4 Spar

"So how did the examination go?" Fu asked excitedly.

RInshiki sighed, "Terribly."

A frown creased Fu's forehead, "How, you're so strong."

Leaning back, Rinshiki started up at the ceiling, "I can't throw Kuni or Shuriken and I couldn't climb up a tree using only my feet."

Fu giggled and placed her head on her hands, "I can't climb up trees either."

Just then, Rinshiki felt something approaching Fu's head and reaching out caught the piece of chalk between his fingers.

All the students gasped and a few of the girl's giggled and cheered, while the teacher just grumbled to himself.


For the next few hours, the teacher droned on about the evasive manoeuvres one could make when dealing with a large group of enemy shinobi.

The entire class seemed to be half asleep, but when he mentioned combat raining they all instantly sat up ready to go at a moments notice.

The teacher sighed and gestured towards the door, "Let's go."

They soon arrived at the training grounds of the ninja academy, where the teacher made the stand in a circle, creating a makeshift arena.

He then stepped into the centre and said, "Now, since we have a new student, I'll have a pair that doesn't include him start so that he knows how this works."

The teacher then pointed at two boys, one with short brown hair and green eyes and the other with shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes.

"You two, you'll spar first."

They nodded and stepping into the circle, waited for the teacher's signal.

As soon as he gave it, they rushed at each other, a kunai in their hands.

The black-haired boy let out a yell and swung down at the other boy, who quickly dodged out of the way.

The browned haired kid than seeing an opening quickly swapped the legs out from under the other boy.

But just before he was about to hit the ground the boy used his hand to flip back onto his feet.

Rinshiki yawned and rested his head on Fu's shoulder.

She giggled and started to stroke his longish white hair.

Rinshiki was woken from his nap by the teacher's voice calling out to him, "Rinshiki, please come forward."

Sighing, the boy raised his head and strode into the circle's centre, where another boy was waiting for him.

The other boy was slightly taller than him with extremely short brown hair and piercing blue eyes.

Raising his hand into the air the teacher looked from one student to the other and seeing them both nod swung his hand downward, "Start!"

The other boy grinned, reached down and pulled a kunai out of the pocket strapped to his leg.

Rinshiki cocked an eyebrow and suddenly the veins around his eyes bulged outward while the eyes themselves sharpened and glowed in a blue tint.

The boy frowned, a look of recognition flashing in his eyes, he then raised his Kunai and dashed forward ready to strike.

Rinshiki smiled slightly, seeing the boy's blade so close to his face.

But just as the boy realised how close he was, Rinshiki dodge out of the way redirecting his opponent's attack.

The boy stumbled and nearly fell over, before catching himself on the floor.

Standing back up he glared at Rinshiki, who was standing there leisurely.

Gritting his teeth the boy dashed at the white-haired boy again, determined not to miss.

Rinshiki sighed, and knocking the kunai to one side, struck his opponent in the chest with his palm.

Silence fell across the training ground, as the boy went rigid.

A frown appeared on the teacher's face and stepping forward he called out to the boy.


No reaction.

Worry started to build up inside the teacher and walking over to Azuki, he shook him.

Everybody gasped as the brown-haired boy collapsed to the floor, blood dripping out of the side of his mouth.

The teacher quickly crouched down and pointed at Fu shouted, "Go get a Medic!"

She stared at him for a few seconds before coming back to her senses and rushing off.

Rinshiki sighed and glanced at the teacher, who was now trying to keep the boy alive, as he walked off the Academy campus.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Favourite Kekkei Genkai?

Mine's definitely Mokuton.

It's just so versatile and powerful, plus it looks awesome.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)

Chapitre suivant