
The Overdrive Hero: Official Backstory + More Guide Thingy!


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Alyx Leonidus: Relationships

*These are formatted like the My Hero Academia Wiki. Updates will happen accordingly to "Alyx Leonidus: Relationships" and "Alyx Leonidus: Overview."


Darren Leonidus: Alyx had grown to be inspired by his father, even sharing some of the same tendencies as him. After losing his memory, Alyx's father strived to maintain that same selfless, light hearted nature that Alyx had molded into.

Marie Leonidus: His mother had been a very prominent figure in his life, saving him many times from the dangers that being a former Pro Hero brought to their family. Although she was distraught and lost once Alyx lost his memory, she made it her mission to try and help her son regain his memory.

Annie Leonidus: Alyx had been heavily mentored by his older sister. She grew even closer to him after his memory loss, helping him train to further re-unlock his Quirk.



Shota Aizawa: Shota is Alyx's homeroom teacher, and at first, Alyx was worried. After seeing him walk into Class 1-A, Alyx had though that there was a mistake after All Might told him he'd "see him soon" after Alyx's father, Darren Leonidus, told him that Alyx was going to U.A. But, after a while, Alyx grew to enjoy Shota's teaching style and how he is as a person overall. During the End of Term Test, Alyx was startled to be told that he'd be going up against Aizawa alongside Momo Yaoyorozu and Shoto Todoroki. Albeit he was scared at first, he became interested with seeing Shota's fighting style and how Shota operated as if he were trying to subdue a villain.

Once Alyx's father died, he looked up to Shota Aizawa as more of a role model/father figure. After the addition to Eri at U.A., he strived to protect both Shota and Eri, as he believed that he was also somewhat of a father figure to her. Shota also took great fascination with Alyx's Quirk as the entirety of U.A. and the Pro Hero society had never seen anything like it.

All Might: During his arrival to Japan, and after defeating a Giant Thug, All Might made his presence known to Alyx. He remarked All Might as a "mountain of a man", after seeing All Might in his muscular form. After the U.S.J. Incident, Alyx saw All Might in his normal form. All Might had praised Alyx for saving Izuku Midoriya from certain doom from the U.S.J. Nomu.

During the Kamino Ward Incident, Alyx had stepped in to help All Might take on the League of Villains and All For One. Alyx's distraction inadvertently caused All For One to attack him instead, this had also made it easier for Izuku, Tenya, and Eijiro to rescue Katsuki Bakugo from the League. It also allowed All Might to take a breather, turning the tide of the fight.

Nemuri Kayama: After first meeting the R-Rated Hero: Midnight, Alyx was unsure about U.A. High School's dress code, until he learned about Nemuri's Quirk. Nemuri was also extremely interested in Alyx's Quirk after the Sports Festival, even considering having him intern with her just so she could see his Quirk under different circumstances.

On the sidelines of the Paranormal Liberation Raid, Alyx had saved Nemuri from certain death from a variety of Nomus, all of which Alyx took care of with relative ease before helping Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods' attempt to stop Gigantomachia. Nemuri also developed a deep respect for Alyx after the raid as not only did he save her life, he saved the lives of thousands of people by sacrificing his own.


Due to his positive, friendly, and kind hearted personality, Alyx quickly made friends with the students in Class 1-A. He prefers at times to do things alone, to the dismay of his peers, because he doesn't want them to get harmed. His understanding and protective nature made him a sort of Student Counselor as he has no problem discussing or helping his fellow classmates with their personal problems. Although he does have a habit of bottling his problems and distancing himself from everyone else, Class 1-A gives him the same amount of help as he does to them.

Momo Yaoyorozu: Most likely the most influential person in Alyx's life, Momo Yaoyorozu has both inspired and been inspired by Alyx Leonidus. After meeting again at U.A. High School, Momo quickly got to know Alyx, which turned into affection later on. This had strengthened their bond significantly, causing Alyx to further improve his leadership and combat effectiveness, and it caused Momo to sharpen her skills with her Quirk.

During the League of Villain's attack on the forest lodge, Momo Yaoyorozu was injured by a Nomu. This sight enraged Alyx which triggered his Overdrive: Mode One transformation. When Alyx & Momo had encountered the villain Sudden Death, their teamwork had outmatched and overwhelmed him. After witnessing Shigaraki's path of terror and seeing Momo Yaoyorozu hurt, Alyx had been sent into another rage, decimating Shigaraki.

Both had been regarded as "U.A.'s Power Couple", a statement that was said by Nemuri Kayama.

Izuku Midoriya: Alyx and Izuku had clicked after their meeting. They slowly developed a brotherly bond after Alyx found out about One For All by using his Telepathy and after All Might's retirement. Although the two have rarely teamed up, they make for quite an intense combination. Izuku's improving leadership skills and Alyx's ever evolving combat prowess made All For One struggle during his attack in the Aichi Prefecture.

Izuku Midoriya is also another source of comfort for Leonidus, even managing to make him open up about things he's kept from the others at U.A.

Eijiro Kirishima: Alyx had formed a very quick friendship with Eijiro Kirishima. The two have seen to have perfect synergy with each other and have stood off against one another. During Alyx's first day at U.A. High School, Eijiro took great interest in Alyx's Quirk after the Quirk Apprehension Test. He even expressed concern once Alyx confessed his Retrograde Amnesia to him.

Alyx has shown to take great appreciation of Kirishima's willpower, which inspired him to model himself after it. Alyx became a very passionate fighter, as seen when he fought All For One during the Kimino Ward incident and when he fought Black-Heart during his Hero-Work Study with Rabbit Hero: Mirko.

Katsuki Bakugo: Alyx's personality reminded Katsuki of Izuku Midoriya's, which made him treat him almost the same way as Izuku. Instead of calling him Alyx, Katsuki had given him the nickname "Amnesia" after Denki Kaminari blurted Alyx's Retrograde Amnesia problem during the Heroes Vs. Villains Training exercise. But, after the U.S.J. Incident and the Sports Festival, Katsuki grew to respect Alyx.

During the Paranormal Liberation War, Alyx had sacrificed himself to take out Gigantomachia. For the first time in a while, Katsuki had actually cried as he saw Alyx sacrifice himself, even addressing him by his first name instead of "Amnesia."

The two would later grow into a much better standing, with Katsuki taking into account that calling him "Amnesia" only brings back bad memories for him, and vowing to only call him by his real name.

Toru Hagakure: Upon first meeting, Alyx had been confused as to what her Quirk was. Being that his Overdrive Quirk enhances his basic senses, he was able to see Hagakure. They became Pinky Promise Friends during a trip to the beach and even became "B.F.F.L.'s" after sometime.

Tsuyu Asui: Although the two don't interact much with one another, Tsuyu has saved Alyx from danger on multiple occasions. They made a good search and rescue team during their Second Year U.S.J. Training Course after Alyx had became Quirkless and had resorted to using his Demon Form. Eventually, Tsuyu allowed him to call her by her first name instead of "Tsu" or "Asui."

Minoru Mineta: Alyx was friendly to all of the students in Class 1-A, including Minoru Mineta. Although his perversions and fantasies disgust Alyx, Alyx had been impressed by Minoru's quick thinking in dangerous situations. His perversions quickly became constant after it's revealed that Alyx and Momo Yaoyorozu were a couple, asking Alyx about everything the two do together. He also holds disdain against Alyx whenever he uses his Demon Form and shrinks down, although Alyx isn't truly conscious during in this form, Mineta feels jealous as he shrinks down to nearly his exact size and the girls are all over him.

Mineta is soon later proven to make Alyx proud after Alyx loses the ability to use his Quirk thanks to an injury provided by a Nomu version of Momo Yaoyorozu. Mineta risked his own safety by protecting Laura Whitson from certain danger before Leonidus stepped in.

Kyoka Jiro: Alyx and Kyoka had quickly became music buddies after finding out their similar tastes in music. She even taught Alyx how to play guitar after he found that her interest in music was extremely impressive and cool. The two constantly point out Denki Kaminari's naivety, although at times Alyx can show the same thing.

During the events of the U.A. School Festival, Alyx was amazed by Jiro's singing talent, like much of Class 1-A was.

Mina Ashido: During the Heroes Vs. Villains Training Exercise, Alyx had noted how peculiar Mina looked. Regardless of features, Alyx and Mina had established a rather fond friendship. He even incorporated some Mina's break dancing skills into his own arsenal, which had made him much more agile in battle. She also expressed concern once it was revealed that Alyx had suffered from memory loss, although she was quick to cheer him up afterwards. Mina has also frequently asked Alyx to use his Demon Form to shrink down as she and the other girls in Class 1-A think that he's cute in that state.

Fumikage Tokoyami: Alyx had no problem making friends with Fumikage, even finding that Dark Shadow enjoyed his company. He expressed great concern for Tokoyami after it was revealed that he was the U.A. Traitor, leaking past information to the League of Villains, even pleading with Shota Aizawa if they could let him return to U.A. once they found him.

During the trip to Las Vegas, Tokoyami returned to help Alyx escape Amatsu Mikaboshi's grasp by accessing the Seventh Plane. Seemingly sacrificing himself to keep Amatsu contained, he later returned back to the real world after Alyx defeated the reincarnation of Amatsu.

Shoto Todoroki: Alyx was the first person Shoto had talked with. Albeit it was to help Alyx out with a new curriculum of math, they later discussed Alyx's encounter with the villain Sudden Death. Shoto had even invited him back to his home to talk and for dinner, where Alyx met his sister Fuyumi Todoroki.

Alyx had unknowingly save Shoto's mother's, Rei Todoroki's, life during the Shizuoka Prefecture Incident. This had further cemented Shoto's respect and admiration for Alyx, as Alyx had suffered a heart attack the day prior and still made his way to the Prefecture to help out the best he could.

Denki Kaminari: Deemed "The One Braincell Duo" by most of the class, Denki Kaminari and Alyx Leonidus had sparked quite the friendship. Even though Alyx rivals the intellect of Momo Yaoyorozu, his actions with Denki make it seem as if that wasn't the case. Although both of them are smart individuals, they both know when to relax their brains and take it easy.

Alyx has "developed" a third language, he can somehow understand Denki's brain dead ramblings.

Ochako Uraraka: Both students had found each other's Quirks to be quite interesting. During the Sports Festival, Alyx had shown admiration for Ochako as her Quirk didn't make her combat effective, but she still put up a fight against Katsuki Bakugo. They later developed a brother/sister bond after the Paranormal Liberation Raid.

After Alyx had regained his memory, Ochako had asked Alyx if he could train her with hand-to-hand combat, which he agreed. Alyx found that Ochako was a very fast learner, although her skills were sloppy, she quickly learned how to strike and dodge. The two had interned with Endeavor, which had them stay overnight at the agency for two weeks. This didn't sit well with Ochako as she started to feel homesick. Alyx was quick to comfort her, telling her how his Quirk had been awoken and asked how Burnin was training her to get her mind off of it.

During the events of the Shizuoka Prefecture Incident, Ochako had been effected mentally by the destruction of Hamamatsu and the surrounding areas. Alyx was one of the only sources of comfort for Ochako at the time. She spent most of her time with Alyx until Class 2-A had recovered.


Itsuka Kendo: Even though Itsuka and Alyx are in opposite classes, they've formed an impressive duo in the past. Itsuka also shared deep feelings for Alyx, constantly wondering about his well being after every battle. Before the events of the World Hero Association program, Itsuka had worried about Alyx and Momo Yaoyorozu after Tomikoa Muteki threatened to fight Momo. It was then revealed that Alyx doesn't truly like fighting and is scared of his own Quirk, which Itsuka and All Might encouraged him to not be afraid of his Quirk's power.


Mei Hatsume: Alyx has gone to Hatsume for nearly all of his additions to his suit and even his vision. Alyx holds Hatsume as a very valuable person and friend, even running errands for her from time to time. Hatsume also created a second version of the contact lenses that Alyx uses to see, it allows not only him, but also Hatsume to read vitals, structural weaknesses and more.

Hitoshi Shinso: During his Second Year, Alyx and Hitoshi had grown close to each other. Although Shinso vowed that he didn't intend on making friends, he eventually warmed up to Alyx's personality and the rest of the class. During the ending of the Universal Hero Tournament, Hitoshi saved Alyx from being eliminated after he delivered a powerful Diamond Buster to Tomikoa Muteki. From there, he helped Alyx and Neito Monoma eliminate Tomikoa from the Tournament by wrapping his capture cloth around her, allowing Alyx and Neito to deliver an Omega Burst attack.


Rabbit Hero: Mirko: During the Sports Festival when Alyx fought both Hanta Sero and Izuku Midoriya, she was rather excited to see Alyx's will and never say die attitude. Once he had interned with her, Mirko was extremely impressed after seeing it first hand when he fought Black-Heart one on one, even telling the other Pro Heroes who would be outmatched to worry about helping her instead of him.

Mirko had honored him with a plaque as a Christmas gift that had made Alyx a future sidekick once his training at U.A. was over. This had been deemed "The Most Amazing Gift Ever" to Alyx.

Endeavor: Interning with Endeavor had put Alyx through rigorous training, but it had all paid off as his strength, durability, and endurance improved significantly. Endeavor was quite impressed after Alyx had successfully completed all of the Training Regimen that Endeavor created for him.

Mt. Lady: Alyx had initially attracted the attention of Mt. Lady from the First Year Sports Festival, much like the other Pro Heroes that observed him, she gave him a nomination. When he interned with her, it came as a surprise to her, as most boys that do intern with her usually swooned over her. Mt. Lady had appreciated the well mannered, respectful Alyx and although she never had any form of plan going into it, Alyx had enjoyed the internship nonetheless. He also improved his "Leonidus Secret Technique" with the help of Mt. Lady's seduction skills.


Himiko Toga: Himiko was the second person Alyx met when he arrived in Japan. Alyx couldn't help but notice some of her sharp teeth and her somewhat immature demeanor. After Alyx's first day at U.A. High School, Himiko had broken into Alyx's home, looking to taste his blood. This act was interrupted by Eijiro Kirishima who lived nearby. This threw off Himiko's plan and caused her to retreat.

On their second meeting, Himiko disclosed her feeling for Alyx, declaring that he was the only person she didn't want to stab. Alyx had then unknowingly entered the League of Villains' hideout.

Dabi: When the two had a proper meeting during the Paranormal Liberation Raid, they shared a mutual respect between one another, both letting their guards down after reading each other's body language.

Tomura Shigaraki: Alyx's first meeting with Tomura was brief, as he only talked to him for a moment. During the Paranormal Liberation Raid, Alyx had fought Shigaraki after gaining access to Overdrive: Infinite Mode.


Stain: Alyx's first encounter with Stain proved to be Stain's last. Not only did he prey and nearly kill Momo Yaoyorozu, Stain had awoken Alyx's Demon Form after he witnessed and focused on blood for the first time. This had caused a chain reaction which Alyx had savagely attacked and killed Stain.