
the oath of a father Beyond the Veil: A Naruto Reincarnation

In the chaotic streets of the city, a young man's life abruptly ends, his existence forever altered by the cruel hand of fate. As he grapples with the harsh realities of his new existence, he is driven by a relentless desire to reunite with his family. Traversing the treacherous landscape between life and death, he confronts the shadows of his past and the daunting mysteries of the afterlife. Fueled by a father's desperate determination, he embarks on a perilous journey to safeguard his daughter's future, navigating a world teetering on the brink of darkness. a haunting saga of loss, resilience, and the enduring echoes of love that linger in the darkest corners of existence. just a side project, I'm tired of seeing these low quality fanfictions that keep tarnishing Naruto , I'm hoping to make a fanfiction that will be of better quality than these cultivation (Chinese) and harem FF . do leave some comments and reviews, I will do everything within my abilities to better what I do therefore you guys need to show me the way to betterment this is just a side project smh my novel version got deleted... anyway nothing except my plotline and the MC belongs to me everything else to the author of naruto if I used something from you or anything like that do tell me so that I see what I can do and take it down

Grigo · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

the ambushed Hunter

"Good, they haven't noticed me. I must stay cautious; nonetheless, they might be aware that someone came to look. Well, the first time I'll be fighting one of the great demons in our realm. I'm fortunate it's not Satan; he would've finished the fight in an instant and left." Looking left and right, I pondered, "How should I start? Do I wait until the battle has ended, or do I go in now? Hmm, Lucifer is undoubtedly a formidable foe; facing him alone would be too much of a challenge." Taking a moment to prepare myself for the battle ahead, knowing it promised to be one for the ages, I stood up and gripped my bone sword tightly. Inhaling deeply, I exhaled slowly. "I can do it... I have to if I want to grow stronger," I whispered to myself as I stealthily moved towards the back of Lucifer, hoping everything would go smoothly.

Suddenly, a hand gripped my neck from behind, and I heard a voice filled with pride, "Look at that! Who do we have here, hehe! If it isn't our dear Hunter. Ohhhh, how I've wished for this encounter to happen. I hope you don't take it personally, but I couldn't help but notice that someone was disrupting the balance on our playground in the last few decades." Twisting my neck as much as possible to see the face of my aggressor, Lucifer, I spat, "Actually, you bastard, it's been a century since I started the hunt." He looked at me with indifference, like one would regard an ant... Ohhh, how I despised that look. It made me feel weak. As Lucifer opened his mouth to speak, I quickly coated my hands in wind and lightning chakra, severing the hand that gripped my neck, and leaped back a few paces. "So, Luci, how do you want to do this? Just a brawl where we pummel each other's faces continuously, or do you wish to finish off your previous opponent? I can sense his confusion; he must think you fled," I taunted, trying to goad him.

"Hmph! You think you're clever, human? Trying to evade me won't help you... But you are right; he might perceive me as weak. I must rectify that. Wait here for me, human," he sneered, his hand regenerating as he vanished into thin air. "Damn, he's fast. I can't afford to start weak; it could spell my end. I must begin at a level that poses a challenge, enough to tire him out. It's a risky gambit, but it might just work." Focusing my chakra to bolster myself, enhancing my eyesight and reaction speed, I prepared to face Lucifer head-on. As he moved to dispatch the lesser demon, I sprang into action, flashing beside Lucifer to strike him down *klainnggg!* He deflected my sword with the back of his hand, sustaining a few bruises, but nothing he couldn't heal with a mere thought. "I'd be lying if I said I'm not disappointed with your decision, Hunter, but I expected nothing less. NOW SHOW ME WHAT YOU ARE MADE OF, WEAKLING!!!!" While he ranted, he swept his right hand towards my face. Dodging by leaning forward, I planted my sword, which he deflected into the ground, then used it to propel myself back while kicking the base of the sword towards Lucifer's face *CHRRRUNKK!* The tip of the sword flew towards his face, slicing through the air with a *SCHLAKK,* leaving a cut on his face. "Oho? You do possess some skill, Hunter. This might not be as dull as my encounters with other demons," he conceded with a hint of arrogance.

As the battle unfolded, each combatant traded blows, their movements fluid yet deliberate. Lucifer's strikes were precise, aimed with deadly accuracy, while the Hunter fought with resilience, his determination unwavering despite the odds.

Lucifer darted forward, attempting a quick jab at the Hunter's side. The Hunter managed to sidestep the attack, but not without a graze along his arm. In retaliation, the Hunter swung his sword towards Lucifer's leg, aiming to disrupt his balance. Though Lucifer evaded the full force of the blow, the edge of the blade nicked his calf.

The skirmish continued, each participant trading minor injuries as they danced around one another. Lucifer landed a glancing blow to the Hunter's shoulder, causing him to stagger slightly, while the Hunter retaliated with a strike to Lucifer's forearm.

Despite the exchange of blows, neither combatant showed signs of faltering. They circled each other cautiously, seeking openings to exploit while defending against incoming attacks. With each clash of metal, the intensity of the battle grew, yet both remained determined to emerge victorious, trading injuries but refusing to yield.

As the battle raged on, Lucifer's cunning came to the fore. With a sly grin, he whispered an incantation, weaving an illusion that enveloped the Hunter's senses.

Suddenly, the world around the Hunter shifted, twisting into a nightmarish realm of torment. His surroundings blurred and distorted, and before him stood his beloved wife and daughter, their forms flickering like mirages.

"Welcome to my domain, Hunter," Lucifer's voice echoed through the illusion. "Did you forget? Illusions are my specialty."

The Hunter's heart clenched as he gazed upon his family, trapped within the cruel illusion. "No... this can't be real," he murmured, his voice trembling with anguish.

Lucifer circled around him, his presence suffocating. "Oh, but it is as real as your deepest fears," he taunted. "Watch as they suffer, just as they did before."

The illusion unfolded before the Hunter's eyes, each scene more horrifying than the last. He watched helplessly as his wife and daughter faced unspeakable horrors, their screams echoing in his mind.

Tears welled in the Hunter's eyes as despair consumed him. "Stop... please," he begged, his voice choked with sorrow.

But Lucifer only laughed, reveling in the Hunter's torment. "You see, Hunter, illusions can be more powerful than any physical attack. And now, you are at my mercy."

With a final flourish, Lucifer intensified the illusion, plunging the Hunter deeper into his worst nightmares. Overwhelmed by grief and anguish, the Hunter sank to his knees, broken by the weight of his despair.

As the Hunter was consumed by the harrowing images of his loved ones' suffering, Lucifer's eyes narrowed with twisted satisfaction. Amidst the chaos of the illusion, he spied the Hunter's sword lying abandoned on the ground.

With a malevolent smirk, Lucifer approached the kneeling Hunter, his movements deliberate and calculated. He reached down and seized the sword, its weight feeling ominous in his grasp.

Without hesitation, Lucifer thrust the blade into the Hunter's midsection, the sharp steel piercing through flesh with a sickening sound. The Hunter gasped in agony, his body jolting with the sudden impact.

"You see, Hunter," Lucifer hissed, his voice dripping with malice, "in this realm of illusions, pain is all too real."

As Lucifer walked away, leaving the Hunter writhing in agony, the world around him began to fade. The Hunter's gaze remained fixed on Lucifer's retreating form, his vision blurring as darkness encroached from the edges.

With each labored breath, the Hunter's strength waned, his body succumbing to the relentless assault of pain and despair. His eyelids grew heavy, weighed down by the enormity of his defeat.

As his vision dimmed, the last thing the Hunter saw was Lucifer's back, disappearing into the shadows. With a final, feeble effort, the Hunter whispered a silent vow of defiance.

Then, like a candle flickering out in the wind, his consciousness slipped away, consumed by the enveloping darkness. The battlefield fell silent, the only sound the echo of Lucifer's mocking laughter, lingering in the air. Darkness... I died I think ....

Or did I?

"Urgghhh, where am I? What happened?" I groaned, the sensation of pain coursing through every fiber of my being threatening to plunge me back into unconsciousness. Each breath felt like fire in my lungs, and I struggled to remain conscious amidst the torment. "Arrghhhh!!!" The cry escaped my lips, a primal expression of the agony that enveloped me. With a trembling hand, I reached towards the source of the sharp discomfort in my chest, only to recoil in horror as my fingers brushed against the hilt of my trusty sword, now embedded in my own body. Waves of memories crashed over me, each one a reminder of the relentless battle I had faced against Lucifer.

But amidst the pain, a different sensation began to stir within me—a seething rage that burned brighter than the fires of hell itself. "That bastard!!" I roared, my voice echoing through the desolate landscape. The realization that Lucifer had used my own family against me ignited a fury unlike any I had ever known. How dare he manipulate my emotions, twist them into weapons against my very soul?

The weight of that truth pressed down on me, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable. What could I do against someone who could tear me apart with my own pain? It was a chilling thought, one that left me grappling with my own powerlessness in the face of such manipulation.

"Emotions ... That's what makes me vulnerable isn't it?" But how do I get rid of my emotions?

Or at least for the time while I'm here ?

I could seal them but I've never tried fuinjutsu

Or would it be juinjutsu?

Using juinjutsu to seal away my emotions might not be the most suitable option because cursed seals are designed for coercion or punishment rather than containment. Additionally, they often come with detrimental side effects, which could further complicate my situation.

On the other hand, fuinjutsu offers more versatility and precision in sealing techniques. It allows for the creation of intricate seals tailored to specific purposes, such as containing emotions without harmful repercussions. Therefore, fuinjutsu would likely be a better choice for me to seal away my emotions effectively and safely.While both fuinjutsu and juinjutsu involve sealing techniques, they differ in their applications and mechanics. Juinjutsu, also known as cursed seals, typically involve placing a mark on a target's body to exert control or inflict harm. These seals are often associated with negative effects, such as draining chakra or causing pain.

"Okay let's get to it , Welp... I'm still nailed to the ground with my sword , can't do much for now except wait that I regain a bit of my strength to take it out and heal .shit !! It hurts slow and steady I don't want to make the pain even worse , uhhhh first I gotta take us out of the ground .... Alright I hope I won't bleed to death " using chakra to make it so that the blood stays in my body I took out the sword and made a makeshift bandage with some old clothes.


" Now onto the seal I think it should go like this"

First, I utilize the kanji for "emotion" kanjō and "chakra" chakura to seal away my emotions and a part of my expelled chakra. This compound, Kanjō Chakura Fū, ensures that my emotions remain contained, preventing any unintentional release.

Next, I add the kanji for "mind" kokoro to seal a mental command, and ensuring that my thoughts and directives remain under my control. This expanded compound becomes Kanjō Chakura Kokoro Fū, addressing both emotional and mental aspects.

To safeguard these sealed components, I incorporate the kanji for "lock" jō into the compound, creating Kanjō Chakura Kokoro Fū Jō. This signifies the added security of a lock, preventing unauthorized access to my sealed emotions and commands.

Finally, to ensure that I can access these sealed aspects when needed, I introduce the kanji for "key" kagi into the compound, forming Kanjō Chakura Kokoro Fū Jō Kagi. This complete compound represents the sealing of emotions, chakra, and mental commands, protected by a lock and accessible only with the corresponding key.

With this comprehensive sealing technique in place, I am fortified against manipulation and interference, maintaining control over my psyche and abilities even in the face of formidable adversaries like Lucifer.

But... where should I put it? On the roof of my mouth or the back of my neck? And what should I use to write it? I understand that blood is chakra-conductive, but where exactly should I position the seal... These thoughts raced through my mind as I contemplated the finer details of this sealing technique.

With clinical detachment, I proceed to execute the sealing technique I have devised. My hand remains steady as I draw upon my chakra reserves to shape the kanji characters with precision. Carefully considering the placement, I opt for the roof of my mouth, a strategic choice symbolizing internal containment.

With a calculated bite, I draw forth a small amount of blood and begin to inscribe the characters with methodical precision using a little blade I made for delicate work . Each cut is deliberate, devoid of emotion, as I ensure the seal is executed flawlessly.

As the final cut fell into place, I feel a surge of energy pulse through me, indicating the seal's activation. My emotions are now contained, shielded from external manipulation, and my mind fortified against intrusion.

Though the journey ahead remains uncertain, I face it with renewed resolve, knowing that I have taken a crucial step towards mastering my inner turmoil and achieving my objectives.

With the sealing technique completed, I can feel the subtle shift in my psyche as my emotions are contained within the seal. There is a distant sense of detachment, as if a veil has been drawn over my feelings, leaving me with a calm, almost clinical demeanor.

Additionally, the seal designed to absorb excess chakra hums with latent potential, a reservoir of power waiting to be tapped into when needed. It serves as a safeguard against chakra overload, offering me a means to unlock a surge of energy in times of dire necessity.

As I contemplate the implications of these sealed aspects, I am filled with a sense of cautious optimism. Though the loss of my emotions may initially seem like a hindrance, I recognize the strategic advantage it grants me in maintaining focus and control amidst the chaos of battle.

And with the ability to unlock the seal and access the stored chakra reserves, I am imbued with a newfound confidence, knowing that I possess the means to unleash a formidable surge of power when the situation demands it.

With these seals in place, I am prepared to face whatever challenges lie ahead, armed with a disciplined mind and an arsenal of hidden strengths waiting to be unleashed.

In the quiet of my respite, I take a moment to remember why I've endured centuries of hellish battles: to reunite with my family. Each demon slain, each drop of blood shed, has been a step toward that singular goal.

The memories weigh heavy on my mind, but amidst the chaos, there are fleeting moments of hope. The thought of seeing my loved ones again sustains me, driving me forward through the darkest of times.

With renewed determination, I steel myself for the challenges ahead, knowing that every victory brings me closer to the reunion I've longed for. And so, with hope burning bright, I continue on my journey, one step at a time.