
The New Continent

Jarvis Maximus has awoken on an unknown continent on Earth though in this universe Earth was different as leaders for each nation was different from the ones in reality

Dr_Dred · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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71 Chs

The Start of the Manchukuo War For Freedom

All Pictures and Names of the Military vehicles that will be mentioned during this War

SC-1 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (Image Here)

Jumping Spider Tank (Image)

JMT-2 Jackal Multirole Tank (Image)

Pelican Troop Transporter (Image)

Imperial Heli Carrier (Image)

ISS-4 Stealth Bomber (Image)

Imperial Aircraft Carrier (Image)

SFJ-10 Imperial Multi Role Fighter (Image)

Imperial Soldier Armor (Image)



By the Time the next morning came Prime Minister Jin had made it back to the Capital of Manchukuo to lead his countrymen to victory against the Japanese.

At this time he had also ceded the Territory of Yingkou to the Empire.

It was 8 AM in the morning and Jarvis was currently in his office as he was preparing the broadcast that would announce his Empire's involvement in the War.

And by now almost 18 hours have passes since the War was started and the world already knows since thanks to social media the way information travel's is fast.

Once Jarvis was ready he had begun the broadcast to the people of his Empire. Many other news station's had caught wind of this and was already waiting for the Broadcast.

Citizen's of the Empire stopped to watch the broadcast to hear their Emperor's word's.

"Citizen's of the Empire I am sorry to interupt and take up your time today, but I have come with an announcement" Said Jarvis as he paused for a moment

"I am sure you have heard of the War against the Manchukuo people that the Japanese Have started" Many people started nodding while also shaking their heads since the war could not be won alone. It would require some outside help to free the people of Manchukuo from the clutches of the Japanese Empire.

"Yesterday I had received the Prime Minister of the Manchukuo State in the Palace to discuss helping them become free from the Japanese Empire, in which I agreed to help them since the Japanese Empire has been abusing their power as Overlord's to forcefully take people and beat them within the state of Manchukuo which is against the right's that we have as humans, and any attempt to fight back will be seen as a rebellion causing the Japanese Empire to send in their military to put the people back in their places" Explained Jarvis

Many people had seen news stories on thing such as this but couldn't believe that it was true. But now that the Emperor has just said that it was true then the must believe it.

"Such a thing is now what our Empire stands for. So on this Day I have no choice but to announce that the Empire will support the people of Manchukuo and we will help them become free from the clutches of the Japanese Empire" Said Jarvis as the people erupted into cheers hearing that they were going to help them.

"Our Military will not fail to bring back victory and we shall defeat them and free the Manchukuo people. That is all my citizen's you are free to carry on with your day as usual this war does not affect the nation and no enemy will reach our land" Said Jarvis as he ended the Broadcast.

Once he ended the broadcast he put his hand on top of his head "That was such a trash excuse for a speech" Jarvis said to himself

"I need to get better" Jarvis said to himself as he begun to think of how to improve his speeches that he will be making.

He was thinking for so long that he became lost in thought and didn't notice Ova who walked into the room.

"Master the Fleet is ready at the Port city of Lord's Port and is ready to launch on your command" Reported Ova

Jarvis who was thinking had came back to reality "Okay who is Leading the Fleet" asked Jarvis

"Alena has decided to go herself since this is the first war in this new world she wanted to experience war first hand" Said Ova

"Okay good and what about the 2nd Heli Carrier is it completed" Asked Jarvis. Currently the production of powerful and massive military units would take some time which is something that he wanted to change.

"Yes It is currently prepared to depart along with the fleet" Reported Ova

"Good now I have a scheduled visit to Ethiopia to speak with the African Emperor Aster Fikre about the situation on the African Continent in about 6 hours or so but I will leave early and will leave Armorra in charge" Said Jarvis

"Very well Master I shall prepare for our departure" Said Ova as she left the room to prepare for the trip to Ethiopia.


3 Hours Later near the Port Naha the Japanese Imperial Fleet has been on high alert as they have been informed that the Empire has just declared war on them.

So the Japanese High Command wanted to prevent the Imperial forces of the Empire from landing anywhere near their coast.

Not that they could since the Japanese Empire is an impenetrable fortress that can't be attacked without the attacker facing heavy casualties.

The 4th Japanese Fleet which was stationed at the port of Naha has been patrolling the sea for hours now keeping watch.

The fleet consisted of 10 Destroyer's, 2 battleship's, and 4 cruiser's. This was a relatively small fleet compared to the larger Japanese Fleet's but the Japanese High command also didn't think that the Empire even had enough Naval forces to push through.

Moment's later the as the Japanese Fleet was patrolling their water's they had picked up a fleet on their radar.

Looking at he size of the fleet they didn't think that it could be from the Empire but at the same time they were on the lookout for the Empire's ship so they didn't hesitate to aim their gun's that direction and wait for the enemy ship's to get into range.


On the deck of the Empire's Battle Cruiser the ISS Titan Alena was standing on the bridge of the ship with the Admiral next to her.

"Ma'am the Japanese Fleet is in our range and we are ready to engage" Reported the Admiral

"Have the Heli carrier Launch some fighter's to mop up the last bit of the Japanese Fleet and you are clear to fire when ready" Said Alena

"Aye Ma'am" Said the Admiral confirming her order's

The Admiral pressed the button in his console which sent out a fleet wide broadcast "All Hands prepare to fire 2 consecutive volley's" Ordered the Admiral

The Admiral waited a few seconds before he ordered them to fire.

"Fire!" Said the Admiral as the Guns of every ship had fired in the direction of the Japanese Fleet.

The Deafening roar of the weapon's had even alerted the Japanese Fleet since their radar's had picked up the incoming volley.

On the bridge on the Battle ship the radar operator had turned around to report the situation "Sir the enemy fleet has just fired a volley at us from where there at" Reported the Japanese Sailor

"That's impossible this distance is way too great to fire weapon's, no country has this amount of range" Said the Japanese Admiral not believing what he just heard

So he walked over to the computer to see exactly what was going on and that's when he saw it.

Once he seen the Radar he immediately ordered "Have every ship activate the missile defense System" Ordered the Admiral

But the timing between the Japanese Sailor to inform the other ship's was too great as within the next 5 seconds the volley hit the Japanese Fleet sinking almost every ship. While the automated defense system was activated the volley was to fast for even the system to lock on.

The Admiral's ship was hit multiple time's but it wasn't sinking. It had multiple hull breaches on the side's of the ship and more than half of the system's were disabled.

The entire bridge was in chaos.

One of the sailors stood up and grabbed the control console so that he could hold himself up. Those that were not that much injured had stood up.

The Japanese Admiral was knocked out due to the impact resulting in the second in command having to take charge.

"Status report of the Fleet" Asked the Now acting Admiral of the fleet who was a Captain

"Sir all the destroyer's and cruiser's were destroyed with only our ship remaining while the other battle ship is abandoning ship" Reported the Japanese Sailor.

"Also 5 of our 6 Gun's were destroyed leaving only 1 that is operable but we can't use it since that attack disabled our weapon's system" Said the Japanese Sailor as he couldn't believe what was going on right now

The Acting Admiral hearing the report knew that the battle was lost and there was no chance at winning.

"Order everybody to abandon ship and get to the life boats this battle is already lost" Said the Captain.

"Yes Sir" Said the Japanese Sailor as he activated the abandon ship button which activated an automated message informing the ship to abandon ship.

Meanwhile 1000 meters away 4 Fighter's from the Empire's Heli Carrier were heading towards the fleet.

"This is squad leader ready all weapon's to destroy any last remaining enemy ship" Said the Squad Leader also known as Green-1

"This is Green-2 I am armed and ready"

"This is Green-3 I am Armed and Ready"

"This is Green-4 I am armed and ready to drop payload"

"Confirmed all pilot's reported in activate missile deployment" Said Green-1

All pilot's activated their missile deployment system's which open's up the bottom of the ship and launches a missile at it's intended target.

Once they were in range of the last ship of the Japanese Fleet the launched their missiles.

The Last Japanese ship was destroyed and those that survived were in the water on life boats.

Back inside of the Empire's Battle Cruiser Titan the Admiral reported in

"Ma'am all ship's destroyed" Reported the Admiral.

"Good, now deploy some Pelican's to the Port of Naha and prepare me a transport to the Heli Carrier, Admiral I leave you in charge of the fleet you have full authorization to destroy any Japanese Fleet's until you arrive at the Port in Yingkou" Ordered Alena

"Aye Ma'am, have a safe trip" Said the Admiral as he saluted Alena

Alena returned the Salute and left towards the Pelican on the Deck of the ship.

The Empire's Navy will make it's way to Yingkou While the Heli carrier along with the Air transport's will head toward's Manchukuo to offer support.

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