
The Noble's love


Poetri_cantique · Urbain
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107 Chs

the graduation

"Why?" I turned my face and looked at him with a question I couldn't deny.

"I could have died of diabetes because of you," Abi replied as he continued to whisper it in my ears.

"I know I'm sweet. But not be able to make someone diabetic," I replied straightforwardly to his seduction.

"have you take any medicine this morning, ras?" the dropped word bomb completely ruined all the reactions from my heart that had soared into space. Like an atomic bomb that exploded destroyed all my hopes.

"What happen with you, babe?" asked Bella beside me.

"Nothing. I feel cold near an iceberg mountain, how about your honeymoon last night?" I asked her about this weird passionate desire. The fact is I've only been burning with passion since last night that I never felt with Kris.

"Uh, little kids can't go into the adult business," Bella replied with a smile.

"Yes... I want to know. It's said that it will hurt a lot the first time, so I am a bit scared," I whispered into Bella's ear with my pretty innocent face.

"Not really, you will get really addicted to the thing. If we do not have this graduation and his work, we will be still on the bed and enjoy it ourselves. Moreover, your fiance is a person with a level of God descended to the world," Bella whispers back to my ear.

"That iceberg," I replied in disbelief. Indeed I admit, Abi's face is too perfect for people in general. If he were an actor, his face would dominate all television and media in the country.

"Who else? Kris is not really as handsome as him?" Answer Bella. Everyone around me strongly disapproves of my relationship with Kris. I peeked at the message I sent last night and I couldn't be interested in looking up at the phone when there was no reply from Kris.

"Yes," I replied quietly as I continued to devour all the food on my plate.

"Uh, I just finished watching the latest grey sequel movie. Have you ever watched it? Let's have a movie night as usual before returning to the homeland?" invited Bella which always do in the apartment.

"DOne. I'm having Moscato wine as usual." I asked Bella because we were students who wouldn't be able to afford expensive drinks. We are both lovers of Moscatos wine. The drink is quite light and the main thing is the sweet to taste.

It turns out that the time to go to campus is very close. We immediately rushed to the lobby area where Abi had rented a van to transport us all to our university.

We followed the graduation events with wisdom. Bella and I are wearing toga clothes that we had rented in the student area. We both use our regional custom clothes even though they have been carefully modified to be a little modern. But our clothes wowed some of our friends. We feel proud of our clothes and make us proud as representatives of Indonesia.

We sat in a designated area waiting for our names to be called to advance to the podium where we would receive our graduation results. What I can't believe is that Abi is sitting on the podium. He looks very handsome and young among the lecturers who are old.

"Look, your iceberg is sitting among the main invitees in our university. It's great for your husband," Bella found Abi in the invitation line of the university lecturers as a respectable invitee.

The event immediately begins with all speeches from the rector to the faculty leadership and goes directly towards the submission of the award charter and certificate to each student. It was time for our line to take the podium to be changed and signal that our journey as students was complete.

I went up to the podium to receive a diploma from the faculty head and the rector changed the toga rope in our hats. I greet all the lecturers along with the important invitee from campus before descending back towards my seat.