A world of worlds, eras, and time lines. Of merging magical systems and societies, dark pasts, and horrible cataclysms. One character is merely one of many, each affecting the world strongly in their time alive. This series, follows in its beginning brothers each with the peak of Mind, Body, and Spirit. However...they aren't the main characters, just bringers of the path the world will take. With fate decided for them up to a point, how the world comes to be after fate loses its grasp on them is truly...up to angels and demons, and monsters of men.
This isn't going to be a fun tale, but through it you will glean what choices could have been made. The infinite amount of possibilities is something no man can guess though…not even myself as the author of these tales.
3 small babies are to be born today.
Knowing nothing of the outside world or who they even are in such a vast world.
Mother's lye upon beds, equidistant to one another, struggling in pain to stay awake.
The room around them adorned with the greatest of paintings, 3 with monsters of ferocious bodies.
One a panther with 9 tails flailing in the wind fighting off a sea of creatures around it in the middle of an island, beside it a tree creature, and a wolf with a large tail and fur made of grass and earth.
The next painting depicts the vast bodies of the creatures around them dead, each of the three creatures fighting them wounded. The third painting is the three creatures looking down to three men, Energy being sent out of the creatures into the men who are afloat within the air.
This is the story of the three great Elders of one of the most powerful clans of this world.
Three men coincidentally are on the outside of the room, talking amongst one another of what's happening on the door across from them closed. Worried looks upon each of their faces.
"Since time immemorial bestowment must be granted to the sons from the fathers with special abilities, unlike most beings who are born with inherent traits those with special abilities must give them while within the womb to their young.." Says a tall and fiercely built man.
Besides him a thinner, and just shorter by 2 head's, man speaks out before he finishes the sentence…
"But! You well know that what we're facing requires everything in our arsenal to be thrown at what's coming to the island. We have lived in peace for so long….. And now, our sons are being born during this storm".
The last of the three men looks out from a window towards the distance, eyes piercing the void of space itself as if seeing something those around him cannot.
"Regardless of the outcome, even if our clans are to fall…we must make headway for the next generation. So that they can carry on what we could not… rising above the fold of the heavens themselves. Although they will take on the burdens of mountains in which they yet to even know of, we can do what we must as their fathers and protect who we love; we 3 all know we will die for that cause. So what is there to be anxious about? Will we be the ones taking on this burden after death? No."
The three sat down in silence, not touching the drinks in front of them. The tallest man stood up, speaking with the voice of an emperor without hesitation in what he says next. ''Disperse the clan, we will hide amongst the world until our sons can unite when they've truly matured. When that happens we will wage war on those that wish us to fall. Reunite our clans and strike like heavenly thunder. Until then we must not die just yet, we have to help them grow."
The shortest of the three looks up to him, "Then we shall do so, I'll gather the resources we have from the treasure house leaving nothing for them in our wake. I'll leave by nightfall, and leave a transmission crystal with you" The thinner man begins to send out energy into a crystal he's holding to inform the island caretakers.
The second tallest man and what is the leader of the three can't help but think to himself.
How was I blessed with brothers like this, who feel fear like any other mortal but can rise above it and rule it even in the face of death? "I'll open my dimension, and take those of the clan into it. We can't save everyone because we must leave some here to delay the enemy. The most loyal to us, shall leave with us. Bring our sons there, I must leave. But first…"
They solemnly walked towards the door to their wives and looked to the wood paneling making up the door with veneration. Without hesitation the middle heighted man pushes and walks into the door and closes it.
The other two men look at each other before following behind him into the room before closing the door.
Slowly light congeals as the first man waves his hands grasping at the laws of the universe, all three of them standing in a triad formation with their wives. Each holding the hand of one, making a 6 sided star formation, a willing spirit emanating from the eyes of their wives. Each shout in unison "WE SHALL BE VICTORIOUS…" it echoes deeply throughout the stone, with the air, and resonates with the blood of the 6 in the room.
Tears stream down their faces as their other hand grasp the swell of stomach they lovingly look at with the force of energy only a star could produce. A different colored light starts to appear above each of those hands. The man in the middle, as each of the men do, kisses his wife on the forehead. "Goodbye my love, I shall meet you in time on the planes of oblivion, wait for me there" His hands rise, Astral energy surges forth and the life force of the three wives pervades the air like a hurricane, the sealing array for the room keeping the sounds of explosions from the outside. A flare of energy from each man floats from their soul into the wives stomachs like fireflies to immense light. Sinking into the skin and into their sons.
"AaaaaAAAAAAAA….." The man forces his energy to the limit, as he reigns the 9 laws of the universe like the horses of a god vessel. Sending different energies into the wombs, they miraculously glow.
Within the wombs, 6 eyes fly open as the babies start moving, kicking their legs and writhing around as they each glow with energy, 2 sons glow with all 9 energies and the last with 2 energies.
Outside the room a maid has just run in, after receiving a transmission she's sweating and crying. Making her seem as if she just stepped through torrential rain.
2 women follow behind her with the same look of grievance as they bow to the door with their arms unwaveringly held up to the air. 3 calls of babies crying pervades the air with sound, the heavens shine a 9 colored light onto the massive building and the mountain it stands upon, as if giving its blessing too to the birth of these children.
3 men step out and each hand their son to a woman, before a portal is opened behind them by the man in the middle, 3 names stroked in blood by the mothers before their deaths on the foreheads of their children.
Spectre, Yuki, and Apollo each with different calligraphy resonating with power. The three men without thinking turn and take one step bridging space into the portal before it closes disappearing into the purple swirling void towards 3 different directions on this vast world.
6 sets of tears hit the floor at that moment, crystalline in form and without dissipation. Pure sadness and fierce spirit can be felt as they scatter across the floor.
The 3 maids look to one another and nod, before wiping their faces and flying out the window 100's of feet above the ground as if treading on flat ground. They glide down the hill towards awaiting guards standing straight like the spears they hold. Each holding an earring, in which they carefully pierce each of the sons ears with.
As the sons come into this world in just mere moments, the land in which they would have grown up in is desolate with nobody but those 6 standing amongst a vast city. Houses piercing the clouds like divine swords, meticulously crafted and built by those that lived here.
The 3 guards burn energy that surges in to their feet. The three men combine into one creating a being with 6 arms with legs the thickness of barrels. They hold each son in massive arms, three heads gazing like a stone statue into the distance. The legs kick and the being sweeps into horizon like a shell from a cannon.
A sonic boom is heard, after the maids see the being disappear into the distance they swivel and glide back towards towers on each side of the island activating magic and stored energy for centuries, the island disappears into space. Flying away.
A journey begins.