13 Chapter 13: Spending Time With Oliver

Dad suddenly interrupts before I get to the story where we got together again.

Dad: Uhm son, not to be rude but I still have work.

Freddie: Oh yeah, so sorry. Kind of forgot about that.

Dad: I guess we should clean up.

Freddie: Yeah, we should. But before that, thanks for everything.

Dad: No worries son. Just remember I’m just a phone call and a text away if you need anything.

We cleaned up the dining area. Before dad freshens up, I told him that I need to get going because Oliver and I are hanging out in his place and I need to buy a few things before going there. Dad offered a ride going to Oliver’s, but I declined because I don’t want him to be late with his work. I hugged dad before I left his unit. I also texted Oliver that I’m on the way to the store to buy the things for later.


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