
The Other World I Created R

A normal weeb with creative mind was thinking: "how would i create another world, id make it as realistic as medieval times as i can think of". By chance a God ,that was traveling through out time space and other worlds in search for inspiration, was reading the minds of the mortals. After searching various realities It got inspiration enough to create a brand new world to guide. As thanks for the inspiration and congratulating their creativity, the God ofered the mortals, who helped him wothout knowing, to live a life in the world they created. And so the adventure of our MC begins. This is a reboot of the original series that I abandoned, I rebooted it because I wasn't satisfied with the way I developed the plot and characters since I rushed the story. I also think that I learned a lot since then so I'm way more confident then before. This is a hobby of mine so it there wont be releases dates set. Ill try to do at least two chapters a month tho so thank you for reading

Frederico_Traumann · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 11: The Grand Pety Village

The peaceful and remote village of Baduk is alive again after the harsh winter that had left just a bit more then a month ago.

The flowers are blooming and in this village made out of whitewashed wooden and stone houses in the top of a hill in the old and prestigious area of the village, that had many newcomers since it's settlementation barely a decade ago, was a great manor with a big garden in front and a farm with tens of heads of various lifestocks, within that state there was houses for soldiers and training grounds, there was houses for the servants that would care for the animals and cook and clean the place, the manor was two stories tall, if you don't count the attic used to store old furniture and useless itens, this manor had marble pillars holding itself and arcs that you would only find smoother in the holy houses for the gods in this region.

But still it was simple, sure it was made in perfect manner but there were no grand paterns and decorations, only a keen observer knowledgeable about archteture could see it's perfections.

That my friends was the house of the Lord of the village, while a small village it was very wealthy for it's size and age, it was a mining village in actuality, while it looked like a agricultural village at first sight in the mountains close by there was a rare and precious material, it wasn't silver or gold, no it was cristal clear like pure quartz that when lighten by the light of the sun it colored it's surroudings a rainbow color and in the dark it sparkle like a polished diamont. There was magic in these stones, they were mana stones, a mineral made from a chemical element exclusive from this world that I, as it's mighty creator, well, created, it had the power to store the bioenergy created by the magus species, mana, that had the power to manipulate the laws of phisis, nature, in a limited amount.

Look we can't have people being able to destroy this world that I worked so hard to create and menage in an instant. And even if such amount of power is wielded with magic I made so after a certain point mana when used in too great of a scale simply disipates into the air.

This prosperous but humble village is where the hero of this story is living, right inside the Lords manor, for he is the second son and at this point everybody has high expectatives from him. But how is the situation for him right now, you ask? Well right now his mother, Helena, is holding his hands helping him to stand and train him to have his first steps.

-Yes, like that! You are such a good child, Alex, ok now try find a balance.

As she instructs Alex to find a balance she lets go of his hand for a bit while still being ready to help in case he falls.

-Ay, mam. Wah, woh, ehe.

As he almost falls a few times he tries to quickly get balance back. This metod isn't that different of how parents teach their children how to ride a bicycle in Alex's old world is what it feels.

Alex also has been learning quickly the language of this world, and by this world I actually mean this region of this world. You know, different places have different languages most of the time.

But after some time almost falling some times other time actually falling Alex finally gets to be up in his two own legs without help. Seeing this e his sister of 4 years old, Artemis, and the maid Carol together with his mother all clap in celebration.

At the moment Achilles, Alex's father and feudal lord, was hunting together with Alex's brother Perceus who, with 8 years old, was training how to shot with a long bow to kill game.

In this world humans evolved to grow faster so with 4 years old you look like a 10 years old in Alex's old world and with 8 you look like a thirteen or so years old.

But all that was to wrap things with Alex, who was less then half a month old, was looking like a 1 year and a half year old by his standards, for in a month the baptism to end his infancy was coming. There the Druid Urion was going to align the baby with one of the constalations that the beastman people revered as gods, actually it's more like deities, as they aren't so grandiose, I guess.

The beastman people was an ethnic group that had as common features some kind of strand or patern in their hairs, and in general they had at least the same religious philosophy that, the sun was the greater god and that in this ancient hero that the name varies depending on the place was sent into a mission to subjugate every creature be it beast, monster or people into their knees and for each creature subjugated was a star in the sky, blah blah blah. Urion will problably explain this to Alex later, when that happens I will explain in more detail, I guess.


It's the next day, Achilles, Helena, Alex and as their escort Hector, Achilles loyal vassal and friend, go outside, they pass through the main plazza of the village, there were many traders that were selling goods from the great market towns of the powerful side of the empire, seeking mana stones and this stone grain that was white as snow and came as a subproduct to the mining, salt.

It's not like it was difficult to get or that was rare or anything, it's just that salt was a necessary item for human life and for it's popularity in being a way to not to die there were high taxes on them. So you ask, why would they buy so much of it when they have to pay high taxes to transport and sell it? Well, you see, my friend, this was a remote village that needed refined products from great cities, and they had so much salt that it was kinda considered a waste product of mining, so in other words, the price of salt was low in this village and the value of almost everything from the bigger world outside was expensive. So they could get lot's of salt for little and sell expensive in other places, or more accurately, to other merchants, who will sell to places even more far away, far away from the mountains and the sea, where the prices were so high that some merchants became nobles for their contribution to saving the lives of the people the people, a.k.a, buying the noble title with their money.

The prestige family went to the merchants neighborhood where they enter a store with a sign that has letters that Alex thinks knows from somewhere. It was the tailor's shop, this shop brought kind of a trauma to our young protagonist, he remembered, they were glowing in the dark, with colors prufund that one would think that they were gazing right into your very being. Alex froze the moment he entered the shop.

-Welcome m'lord, m'dame, young master. The clothes are ready, I would just like to remeasure the young master to see if any change is needed.

Helena, who was carrying Alex in her arms, gives him to the tailor. She brought clothes made made like that of a lord, it was a red robe that was stiff in and bulgy in the chest area and closed thightly in the waist and ended in a stiff half skirt in the groin part, then black pants that had a white flowering vine patern circling around it and branching into other places, and as a final touch a cape that was black with white stripes like that of a tiger with a fluffy part around the neck made out of white wool that served as a scarf.

-Ok, so I'll have toadjust the size here... this place looks good, alright, this should do it.

Announcing the end of minor arrengments she showed the miniature lord to the prestigious couple, with the combination of colors and details such piece of clothing would be something that seemed like even the kings would use in infancy.

The couple seemed satisfied, said that they would send an envoy to pay for the clothes then went back home, clothes still in Alex as he wasn't cooperating in taking out the clothes in his traumatized state.

Some days later a painter was brought into the manor to paint the young noble son in the clothes that were bought. The picture was something that was in the level of the renaissance instead of medieval times.

Alex didn't know at wich technological, philosophical and artistic level this world, or rather, this region was in. But even Alex could notice that there was something different about this village, how can a village so small and new and with a lord that although Alex didn't know yet was of common descent and of the small nobility could have such clothes and artists. How was there so many great talents in this tiny rural village?

Maybe when he gets older he will know but for that he needs to know how to walk properly and talk, the rest can wait.

Second chapter of the month, and there will be one more to come, this chapter I didn't really know what to do with it, so I kinda just threw a bunch of foreshedowing and fillers underexplained parts of the story.

So two chapter min every month (with the exception of last month) max can be whatever I feel like at the time.

So thank you for reading I hope you are enjoying the novel so far.

Pls comment and if possible recomend to any friend and such I really want some feedback on what I should improve on or if I'm doing just fine!

so I will put in big latters "COMMENT AND GIVE ME FEEDBACK!!!" if it was this big latters that caught your attention then comment that too idk just kinda having fun

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