
First Fight

Chester Yetrew is a man who was tasked with taking out the Demon at The Griffith Academy. The Celestial Church has about 80% of the planet. They are more influential then all of the kingdoms combined. If you want to survive you either stay low or join up with them or an ally.


Chester lunged forward with a speed even greater than before. He swung his sword 3 times at Dakota to no avail. Just like before Dakota dodged the strikes, but this time they were closer to hitting him than before.

"You are getting lucky kid. Pretty soon you'll be dead and all this effort will be for nothing." Chester laughed as he said this. He realized this might actually be a fun fight.

Chester continued his onslaught for another hour. The time was 7:30 am, that meant that they had a hour and a half to get to class. The classroom building was a 30 walk away, meaning they had to finish the fight within the next hour.

Dakota was getting tired and slower. For the first time he git hit, although a minor he still took damage.

-24 vitality

Out of the corner of his eye he read the notification, this meant he could only take 8 more hits until he dies. The sudden realization that his life was on the line once again made hime scared. He did not want to die once more, especially since he liked this world more than his old one.

With a new wave of determination, Dakota started to attack Chester back. Although his strikes were fast, Chester was faster and could parry each one of his attacks. Slowly he was losing more health.




With the threat of death approaching closer and closer, Dakota backed off. With 187 vitality left he could survive for a bit longer at his current pace. Chester grew impatient and started attacking back.




Dakota did his best to dodge the attacks but was too slow. He was down to 107 vitality and wouldn't last much longer.

"Demon purification strike," shouted Chester as he was about to strike. His sword glowed a bright yellow and elongated 2 feet as if to make sure that it hit. As Chester swung down with the sword, Dakota knew he couldn't dodge this one. He just closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

When he heard the sword strike he expected there to be another bright light...but there was nothing. When be opened his eyes his heart sank. Lying on the floor directly in front of him was Gory.

Gory was lying in a pool of blood. He had gotten out of the chair he was confined to just to save Dakota.

Dakota knelt down next to his friend, "Why? Why would you do that Gory?"

With a smirk on his face he simply said, "That's what friends do. I know you would do the same for me. I would do it over and over again if I could."

With tears rolling down his face Dakota couldn't help but smile. He knew that he had made a true friend. Although they knew each other for only a day, they were already better friends than anyone was on his old planet.

Gory coughed up some blood on the floor, all the while still smiling. "Dakota, you were the best person I could have hoped to meet. Although it was short I had a great time, thank you." With these final words, Gory went limp and his eyes turned lifeless. Dakota knew his friend was now dead.

"Oops, that wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to die after I killed you. Well doing things a little out of order doesn't change the plan," Chester said with a smile on his face.

"How can you smile when you just took an innocent life. He had nothing to do with our fight. He was my friend and wasn't a Demon so why?"

"He was associated with you. Anyone who gets close to the Demons has to die as well. We usually kill them after so that they know what they did wrong but either way it still works."


Meanwhile back at the school breakfast is being eaten. The teachers along with Lisa noticed that both Gory and his roommate weren't there. At first they assumed they just slept in and went to wake them up, but when the Dorm master told them that the dorms were empty they grew suspicious.

All of a sudden a intense aura was felt by the stronger of the students. You have to be at a certain power level to be able to sense others aura. This aura felt heavy, the teachers could tell that whatever it was, it was dangerous.

Lisa grew worried and had a horrified look on her face. She recognized the aura, she had sensed traces of it on Gory. It was Dakota's! She immediately told the teachers who it belonged too and their eyes grew wide. They realized that he was losing control.


"I swear, you will die in this building Chester. You will pay for what you have done."

The walls of the building started shaking and tiles from the ceiling started falling to the floor. Chester had no idea what was going on.

Chester fell to the ground but was quickly able to get up to his feet.

Dakota was on all fours and one of his eyes was pitch black. Chester realized what happened and tried to escape the building, but when he tried he got pulled back to the center of the room by an unknown force. He was terrified. Dakota has gone into his Demon form and would be exponentially stronger than before.

All of a sudden Dakota was out of sight. Chester had no idea where he went. Instinctively he used the Demon purification strike behind him but to no avail. His sword broke in half.

In Dakota's mind he could see his status screen, what he saw shocked him to his core.

Strength: 2500

Agility: 4800

Defense: 3300

Vitality: 13000/30000

Intelligence: 2

This gave him a power level of 35,300. It also made him the strongest in his class. He had no idea how he got so strong but he could tell that there was something else inside him that was influencing him. He was scared of what he could do...but he was happy at what he WAS doing.

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