8 Knight

Mr.Knight was having a deep thought about his decision joining Eliza's company and the contract he had made. It was manipulative of him to do that. He let her signed the contract without telling the contents of it. Yes, he has a plan and that is to make her...

Before she could finish what he was thinking a man came in.

"Hey bro, what's up."

"Shut up Shun." Shun is his best friend and his business partner.

"Well, I came here last time and you were not here. I was just wondering what you were doing. You haven't hanged out with me."

" Why would I hang out with you?"

"Ahww, you're hurting my feelings bro" said Shun while looking hurt.

"Nah, stop it, you moron. Why are you here?"

Shun's face became serious and he said, "Well..."

"What?" said Knight shouting.

"Chill bro, I just missed you."

"You will get out of this room or I will punch you to death " said Knight looking pissed.

"Seriously man, I came here to give you this."

Knight opened the envelope and read its contents.

"Still no good results?"

"I've been trying hard to find out something fishy but I couldn't. I think someone really powerful is backing up. "

"Okay, thanks man."

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