
The new skywalker

I am the new skywalker

Lazycrusader · Films
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17 Chs

Goodbye my lover

The new day approached and everyone was ready to depart, i had loaded up everyone's gears on to my speeder and had JV-15 ride beside me on his own speeder, i had to go along for the ride i didn't tell them about Darth maul, and with how many more people Qui-Gon had now i knew i had to give him a hand.

Padme was riding with jar jar and the girls and i had the 3 boys with me, i told Qui-Gon he had to ride solo as noone wanted to ride with the homeless looking man, i waved to my mother and we were on our way.

We were speeding along and Bob gave me a warning, i sent the message to the rest of my crew, i looked back and told JV-15 to hang back a little, Qui-Gon and Padme looked at me and i told them to not worry about him.

Finally Qui-Gon felt the disturbance and he slowed down as well riding beside JV-15, like a bat out of hell Darth maul came soaring shooting at us, i saw Qui-Gon was going to do something fancy, but i didn't have time for that so i had JV-15 throw a well placed Emp mine on the ground as soon as Darth maul rode over it it exploded sending him flying and land on his feet like a cat, and his speeder stopping dead in its tracks.

We finally made it to the ship and told Obi Wan to hurry up and get that big bird of the ground, Qui-Gon and maul were having their battle, the crew were enamored with the display of powers, even though they could do the same, the battle was a tie and noone getting the higher ground, the part was fixed to the ship thanks to JV-15 and R2-D2 and was flying in the air, it hovered above the duelists, Qui-Gon sent a force push and jumped and soared onto the ramp, maul was blinded for a second and he lost his target he grabbed at the ship with his grip which couldn't leave properly, i knew this was my big moment, i looked at my crew and said my goodbyes an told them I'll see them soon, i looked at everyone else and nodded, as i was walking towards the back Padme tried to stop me and i told her i needed to do it for her to get away.

she had a few tears and i wiped them, i poked my tongue at Obi Wan and gave a slight nod to Qui-Gon i looked back at Padme

"too bad we'll never know if this was meant to be"

I fell backwards looking towards them like a badass, my crew were laughing at my outlandish performance, Padme was crying until one of my crew whispered in her ear, which caused her to wipe her tears and scowl at me, which i couldn't see as i was falling towards the earth, JV-15 was behind me and Maul was directly in front of me, i stretched out like a star and then the change happened.

JV-15 started to open up, his whole front was open, i told Bob to slow me down so JV-15 could cover me, he started to wrap around my body like an armour, one which I'm sure you're familiar with (dun dun Dunn) as we were about to hit the ground i sent a couple blaster shots to mauls face who had to block causing him to let go of the ship, as that sailed away and i hero landed causing a big crater.

I dusted myself off as i took a quick peek behind me, did i look cool just now hoping to get some applause, maul got up as we eyed each other like a Mexican stand off, he tried intimidating me with his lightsaber and fancy moves i laughed and sent a few grenades in which Bob had hidden in his field, they exploded knocking old fancy pants out like a light, the ship came back and hovered i ended up flying towards them, my crew laughed and clapped, i tried to see my girl, but she was nowhere to be found, i flew all around the ship until i saw her through one of the windows changing into her queen outfit.

I went to knock on the window she was shocked at first but then i could see the anger grow in her eyes, i leant into the window and kissed it, then blew on it and made a love heart, as the ship took off i could see she was trying to catch a glimpse of me out of the said window, i had quite the contrary, i had lived my life in my previous world and now here i am trying to groom my future wife in this one, is it wrong of me? bah who knows

I flew back down to Maul who was still knocked out, i patted him down and stole everything that was not tied to him, he was pretty rich and that in turn made me a pretty penny, i didn't know what to do with him now, should i have Bob change him for the better or should i keep him how he was and let fate runs its course. I played with his lightsaber doing all his fancy moves and then some thanking you Bob, i decided to have Bob change his memories and that they had barely escaped his grasp, also changed that Qui-Gon didn't have any new people with him when he went into the ship, i can't have him hunting my crew, not when I've put so much work into them, i also made him forget he had anything on him other than his lightsaber and his speeder.

I flew off headed back towards my house and when i got there i was not happy you could feel it in the air i was ready to kill.....