annoyed.

Luz continues with her speech as she takes from her pouch two pieces of paper with both of her glyphs getting Bump's interest and Eda gives two thumbs up; she uses her light glyph and creates an ice pillar just below it. Bump states that he had never heard of spells cast with paper but is it enough to pass; Luz is nervous but Eda tells her to improvise and Luz tries her inside out eyelids and Bump is unimpressed.

There were snickers at this as Luz was embarrassed; "Okay, I am adding improvisation to the list of future subjects for lessons kid!" Eda said shaking her head in embarrassment.

"At least he isn't screaming..." Camila did her best to try and sooth Luz.

"You will be fine Luz; a less than perfect exam is no reflection of your potential as a witch." Amity told Luz who was still looking nervous.

"Nice to see that you are being a more supportive friend to Luz than you were to me Amity..." Willow muttered as Amity looked guilty and Luz looked her way. "Sorry about this Luz; you needed comfort and I took this moment away from you..." Willow mutter but couldn't help sending a glare to Amity.

Cornholio was looking at an episode list on his phone and thought "What do you know; after the next episode they will be able to understand Willow..."

Luz moans about getting eye lash and slips on the puddle from her melting ice and gets caught up in her cloak making her stuck and slips on the puddle again making her fall off the stage and landing in Bump's lap dropping several other pieces of paper with her glyphs on it.

"Seriously Eda; make me disappear now!" Luz moaned to laughs from the audience as her friends and mother were now looking nervous.

Luz apologises after getting the cloak off but accidentally sets off an ice glyph bringing her up to eye level with a glaring Bump, she gives a fake smile saying that she failed but Bump says that believe it or not he has seen worse as she falls to the ground.

"Seriously?" Luz asked wide eyed and Camila was as well as they looked behind them.

"Again; Eda destroyed the stage and she still passed." Lilith said as Eda sighed.

"Principal Bump almost got mauled by my family pet!" shouted a student in the Beast Keeping track.

Bump drops a Welcome to Hexside pamphlet on her head as he welcomes her to the school and she gives a week hooray.

"Hooray!" Luz jumped up in her seat excited with her confetti as there were claps.

"Proud of you Mija!" Camila said with a smile pulling Luz in as Amity was reminded once again of her own exam; after she passed her siblings were smiling and her mother only gave a look as if that was to be expected of her to pass. At least she got a small smile from her father...

Luz looked and saw her friends cheering for her.

The opening is shown.

Luz in her plain school uniform was being flown to school by Eda on her staff; Luz thinks that it's a mistake and she will miss everything up and Eda tells her to calm down and reminds her that she has been to school before. Luz says that's why she is nervous since she didn't make a good first impression at her human school so this is her chance to be seen as anything other than a screw up.

Camila and others were eying the human students who looked uneasy.

Eda tells her that it doesn't matter what the dorks think and her advice is to walk into class and establish dominance by punching the first kid she sees. Luz says that she won't be doing that but thanks.

"Seriously Eda? Even for you... Were you trying to turn my Luz into a bully?" Camila asked exasperated as she looked her way. "How would you even get an idea like that?" Camila asked.

"It was how she earned her very first detention at the school." Bump said shaking his head with his arms folded up.

"I remember how I felt being hopeful that your first school day at Hexside would be going great and this is the first bit of news that I hear of you at the school!" Lilith said shaking her head.

"Still i have to say that after hearing what else she was up to at your school; I would never want to switch places with your Mr Bump." Hal said shaking his head.

They land and Luz gets off with her school backpack and Eda says that it's her last chance to back out and earn her new Bad Girl Coven Patch for quitting which is like trying but easier.

"Once again Edalyn; what a good role model you are for an impressionable human." Lilith said sarcastically.

Luz says that she will earn it when she quits showering and says bye as she walks off but Eda tells her to hold up as she throws her hand.

The humans were still getting used to detachable body parts like this and they didn't want to ask how showers work there.

It lands on her head and Eda tells her to try and not be a goody loose shoes and she has got this as she screws her hand back on. Luz says thanks and brings out sock puppets of them saying that she had written a heartfelt sonnet for the occasion but Eda is riding off saying that a gust of wind has got her. Puppet Eda tells her that she is going to do great and Luz thanks her.

People were looking oddly at the puppets as Luz said "oh I have some more!" She then took out one of King, "I am the King of Demons; fear my adorable wrath and will one of my minions please scratchy my belly..." Luz said impersonating King's voice as there were giggles and King was mortified.

There is a banner for the new semester as Luz walks in seeing Amity smiling along with her abomination carrying her books as Amity congratulates her for getting in and not being in the baby class as the abomination copies her moves.

Braxas and the young kids were disappointed when it sunk in that Luz wouldn't be in class with them. "Wouldn't it still be the summer and it's now a new semester?" questioned Hal bringing up what Camila did before as the Boiling Isles residents didn't know how to explain to them.

Luz thanks her and puts her hand up top for a high five and the abomination does so on her head.

Some of the humans were looking disgusted while others looked at how the abomination copied her moves, Willow just looked a little bit jealous.

Luz pulls the slime off her head as they walk off and she says that it's her first day at Hexside; her chance at seeing her true magic potential and maybe meet a hot yet vulnerable upperclassman.

"You can look no further than either of us Luz; we have our vulnerabilities!" Edric said standing up making a pose with Emira as Luz looked behind her with red in her face.

"Don't you two dare!" Amity snapped at them both red in the face which didn't go unnoticed by her siblings.

King says to dream on as Luz sees that she stowed away in her backpack, King gets off booping her nose saying that she was a free ride to the best buffet in town and goes inside a trash can.

"You eat there?" asked the residents sitting close to King as they noticed the smell from his breath.

"You weren't excited about looking through garbage would eat from there?" Boscha asked with a smirk but then worriedly looked towards to Cornholio.

"No, I will let you off as it's a good observation." Cornholio told her as Boscha sighed a look of relief.

Luz tells him that if anyone asks he doesn't know her as she walks off; King doesn't face her as he sees to have a wonderful school day person he doesn't know and then sees a demon student in front of him saying that he really needed to hear that.

The student in question beamed at the sight; knowing that he meant someone else didn't really matter.

Willow and Gus excitedly greets Luz as Gus gets up a 'BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!' banner illusion and says that he was covering his bases as Willow gives him a look.

"It's not bad to be prepared for the worst..." Gus said to Willow giving the same look.

Willow shows Luz the banners showing the main 9 Covens and their heads with each excelling at a magic school and asks if she is prepared to enter the hallowed halls. Luz says that she will find out now and says to see them on the other side as she enters and Gus says to see her later as he puts up a banner illusion saying 'GOODBYE FOREVER!' saying that he is just going to get rid of them to Willow's look.

Gus was nervous at the giggles.

Bump is at his desk seeing on his crystal ball news report by Perry Porter saying that there was a mysterious attack at Glandus with students and teachers found unconscious and without magic with the cause remaining unknown and Bump is excited at the news thinking this year's Grudgby match will be a forfeit.

The humans were taken aback by this as the Boiling Isles residents were alarmed but the Hexside students looked like this could be good news. "Way to show compassion..." Camila said sarcastically shaking her head, "You don't think whatever happened at Glandus could happen at your school if this was setting that up?" Camila asked her eyes widening as Bump shook it off.

"No need to worry Mrs Noceda; we are the most top notch school in the Boiling Isles and whatever happened or will happen at Glandus was probably the work of their own incompetence." Bump replied.

"But what could cause them to be left like that without magic?" Eda asked looking like she was curious.

"I found something in King's book of demons of creatures that could do that and shapeshift; basilisks..." Luz said but Amity shook her head.

"Don't worry about that Luz; they are extinct." Amity assured her with nodding from the majority of the Boiling Isles residents.

"Mam..." Steve whispered to a nervous looking Lilith.

"No way, this could be the work of them..." Lilith whispered back.

"You know about the 3 that escaped not long ago..." Steve whispered and Lilith told him to speak not one more word of it as they did their best to look normal to the confusion of those around them.

Luz enters the office calling him Princy B asking if she can call him that and Bump replies absolutely not; Bump explains that the Emperor's Coven is sending someone over for a routine inspection and to impress them she has to join a Coven Track before they arrive.

"Princy B? I like that..." Eda smirked as Bump glared as there were mutterings.

"Detention for a month along with cleaning up after the school griffon to anyone that dares call me that!" Bump warned to the students who were silenced.

Luz shows a scroll with her own scheduled that she made and Bump laughs off her idea of studying multiple Tracks at once saying no one does that.

Luz looked optimistic and Lilith (thinking of this subject being brought up during the intermission) said "Gee, I wonder who could have possibly put an idea like that in her head?"

"Well excuse me for not wanting to be held back by your stupid system!" Eda snapped at her.

Three particular students were grumbling about how unfair it all was...

Luz says that she will be the first and Bump says no she won't closing his book; saying according to the rule book a witch needs to hocus focus and you need to pick one of the 9 Tracks and she does not to embarrass him in front of the inspector. Luz says that all the tracks are so cool asking if there is some sort of enchanted article of clothing that could sort this out.

Perry along with other adult Boiling Isles residents looked terrified to the confusion of the students and the humans.

Bump says that there used to be as it cuts to a flashback of the Choosy Hat being put on an excited kid by Bump and then the hat goes to feed on its head.

"...I was certain that the Choosy Hat was just a myth..." Eda said wide eyed along with others.

"The child was fine and we settled out of court with his parents." Bump said with a fake smile; his bad luck that the child's father was the head of the Emperor's Coven at the time.

Luz says that she doesn't think she can choose just one and Bump said that he will choose for her; using 'eenie meenie miny mo' from the flags to choose Potions for her.

"How professional..." Hal said sarcastically.

Bump said that the humans are filled with liquids right as he changes her uniform to the colours the Potions Track. Luz said that she always liked pouring things into other things.

"I remember when you were using liquids in science for the first time when you were in elementary school..." Camila muttered as the other humans didn't want her to get into details.

Bump expects her to be on her best behaviour since they could use a donation from the Emperor's Coven to cover costly incidents before sending her to class; he hears screaming outside the window and looks through it saying alarmed that the Choosy Hat broke free.

As students were becoming scared Bump quickly wrote down a note saying to reinforce the chains and security for the Choosy Hat. "Eda, did you cause any incidents when there were inspectors at school?" Luz asked as there were scoffing from adult residents that were in school with her.

"Ask yourself the question and you would be able to answer that for yourself." Lilith told her.

Luz sits down in class as the teacher says that they will be making fog brew, Luz says that potions are fun and she could be doing this for the rest of her life. She looks outside the window and sees Willow duelling a student from the Oracle Track.

"What is this?" Camila asked looking towards Bump.

"What? What's wrong with the students in different Tracks practicing their magic in Duels? It helps them improve..." Bump said looking like he was scratching his head for rather Frewin trying to think of what would be the problem.

The classroom is filled with potion fog as the teacher angrily gets Luz's attention back as she goes back to her potion.

"Getting into trouble with your teacher for the first time; i have something in my eye..." Eda said with pride in her voice.

"Think you should ask about another Track since this doesn't seem like the class to be distracted in." Camila told Luz as Luz looked nervous.

"The teacher is rather forgiving as long as you aren't careless and at big risk with whatever potion you are making." One of the potion students said.

"Worse teacher to be potentially teaching this class like for example an overgrown petty manchild bully who will take grudges out on someone's child who he helped orphan and is unjustly seen as a hero. Which is something that I am saying right now and I refuse to take back in case someone says that it shouldn't be there like the Ladybug mention!" Cornholio said with great anger in his voice as the audience were looking at him.

"I am sorry... Should have paused reality to let that out and I don't mean to insult anyone who may like whoever I may have been referring to but I won't pull punches being honest on what I think on this git." Cornholio said calming down.

The bell rings a tiny bell as Luz moans about stirring being the pits as she goes out with her classmates and sees the schedule is nothing but potions; she then apologises to her elbow.

"Don't worry; after some time you get used to the feeling!" said one of the students from the class Luz was in.

Luz sees the Oracle Track student from before putting the crystal balls into a locker and Luz asks if they can show her if she is in the right Track; Luz tells herself not to be tempted and to make a good impression but then ends up grabbing one.

"At least you made the effort in trying not to..." Bump said looking like he was holding back anger.

"Sorry about that..." Luz said looking for the Oracle student in the audience.

"Don't worry, I understand how awesome crystal balls are." The student said.

A spirit comes from the crystal ball saying that she will be in trouble very soon as Luz is spotted by Bump.

"Kid, did you need really need that thing to tell you that..." Eda laughed as Luz looked nervous.

By wrist Luz is being dragged by Bump who protests that she wasn't studying other subjects and tries to use fog brew which doesn't happen which she didn't think would work as King comes out of the trash can. Luz tells him to vouch for her character and he says that he doesn't know her and Luz gives him a look unamused.

There were giggles as Amity sighed sadly along with Camila, "Great I get into trouble on the first day of my dream school!" cried Luz as they both tried to comfort her.

"If it makes you feel any better it took more time than your teacher to get into detention." Bump said as Eda gave Luz a thumbs up as if this was something to be proud of.

Bump puts her into the Detention Track classroom saying that it's where the troublemakers go with her uniform turning grey with her shouting no. Bump explains that the actual Detention still needs repairs and in the meantime he is keeping troublemakers far from the eyes of the inspector and she can try for a new Track the next year and Luz said that she will be back in the Human Realm by then and Bump replies that maybe she will do better in human school.

Camila was glaring at the uneasy looking Bump as Luz was stunned, Bump having seen how hard it is for her trying to fit in at her school coughed and said "I admit that... I could have chosen my words more carefully... I would be under pressure from the inspector..."

"Still, good of you to put that brainwashing part of the school down for a while Luz." Eda said smirking.

"At least you will be with us for rebelling against the stupid rules. I'm Viney and this is Barcus and Jerbo!" Viney said speaking up as they were sitting together and spotted themselves in the classroom.

Amity was silently pleading that Luz will stay out of trouble from then on in as Willow and Gus were similarly scared.

Luz joins the three at the desk asking if there was room for one more as they were silent, she tries to compliment them but the Detention teacher tells them all to be quiet unless they want to scrub the classroom again and Luz sticks up for them and the teacher calls her a hero magically giving her a mob and bucket.

The trio gave her a thumbs up as the Hexside students never really liked that teacher were muttering.

Viney smirks as Luz get to work saying 'oh farts. King goes into a trash can eating leftover donuts cream out of a box as he hears a teacher saying that he is sick of someone eating all the donuts in the teacher's lounge so he quits throwing his tie into the trash and landing on King.

"Thank the Titan!" Bump shouted with glee jumping out of his seat to the audience giving him looks. "Sorry, he never shuts up about it and I have been waiting for an excuse to fire him and he has saved me the trouble..." Bump said sheepishly.

King tries to get it off but the trash can lands to the direction of the classroom and King rolls out wearing the tie seeing 'I QUIT' and a donut crossed out on the chalkboard, he sees the class and a student asks if he is their substitute.

"Oh, this should be amazing!" Eda shouted with glee as the students looked scared at the idea.

"I am no desk jockey!" King snapped.

King says that he is no desk jockey and a student next to the Oracle student says that he must be with his professional looking tie and King jumps on the desk telling him to can it. The student then bows on the desk and King notices the obedience and realises a teacher is an authority figure or a king of students. King says that he is their teacher and they may call him Mr King making them clap.

Most of the students groaned as Bump looked intrigued, "A substitute I wouldn't have to pay..." Bump said to himself but then stopped when he saw the glare coming from Camila not happy from before.

"Please make this 4 in a row!" Eda cheered.

The Detention teacher is asleep on his chair as Luz is cleaning the windows as the Baby Class students are going on a field trip to the Astral Planes and Luz mutters to herself that she does.

The students from that class are excited as Amity tells Luz "don't worry about it; I have been before and it's not really as impressive as you might think..."

Willow and Gus walks up to the window where Luz is at the bars and she squeezes Willow's face, Gus asks what is going on since they didn't see her in any classes and Luz explains about being put in the Detention Track and they reply that she can't learn anything in there and she will know less than she did before.

"Not really a way to run a school where the object is for the students is to LEARN." Hal said drawing out the last word as if he was talking to a toddler shaking his head.

"You run your school your way; I will run mine... Besides they will get their chance to catch up..." Bump replied as Camila did not look impressed and was reconsidering her idea to let Luz go there. Maybe ask about the other schools like this Glandus place... Wait, they were attacked….

Luz says that they have to help her break out and Gus says that they will help her get out dead or alive to a head shake from Willow and Gus corrects saying alive. Luz hears a sound saying that she has got to go thinking it's the teacher but then sees Viney in front of her. Viney shushes her pointing to the still sleeping teacher and motions for her to follow.

"That is coming out of his paycheck..." Bump muttered.

Viney takes the chalk and draws a square with a keyhole in the middle activating a doorway to a room with a door saying to keep out.

Bump was confused but Eda was smirking to herself.

"Someone probably wants to live in Detention." Bump said as Viney glares at him along with Barcus and Jerbo. The other students were wondering what this was.

"You made us do this!" Viney replied back.

They go through closing the door as Viney says that it's the last room that she sees alive but is messing with her; they both introduce themselves with Viney thanking her for standing up for them which not many people would do. Viney has Luz follow her to the door to the Secret Room of Shortcuts.

Bump was wide eyed wondering what this place was. "I would be careful being with that crowd Luz!" Bump said warningly as the Hexside students were taken by surprise at this.

"Great the secret is out!" moaned Jerbo.

"I wondered if any other student would find this place..." Eda said as Bump looked at her way.

Jerbo and Barcus comes out of welcome and welcomes her after Jerbo asks if she won't turn them in and then translates what Barcus says about her aura. Luz squeals that she loves secret rooms and wonders where the doors go and looks through one as it opens from the lockers seeing Amity talking to herself saying that so they go to the same school now which won't change anything but Luz closes it before she could turn around and notice her.

"Great... I thought it would be some more time before I had an opportunity to be embarrassed again..." Amity muttered to herself as the twins shared a knowing smirk to eachother.

They explain that it connects to different parts of the school and they found it after being thrown into the Detention Track and the witch who made it is known as Lord Calamity with a portray with graffiti over it with Jerbo explaining that they added their names in her honour.

"Wait... That portrait... I could barely make out..." Lilith muttered and glared to Eda who was smirking and Bump was giving her the same look.

Luz says that they could get into all sorts of trouble there and Viney says that they could do other stuff too as Barcus shows her a room with a teacher giving a lecture while making a paper fortune teller with Barcus doing so. Viney says that they are not allowed to study any kind of magic so they study every in secret.

Bump was eyeing Eda and he was glaring at the students, "Excuse them for actually wanting to learn and keep up with their studies!" Camila shouted as Bump was taken aback.

"I thought you would be all 'Luz, this is a bad crowd and you should ignore them' Mum!" Luz told her as they shared a smile as the trio looked at her in awe.

Viney says that they liked school too much; Jerbo explains that he tried to mix plant magic with abominations which Bump was not thrilled with, Barcus tried to mix potions with Oracle magic which caused the Potions teacher to be pushed back and doused with the cauldron and Viney called it slightly unconventional to mix Beast Keeping and healing. They all want to be in more than one Track but Bump says that they have to focus.

The trio then glared at Bump along with Luz as Amity couldn't help but feel like she was on their side even if she didn't react, "Don't look at me... It leads to the Coven System where everyone is stuck to their magic! I didn't create the system!" Bump shouted defensively.

"It's the will of the Titan which the Emperor enforces with the Coven System!" Lilith shouted but this didn't stop the glares, "The misguided youth..." she muttered to herself.

Luz calls Bump's priorities wack and Viney tells her that she is glad that she is one of them and offers to let her add her name about to take the pen but then hears Willow shouting that they are there to get her out of the horrible class and then Viney opens the door to the classroom to see Willow and Gus looking for Luz thinking that she already booked it saying she was better than this place.

"I didn't really mean it like that..." Luz muttered as the trio was nervous about how they were going to take it.

Viney asks if she thinks they are better than them and Luz tries to explain herself as Viney says that maybe she should just leave saying it's fine and they thought that someone finally understood them. Luz says that she will leave looking down.

"We really don't mean it like that..." Viney muttered as there were stares unsure of what to feel about that.

Gus is playing with the Detention teacher's moustache saying that he could sleep through anything and wants to test that theory getting a mop ready to hit him and Willow tells him no.

"Do it!" The three Detention students and several other both Boiling Isles and human said as Willow was glaring at the screen.

Gus spotted his dad giving him a look and Bump said "at this rate along with the tunnel that I haven't forgotten about; something tells me that you will get to know this teacher yourself Augustus!"

Willow says if only walls could talk as Luz puts her head through the door slithering through looking down and Willow thanks the walls as she helps Luz up. Willow says that they found a way to get her to talk to Principal Bump with a trash can with holes for her feet.

"So Luz; for future lessons for our planning skills I encourage you not to ask for help from these two dweebs because they might be just as bad if not worse than you!" Eda shouted shaking her head.

"Come on, it could work!" Gus shouted.

Luz sees the door close and says that's where she belongs getting into the disguise walking out with them and Gus said that the inspector won't see her as well. Gus then goes and puts the mop on the teacher's face.

"I don't know which of you both I am angrier at!" Bump muttered shaking his head as Perry gave his son a look again.

The inspector arrives outside and is welcomed by Bump with the Inspector saying that if everything is alright then the Emperor's Coven will be more than happy to cover the repairs. Bump said they put on a show with their finest students as Amity's abomination has her held up as if like a dance and they bow concluding the demonstration from the Abomination Track.

There were audience members clapping as Amity stood up to take a bow.

Bump comments on the Hexside magic and the inspector says that she wants to see if the students could put up more of a fight to the confusion of Bump, she goes onto the stage and her face transforms with Bump asking if it's part of the inspection.

Most of the audience screams in terror, "That's definitely a basilisk!" shouted someone with terror on their face.

"How could it be? They are extinct!" Bump shouts as Eda is equally confused.

Steve nervously looks towards Lilith who is scared but whispers to Steve "not one word unless you want to be stuck on Night Market duty for the rest of your career!" Steve says silent.

Amity sends her abomination to fight but the basilisk fully transforms into a giant monster form and eats it up, the basilisk says that the magic at Glandus was tasty but hopes Amity's will be more filling as Bump gets in front of Amity telling her to stay back. The basilisk ends up eating their magic making them unconscious.

Luz found herself on Amity's lap hugging her on concern and then quickly let go too much of their embarrassment as she returned to her seat with Camila smiling at the display. "Hope both of you will be okay..." Luz said but then heard mutters from the Detention students. "Bump might be strict but he doesn't deserve this!" Luz shouted out loud.

"Thanks for that Luz..." Bump replied looking scared and a little guilty.

King is using a student as a stool teaching the class about how to steal a pie from a window sill and to also eat trash.

"I will actually want to hire a substitute now..." Bump said as some audience members were shaking their heads.

Bo is nodding along with a student saying finally for skills they can really use.

"Congratulations Edalyn; you are no longer the worst possible teacher for impressionable youth!" snapped Lilith as King looked her way.

"Come on, my Demon lessons helped Luz out when Eda transformed!" King told her.

King hears the sound and goes to the auditorium where he finds the basilisk sucking the magic out of Bump who says only 300 years until retirement.

People were scared while some were wondering how old Bump is.

King runs away.

"I bet if it wasn't for the phony inspector basilisk, your teaching would still have backfired on you." Eda said with disappointment in her voice.

Luz, Willow and Gus are walking in the halls with Willow trying to reassure a down Luz that they will get it sorted out when they talk to Principal Bump, Luz asks whats the point if people get hurt along the way and Gus says it's a fair question but another is what the heck is that pointing to the basilisk eating the magic out of the fortune teller teacher from before as it tries to attack.

Willow and Gus teams up with a giant flower with illusion strong arms as a power up who gets eaten by the basilisk sucking their magic out leaving them weak.



Willow and Gus could feel the worry in the voices of their parents as they shouted out with Luz and Amity in worry for them as well, Amity was silently pleading that they were all going to get out of this alright.

Luz throws her paper at the basilisk who swallows it and activates the glyph causing it to be spitting out pieces of the paper. Luz drags them to the Secret Room of Shortcuts shouting to the three Detention students that she needs their help. Luz apologises for hurting their feelings but Willow drops down getting weaker with the three students looking concerned asking what happened.

Willow and Gus saw their parents were ready to run up to them and embrace them in worry as the three Detention students were concerned about what they could do to help against the thing.

Luz shows them the Basilisk sucking magic out of students through a door but Viney closes it saying that she heard about a basilisk from her cousin but they should be extinct.

"One lone basilisk somehow survived; that's all..." Lilith was telling herself.

Luz says that it must have attacked the other schools and now coming for them and they have to do something. They say that if Bump catches them mixing magic again then they are kicked out of school but Luz says that they are the only ones who can help and they are troublemakers so they should make some trouble.

"I should never have to feel happy hearing you say that Luz." Camila told Luz who smiled and Hal was having the same thought.

"Hope my future counterpart is feeling understanding..." Bump muttered.

The basilisk is still hungry after sucking the magic out of Amelia but then is pushed back by an ice glyph as from the front of the ice pillar Luz repeats her speech from the start of the episode in the cloak but altered. She then throws her cloak away running to the left when the basilisk charges and crashes into the ice pillar. As the basilisk is chasing her; Luz shouts at Viney as Puddles the griffon charges at the basilisk. The basilisk pushes Puddles away as Jerbo activates his plant and abomination magic opening the doors as the basilisk is sucked through them. Luz jumps after the basilisk pushing the basilisk through one it was stuck in.

"That is quite creative I must admit..." Bump admitted seeing it in person.

"You can't be for this magic mixing Principal Bump?" Lilith asked incredulously.

"A basilisk is stealing the magic out of the students of our alma mater including YOUR own best student but nice to see you have you priorities straight!" Eda said shaking her head with her arms folded as Lilith noticed most of the audience looked like they wouldn't be backing her up on this.

Bump is getting up as the basilisk lands on the stage with Luz jumping down and tells Barcus to finish it; Barcus puts an Oracle potion on the basilisk's hand as Luz grins with the other Detention students saying that he is reading her palm and her future looks bleak. Puddles and an abomination cuts a rope sending bags down crushing her and causing the magic to be sucked out of the abomination.

"Come on give me 5!" Luz said walking to the 3 Detention students to get high fives as the audience were relieved and cheering.

Bump, Amity, Willow and Gus are all shown getting their magic and life force back. Viney heals Puddles who snuggles up to her as Luz hugs her after Puddles flies away saying they are amazing, Bump says that they are in so much trouble with leaving their homeroom, mixing magic and the secret hideout.

"That's gratitude from Princy B for ya." Eda said shaking her head as Bump sighed.

Luz tells Bump it is but asks him to think about why would students in the Detention Track need a secret hideout and Bump says that if the Emperor's Coven can send an actual inspector this time; Luz asks what the point in needing Coven money if it hurts the students and they saved Hexside and should be allowed to study what they wish. From the door to the secret room, Gus yells at Bump to do the right thing calling him a dingus.

"I will forget that I was called that..." Bump sighed.

Bump asks them what Tracks they want to study and changes their colors saying that if they cause anymore property damage he is feeding them to the Choosy Hat.

"I was joking of course..." Bump muttered feeling the look from Camila and the Detention students got out of their seats looking towards Bump hopefully. He sighs and changes their uniform colors to their excitement.

Lilith just stops herself from speaking up.

Luz says that she can't choose and wishes she could study a little bit of everything but finds her uniform changes to have all the Track colors in an anime like transformation scene.

The audience were cheering for Luz with Willow and Gus being the loudest, Amity gives Luz a proud smile and a small hug. "Is there anything this human can't do; I am going to find it fun with her in my school..." Bump said looking towards Camila who gave her a nod but along with an 'I have my eye on you' warning type of face.

"The kid got on all the Tracks... I have something in my eye..." Eda said to herself wiping away a happy tear.

Bump said that only one other student had wanted to study more than one track but unfortunately was never given the opportunity summoning the portrait of Lord Calamity wiping away the paint; Luz realises who it looks like and says that she should have guessed seeing Eda fly by on her broom.

"Wait, Lord Calamity looks like the Owl Lady in her photos from the permanent record..." Jerbo said as they glanced towards Eda with looks of awe.

"Please don't do that children; my sister's head is already big enough as it is!" Lilith shouted.

Bump is walking the halls writing in a book saying the Coven denies knowing about the basilisk but it won't stop him from writing a stern letter. He hears King telling the students in the class what to study as they leave the class while drinking from a mug. Bump tells him that he isn't a teacher as King says that he cares about the kids while splashing Bump with the coffee. Bump then chases King out of the door with a broom.

"Well as far as well deserved punishments for your schemes go; that is you getting off lightly!" Eda laughed as King looked at Bump's direction scared.